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OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual

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Chapter 16
16 National Character Set (NCS) Utility Routines
     16.1     Introduction to NCS Routines
         16.1.1         List of NCS Routines
         16.1.2         Sample Application Process
     16.2     Using the NCS Utility Routines: Examples
     16.3     NCS Routines
    Command 170     NCS$COMPARE
    Command 171     NCS$CONVERT
    Command 172     NCS$END_CF
    Command 173     NCS$END_CS
    Command 174     NCS$GET_CF
    Command 175     NCS$GET_CS
    Command 176     NCS$RESTORE_CF
    Command 177     NCS$RESTORE_CS
    Command 178     NCS$SAVE_CF
    Command 179     NCS$SAVE_CS
Chapter 17
17 Print Symbiont Modification (PSM) Routines
     17.1     Introduction to PSM Routines
     17.2     Print Symbiont Overview
         17.2.1         Components of the Print Symbiont
         17.2.2         Creation of the Print Symbiont Process
         17.2.3         Symbiont Streams
         17.2.4         Symbiont and Job Controller Functions
         17.2.5         Print Symbiont Internal Logic
     17.3     Symbiont Modification Procedure
         17.3.1         Guidelines and Restrictions
         17.3.2         Writing an Input Routine
                Internal Logic of the Symbiont's Main Input Routine
                Symbiont Processing of Carriage Control
         17.3.3         Writing a Format Routine
                Internal Logic of the Symbiont's Main Format Routine
         17.3.4         Writing an Output Routine
                Internal Logic of the Symbiont's Main Output Routine
         17.3.5         Other Function Codes
         17.3.6         Writing a Symbiont Initialization Routine
         17.3.7         Integrating a Modified Symbiont
     17.4     Using the PSM Routines: An Example
     17.5     PSM Routines
    Command 180     PSM$PRINT
    Command 181     PSM$READ_ITEM_DX
    Command 182     PSM$REPLACE
    Command 183     PSM$REPORT
    Command 184     USER-FORMAT-ROUTINE
    Command 185     USER-INPUT-ROUTINE
    Command 186     USER-OUTPUT-ROUTINE
Chapter 18
18 Symbiont/Job Controller Interface (SMB) Routines
     18.1     Introduction to SMB Routines
         18.1.1         Types of Symbiont
         18.1.2         Symbionts Supplied with the Operating System
         18.1.3         Symbiont Behavior in the OpenVMS Environment
         18.1.4         Writing a Symbiont
         18.1.5         Guidelines for Writing a Symbiont
         18.1.6         The Symbiont/Job Controller Interface Routines
         18.1.7         Choosing the Symbiont Environment
                Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Delivery of Requests
                Single-Streaming Versus Multistreaming
         18.1.8         Reading Job Controller Requests
         18.1.9         Processing Job Controller Requests
         18.1.10         Responding to Job Controller Requests
     18.2     SMB Routines
    Command 187     SMB$CHECK_FOR_MESSAGE
    Command 188     SMB$INITIALIZE
    Command 189     SMB$READ_MESSAGE
    Command 190     SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM
    Command 191     SMB$SEND_TO_JOBCTL
Chapter 19
19 Sort/Merge (SOR) Routines
     19.1     High-Performance Sort/Merge (Alpha Only)
         19.1.1         High-Performance SOR Routine Behavior
         19.1.2         Using Threads with High-Performance Sort/Merge
     19.2     Introduction to SOR Routines
         19.2.1         Arguments to SOR Routines
         19.2.2         Interfaces to SOR Routines
                Sort Operation Using File Interface
                Sort Operation Using Record Interface
                Merge Operation Using File Interface
                Merge Operation Using Record Interface
         19.2.3         Reentrancy
     19.3     Using the SOR Routines: Examples
     19.4     SOR Routines
    Command 192     SOR$BEGIN_MERGE
    Command 193     SOR$BEGIN_SORT
    Command 194     SOR$DTYPE
    Command 195     SOR$END_SORT
    Command 196     SOR$PASS_FILES
    Command 197     SOR$RELEASE_REC
    Command 198     SOR$RETURN_REC
    Command 199     SOR$SORT_MERGE
    Command 200     SOR$SPEC_FILE
    Command 201     SOR$STAT

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