CXXDEMANGLE accepts symbol names in their mangled form, as they might
appear in the output from a CXXLINK/NOEXPAND command.
If you specify a mangled symbol name using the command line interface
and the symbol contains lowercase letters, you must place the symbol
within quotes. For example, $ CXXDEMANGLE "MyFunction__xic". Quotes are
not necessary when entering mangled symbol names using the interactive
Data File
You can specify the location of the data file using the logical name
CXX$DEMANGLER_DB. For example, if the data file is in your login directory
and is named MYCXXDB.DAT, you would define the CXX$DEMANGLER_DB logical
name as follows:
If you do not define the CXX$DEMANGLER_DB logical name, CXXDEMANGLE
looks for the data file in the repositories specified by the /REPOSITORY
qualifier. If you do not specify the /REPOSITORY qualifier, CXXDEMANGLE
looks for the data file in the sys$disk:[.cxx_repository] directory.
The CXXDEMANGLE command accepts two qualifiers:
Names the repository directories which contain the data files used by
The /REPOSITORY qualifier is ignored if you define the CXX$DEMANGLER_DB
logical name. See Data File for details.
Mangles the input string.
Customers with support contracts should seek support for problems through
local customer support centers.
Customers who do not have support contracts are encouraged to mail problem
reports to
Although these reports will certainly be used as a source of input
for fixing problems for new releases, we cannot give the reports
individual attention. We can take remedial action only on a best-effort
If you have questions, suggestions, or comments, please send mail to
When reporting problems to HP, please provide the following
o Name and version of compiler (from a listing file)
o Name and version of operating system
o Smallest possible complete source and commands needed to
reproduce the problem
o An example of the incorrect results and the desired results