A block is a compound statement. It allows more than one statement
to appear where a single statement ordinarily is used. It is made
up of a list of declarations and statements, enclosed in braces:
{ [declaration ...] [statement ...] }
The declaration list is optional; if it is included, all
declarations of variables are local to the block and supersede
previous declarations for the duration of the block. A block is
entered normally when control flows into it, or when a goto
statement transfers control to a label at the beginning of the
block. Each time the block is entered normally, storage is
allocated for auto or register variables. If, on the other hand, a
goto statement transfers control to a label inside the block or if
the block is the body of a switch statement, these storage
allocations do not occur. Blocks can be used wherever single
statements are valid -- for example, as the action clause of an if
if ( i < 1 )
char x;
for (x = 'a'; x <= 'z'; x++)
printf("char = %c\n", x);
} /* END OF BLOCK */
In HP C source programs, you can include both OpenVMS and UNIX*
style file specifications. Combinations of the two specifications
are not supported by HP C.
Example of a valid UNIX* file specification:
Example of an invalid UNIX* file specification:
* UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.
The data type of an object must be specified in its declaration.
The fundamental data types are the scalar types:
short int 16-bit signed integer
signed short int 16-bit signed integer
unsigned short int 16-bit unsigned integer
int 32-bit signed integer
signed int 32-bit signed integer
unsigned int 32-bit unsigned integer
long int 32-bit signed integer
signed long int 32-bit signed integer
unsigned long int 32-bit unsigned integer
long long int 64-bit signed integer
signed long long int 64-bit signed integer
unsigned long long int 64-bit unsigned integer
char 8-bit signed integer
signed char 8-bit signed integer
unsigned char 8-bit unsigned integer
wchar_t Long character (32-bit unsigned integer)
float 32-bit (single-precision) floating-point number
double 64-bit (double-precision) floating-point number
long double 128-bit (double-precision) floating-point
long float Interchangeable with double, but usage is
_Bool An unsigned int that has the value 0 or 1
_Imaginary A C99-specified data type. In HP C, use of the
_Imaginary keyword produces a warning, which is
resolved by treating it as an ordinary
_Complex C99-specified data type available in all three
precisions: float _Complex, double _Complex,
or long double _Complex. A complex type has
the same representation and alignment
requirements as an array type containing
exactly two elements of the corresponding real
type; the first element is equal to the real
part, and the second element to the imaginary
part, of the complex number.
Note: This complex data type is similar to the
Fortran type, and has an associated header
file, <complex.h>. Although the fundamental
complex data types are implemented in the
compiler, the run-time support will not be
available until an OpenVMS Alpha release
following Version 7.3.
The signed keyword is the default. Declaring an object with int,
for example, is equivalent to declaring it with signed int.
However, char declarations should be explicitly declared, as the
compiler offers command-line options to change the default. If in
doubt, use signed char over char because signed char is more
Strings are arrays of characters terminated by the null character
Also, view the contents of the <ints.h> header file for definitions
of platform-specific integer types.
Additional Information on:
Declarations specify the functions and variables referenced in a
program. Declarations in C have the following syntax:
declaration-specifiers [init-declarator-list];
storage-class-specifier [declaration-specifiers]
type-specifier [declaration-specifiers]
type-qualifier [declaration-specifiers]
init-declarator-list, init-declarator
declarator = initializer
Note the following items about the general syntax of a declaration:
o The storage-class-specifier, type-qualifier, and type-specifier
can be listed in any order. All are optional, but, except for
function declarations, at least one such specifier or qualifier
must be present. Placing the storage-class-specifier anywhere
but at the beginning of the declaration is an obsolete style.
o Storage-class keywords are auto, static, extern, and register.
o Type qualifiers are const, volatile, __restrict, and
o The declarator is the name of the object being declared. A
declarator can be as simple as a single identifier, or can be a
complex construction declaring an array, structure, pointer,
union, or function (such as *x, tree(), and treebar[10]).
o Initializers are optional and provide the initial value of an
object. An initializer can be a single value or a
brace-enclosed list of values, depending on the type of object
being declared.
o A declaration determines the beginning of an identifier's
o An identifier's linkage is determined by the declaration's
placement and its specified storage class.
Consider the following example:
volatile static int var_number = 10;
This declaration shows a qualified type (a type, int, with a type
qualifier, volatile), a storage class (static), a declarator (data),
and an initializer (10). This declaration is also a definition,
because storage is reserved for the data object var_number.
Additional Information on:
Functions consist of one or more blocks of statements that perform
one logical operation. They can be called from other functions
either in the same program or in different programs. A function
may exchange values with the calling function by use of parameters.
Function declarations have the following syntax:
function_name(arg1, arg2,...)
function_name(data-type arg1, data-type arg2,...)
In the first form of the function declaration, the function takes
no arguments. In the second form, the function takes arguments;
the arguments are declared outside the parameter list. In the
third form, the function declaration is a function prototype that
specifies the type of its arguments in the identifier list; the
prototype form is recommended. In all three cases, the parenthesis
after the function name are required.
HP C for OpenVMS Systems provides a library of common functions.
These functions perform standard I/O operations, character and
string handling, mathematical operations, miscellaneous system
services, and UNIX* system emulation. For more information, see
* UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group.
Built-in functions allow you to directly access hardware and
machine instructions to perform operations that are cumbersome,
slow, or impossible in pure C.
These functions are very efficient because they are built into the
HP C compiler. This means that a call to one of these functions
does not result in a reference to a function in the C run-time
library or in your programs. Instead, the compiler generates the
machine instructions necessary to carry out the function directly
at the call site. Because most of these built-in functions closely
correspond to single VAX, Alpha, or Itanium machine instructions,
the result is small, fast code.
Some of these functions (such as those that operate on strings or
bits) are of general interest. Others (such as the functions
dealing with process context) are of interest if you are writing
device drivers or other privileged software. Some of the functions
are privileged and unavailable to user mode programs.
Be sure to include the <builtins.h> header file in your source
program to access these built-in functions.
HP C supports the #pragma builtins preprocessor directive for
compatibility with VAX C, but it is not required.
Some of the built-in functions have optional arguments or allow a
particular argument to have one of many different types. To
describe different valid combinations of arguments, the description
of each built-in function may list several different prototypes for
the function. As long as a call to a built-in function matches one
of the prototypes listed, the call is valid. Furthermore, any
valid call to a built-in function acts as if the corresponding
prototype was in scope, so the compiler performs the argument
checking and argument conversions specified by that prototype.
The majority of the built-in functions are named after the machine
instruction that they generate. For more information on these
built-in functions, see the documentation on the corresponding
machine instruction. In particular, see that reference for the
structure of queue entries manipulated by the queue built-in
Additional Information on:
The set of functions and macros defined and declared in the
<varargs.h> and the <stdarg.h> header files provide a method of
accessing variable-length argument lists. (Note that the
<stdarg.h> functions are defined by the ANSI C standard and are,
therefore, portable as compared with those defined in <varargs.h>.)
The HP C RTL functions such as printf and execl, for example, use
variable-length argument lists. User-defined functions with
variable-length argument lists that do not use <varargs.h> or
<stdarg.h> are not portable due to the different argument-passing
conventions of various machines.
To use these functions and macros in <stdarg.h>, you must include
the <stdarg.h> header file with the following preprocessor
#include <stdarg.h>
The <stdarg.h> header file declares a type (va_list) and three
macros (va_start, va_arg, and va_end) for advancing through a list
of function arguments of varying number and type. The macros have
the following syntax:
void va_start(va_list ap, parmN);
type va_arg(va_list ap, type);
void va_end(va_list ap);
The va_start macro initializes the object ap of type va_list for
subsequent use by va_arg and va_end. The va_start macro must be
invoked before any access to the unnamed arguments. The parameter
parmN is the identifier of the rightmost parameter in the variable
parameter list of the function definition. If parmN is declared
with the register storage class, with a function or array type, or
with a type that is not compatible with the type that results after
application of the default arguments promotions, the behavior is
undefined. The va_start macro returns no value.
The va_arg macro expands to an expresion that has the type and
value of the next argument in the call. The parameter ap is the
same as the one initialized by va_start. Each invocation of va_arg
modifies ap so that the values of successive arguments are returned
in turn. The parameter "type" is a type name specified such that
the type of a pointer to an object that has the specified type can
be obtained by postfixing an asterisk (*) to "type". If there is
no actual next argument, or if type is not compatible with the type
of the next actual argument (as promoted according to the default
argument promotions), the behavior is undefined. The first
invocation of va_arg after that of va_start returns the value of
the argument after that specified by parmN. Successive invocations
return the values of the remaining arguments in turn.
The va_end macro facilitates a normal return from the function
whose variable argument list was referred to by the expansion of
va_start that initialized the va_list ap object. The va_end macro
can modify ap) so that it can no longer be used (without an
intervening invocation of va_start). If there is no corresponding
invocation of va_start or if va_end is not invoked before the
return, the behavior is undefined. The va_end macro returns no
The HP C preprocessor uses directives to affect the compilation of
a source file. For HP C on OpenVMS systems, these directives are
processed by an early phase of the compiler, not by a separate
The preprocessor directives begin with a number sign (#) and do not
end with a semicolon. The number sign must appear in the first
column of the source line.
Additional Information on:
Null_directive (#)
In addition to the ANSI-compliant, implementation-independent
macros described in the HP C Language Reference Manual, The HP C
compiler provides the following predefined macros:
Additional Information on:
Additional Information on:
Statements are the executable instructions performed by the
program. Statements produce values and control program flow. A
group of statements enclosed in braces makes up a block.
Any valid expression or declaration terminated by a semicolon is
considered a statement. The statements that control program flow
are described in further HELP frames.
Additional Information on:
The storage class of a variable determines when its storage is
allocated, whether its contents are preserved across different
blocks or functions, and what link-time scope the variable has.
Auto variables are allocated at run time. They are not preserved
across functions. Auto is the default storage class for variables
declared within a function.
Extern variables are allocated at compile time. They are preserved
across functions. There can be only 65,532 extern variables per
program. Extern is the default storage class for variables
declared outside a function.
Globaldef, globalref, and globalvalue variables are allocated at
compile time. They are preserved across functions. The number of
global symbols is unlimited.
Register variables are allocated at run time. They cannot be
referenced from other separately compiled functions.
Static variables are allocated at compile time. If externally
declared, they retain their values across functions. If internally
declared (inside of a function), they cannot be referenced from
other functions; if control passes from the defining function, to
other functions, and then passed back to the defining function, the
variable retains its previous value and is not reinitialized.
Data-type qualifiers affect the allocation or access of data
storage. The data-type qualifiers are const, volatile, __restrict,
and __unaligned.
Additional Information on:
The storage-class modifiers allow individual attributes of a
variable to change without changing the other default attributes
connected with a given storage class. Storage-class keywords and
storage-class modifiers can be specified in either order.
modifier storage_class_keyword identifier;
If you specify a storage-class modifier but not a storage class
keyword, the storage class defaults to extern.
Additional Information on: