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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Writing Applications

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1-1 Creation of Definition Database Files
1-2 The Review Menu
2-1 Structure of a Task Definition
2-2 The Workspace Used to Pass Information
2-3 Retrieving Messages
4-1 A Selection Menu
8-1 Block Step Structure
9-1 Queuing, Dequeuing, and Processing Tasks
9-2 A Queuing Example
9-3 List of Workspaces Passed by ACMS$DEQUEUE_TASK
9-4 List of Workspaces Passed by ACMS$QUEUE_TASK Service
10-1 A Task Group and Its Tasks
12-1 The ACMS Menu Structure
12-2 Personnel Menu
12-3 The Review Menu
12-4 ACMS Menu Choices
14-1 Request Interface Run-Time Components
14-2 Request Interface Model
14-3 User-Written Shareable Image File
14-4 Pseudocode for an RI Agent Using an FMS Menu Interface
18-1 AVERTZ Rental Menu
D-1 Creating a New File with LSE
D-2 Expanding a Placeholder
D-3 Expanding the REPLACE TASK |CREATE TASK Placeholder
D-5 Expanded Comment Placeholders
D-6 Expanding Tokens
D-7 Final Source File Created with LSE
D-8 Examining Diagnostic Files with LSE REVIEW
F-1 Form Editor Menu
1-1 Startup Qualifiers and Their Functions
1-2 Ways to Exit from ADU
1-3 Establishing Protection for ACMS Dictionary Entities
1-4 ADU Commands for ADUINI.COM File
2-1 Data Entry Task
2-2 Field and Values Tested by Conditional Clauses
2-3 Inquiry Task
2-4 Update Task
3-1 DECforms and TDMS Terminology
4-1 Summary of ACMS Workspaces
6-1 Task Failures
8-1 Step Exceptions
8-2 Transaction Exceptions
8-3 Nonrecoverable Exceptions
9-1 ACMSGEN Parameters Associated with QTI
9-2 Errors That Result in Queued Task Retry
9-3 Errors That Result in Writing Queued Task Elements to an Error Queue
9-4 Errors That Result in Immediate Retry of Queued Task
9-5 Procedure Parameter Notation
14-1 Logical Names Used by the Request Interface
14-2 Routines Used by the Request Interface
14-3 Menu Interfaces Used by the Request Interface
16-1 Environments
16-2 ADU Clauses in Which You Can Specify a Logical Name
17-1 Using Existing ACMS Databases on OpenVMS Alpha
18-1 Processing Step I/O Options and Restrictions on OpenVMS VAX
18-2 Exchange Step I/O Options on OpenVMS VAX
18-3 Processing Step I/O Options and Restrictions on OpenVMS Alpha
18-4 Exchange Step I/O Options and Restrictions on OpenVMS Alpha
18-5 ACMS Menu Commands
18-6 ACMS Function Keys
B-1 Definitions Copied to the CDD
C-1 CDD Protocols for ACMS Entity and Relationship Objects
D-1 LSE REVIEW Window Commands
E-1 Request Interface Kit Components
F-1 Defining the Named Data Associated with the Form

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