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HP OpenVMS Systems

BASIC Translator
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Compaq BASIC Translator
User Manual

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Appendix A
Appendix A Diagnostic Messages
     A.1     Informational Messages
     A.2     Warning Messages
     A.3     Error Messages
     A.4     Severe Messages
Appendix B
Appendix B Run-Time Library Kit
Appendix C
Appendix C Supported Terminal Emulator Functions
1 Conventions Used in This Manual
2 Telephone and Direct Mail Orders
2-1 Command Qualifiers and Support Levels
3-1 Lexical Directives and Support Levels
3-2 Rules for Naming Identifiers
3-3 Radix Table
3-4 Data Type Translations
3-5 Numeric Literal Translation Examples
3-6 Predefined String Constants
3-7 Use of Operators in VAX BASIC and DEC BASIC and Visual Basic
3-8 Translation Table
4-1 VAX BASIC or DEC BASIC Data Types
4-2 Visual Basic Data Types
6-1 Translation of Exception Handling Statements
7-1 EXIT Statement Keyword Translation

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