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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Writing Applications

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Chapter 12
12 Defining Menus
     12.1     Planning the Menu Structure
     12.2     Defining Menus
         12.2.1         Creating a Title for a Menu
         12.2.2         Naming Entries on a Menu
         12.2.3         Naming Menus
         12.2.4         Naming Tasks on a Menu
         12.2.5         Specifying WAIT or DELAY Action
         12.2.6         Naming Default Application Files
         12.2.7         Application Specifications and Remote Tasks
         12.2.8         Naming Default Menu Files
         12.2.9         Defining a Menu Forms Product
     12.3     Processing the Menu Definition
Chapter 13
13 Defining Existing Applications as ACMS Tasks
     13.1     Defining Single-Step Tasks in ACMS Task Groups
         13.1.1         Defining OpenVMS Images as Tasks
         13.1.2         Defining DCL Commands and Command Procedures as Tasks
         13.1.3         Defining DATATRIEVE Commands and Procedures as Tasks
     13.2     Defining Servers to Handle Processing
     13.3     Using the Task Group in an Application
Chapter 14
14 Using the ACMS Request Interface
     14.1     Overview of the ACMS Request Interface
     14.2     The Request Interface and the ACMS Run-Time System
     14.3     Defining Tasks and Task Groups
         14.3.1         Task Definition
         14.3.2         Defining a Task Group
         14.3.3         How and When to Use the ACMS$RI_LIB Logical Name
     14.4     Writing User Request Procedures
         14.4.1         Writing an ACMS$RI_LIB_INIT Initialization Procedure
         14.4.2         Writing an ACMS$RI_LIB_CANCEL Cancellation Procedure
         14.4.3         Compiling and Linking URPs
     14.5     Providing an RI Agent
         14.5.1         Providing a Menu Interface
         14.5.2         Compiling and Linking Menu Interface URPs with the RI Agent
     14.6     Debugging Applications that Call URPs
         14.6.1         Using the OpenVMS Debugger to Debug URPs Using a Running Application
         14.6.2         Using the ACMS Task Debugger to Debug URPs and Their Tasks
     14.7     Defining an Application that Uses the Request Interface
     14.8     Running the Agent
Part 2
Part 2 Writing and Migrating Applications to OpenVMS Alpha
Chapter 15
15 Introduction
Chapter 16
16 Writing Applications for OpenVMS Alpha
     16.1     Writing an ACMS Application for OpenVMS Alpha
     16.2     Form Changes and Form File Caching
         16.2.1         Formatting and Naming DECforms Form Image Files
                Building DECforms Image Files on OpenVMS Alpha
         16.2.2         Caching with Multiple Submitter Platforms
         16.2.3         Applications that Use DECforms Version 1.4 or TDMS
     16.3     Using Logical Names
Chapter 17
17 Migrating ACMS Applications from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha
     17.1     Migration Checklist
     17.2     Migration Options
     17.3     Before You Compile and Link on OpenVMS Alpha
     17.4     Compiling and Linking on OpenVMS Alpha
         17.4.1         Using Existing ACMS Databases on OpenVMS Alpha
     17.5     Translating Images Using the VEST Utility
         17.5.1         Overview of the VEST Utility
         17.5.2         ACMS Images that Can Be Translated
         17.5.3         Running VEST to Translate an Image
                Referencing Translated Procedure Server Images
                Running Translated Images
         17.5.4         Debugging Translated Images
     17.6     Migrating DECforms Files to OpenVMS Alpha
         17.6.1         Upgrading to DECforms Version 2.1 from Prior Versions
         17.6.2         Using DECforms on Multiple Platforms
Chapter 18
18 I/O Options and Restrictions
     18.1     Restrictions for Distributing an Application
     18.2     OpenVMS VAX Restrictions
     18.3     OpenVMS Alpha Restrictions
         18.3.1         Alternatives to TDMS REQUEST I/O
         18.3.2         Alternative to DECforms FORM I/O
     18.4     Selecting Tasks and Menus on OpenVMS Alpha
         18.4.1         ACMS Menu Commands
         18.4.2         ACMS Function Keys
Chapter 19
19 Managing Applications on OpenVMS Alpha
Part Appendixes
Appendix A
Appendix A Changing the ACMS Menu Format Using DECforms
     A.1     Modifying Menu Appearance Without Changing the Default Format
     A.2     Modifying the ACMS Menu Using DECforms
         A.2.1         Obtaining the ACMS DECforms Default Menu File
         A.2.2         How ACMS Uses Menu Form Record Definitions
         A.2.3         Instructions Performed by the Form File
         A.2.4         Modifying the Menu Appearance Only
         A.2.5         Changing SELECTION_STRING Field Lengths
         A.2.6         Changing the Number of Entries per Screen
         A.2.7         Changing the Size of the Command Line Recall Buffer
         A.2.8         Changing the DECforms Layout Size
         A.2.9         Using a Customized Response and Panel Definition
         A.2.10         Building and Installing the New Menu Form
     A.3     Disabling the SELECT Command in the ACMS Command Menu

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