OpenVMS User's Manual
9.9.3 Specification File Qualifiers
The following qualifiers can be used in specification files. (The
high-performance Sort/Merge utility does not support specification
files. Implementation of this feature is deferred to a future OpenVMS
Alpha release.) Note that these qualifiers are valid only within a
Sort/Merge specification file.
Identifies fields and attributes defined for use with the Common Data
Dictionary (CDD/Plus) using the CDD/Repository command. Once the fields
have been identified, they can then be used later with other
specification file qualifiers, such as /KEY, /CONDITION, /INCLUDE, or
/OMIT. /CDD_PATH_NAME can be used in place of or in conjunction
with /FIELD statements. The "cdd-path-name" value is the
CDD/Plus record definition within CDD/Plus. You can use the
/CDD_PATH_NAME qualifier only if your system has CDD/Plus installed.
The /CDD_PATH_NAME qualifier identifies the employee record, which
had been defined previously in CDD/Plus.
(Applies to the MERGE command only.) Specifies whether or not the
sequence of records in the input file is checked. By default, Merge
checks the sequence of records. Example
The /NOCHECK_SEQUENCE qualifier overrides the Merge utility's
default behavior.
[,MODIFICATION=("char1" operator "char2")]
[,IGNORE=character or character range,...] [,FOLD]
Specifies one of three predefined collating sequences (ASCII, EBCDIC,
or Multinational) or a user-defined sequence for character key fields.
Allows you to modify any of the predefined collating sequences or any
previously defined user-defined sequences. See Section 9.3 for
information about using the ASCII, EBCDIC, and Multinational collating
sequences. You can specify the following qualifier values:
Specification files support the ASCII, EBCDIC, multinational, and
user-defined collating sequences. See Section 9.3 for information
about these collating sequences.
Specifies a change to the collating sequence specified in the SEQUENCE
option. You can modify the ASCII, EBCDIC, Multinational, or
user-defined sequence. The sequence being modified must be specified
with the SEQUENCE qualifier even if the sequence is the default (ASCII).
Specifies a character in the collating sequence.
Specifies the operator used to compare the characters. You can specify
greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=).
The following kinds of changes are permitted in the MODIFICATION option:
A single or double character can be equated to a single character that
has already been assigned a collating value ("a"="A").
A single or double character can collate after a single character that
has already been assigned a collating value ("CH">"C").
A single or double character can collate before a single character that
has already been assigned a collating value ("D"<"A").
A double character can be equated to a previously defined double
character ("CH" = "SH").
A single character can be equated to a double character sequence ("C" =
Specifies that Sort/Merge ignore a character or character range in the
collating sequence when making an initial comparison. Note that, when
tie-breaking takes place, Sort/Merge considers the characters specified
with the IGNORE value.
Specifies that all lowercase letters be given the collating value of
their uppercase equivalents. For ASCII, EBCDIC, and user-defined
sequences, the lowercase letters are a to z.
Because the lowercase letters in the Multinational sequence already
have the collating value of their uppercase equivalents, using FOLD is
Specifies whether or not Sort/Merge should use numeric values to break
any ties between characters that have equivalent values. By default,
tie-breaking occurs with the Multinational sequence. Specifying
NOTIE_BREAK overrides this default and ensures that no further
comparisons are made after the initial comparison.
A TIE_BREAK option must be specified for the ASCII, EBCDIC, and
user-defined sequences in order for tie-breaking to occur. TIE_BREAK
should be used when specifying the FOLD or MODIFICATION value for the
these sequences.
Examples See Section 9.3 and Section 9.7
for examples of the use of collating sequences in specification files.
/CONDITION=(NAME=condition-name, TEST=(field-name operator
test-condition [logical-operator...]))
A specification file can be used to change the relative order of a
record or to alter the contents of certain fields in a record. You must
first use the /CONDITION qualifier to define a conditional test. Once
you define a test using the /CONDITIONAL qualifier, you can use that
same test with the /KEY or /DATA qualifier to change the order of
record. You can also use the test with the /OMIT or /INCLUDE qualifier
to change the contents of a record. If you want to change the order
of records in the output file, first specify a condition name with the
/CONDITION qualifier and set up a test for what meets that condition.
Then, specify the relative order with the /KEY qualifier of the form:
/KEY=(IF condition-name THEN value ELSE value)
You can use any values to specify the relative order of the
records. The /CONDITION qualifier also permits you to change the
contents of a field in the output records. First specify a condition
name, and then set up a test for what meets the condition. Specify the
contents you want in the field in a /DATA qualifier of the form:
/DATA=(IF condition-name THEN "new-contents"
ELSE "new-contents")
You can specify the following qualifier values:
Specifies the name of the condition that you are testing. This
condition-name can be used in /KEY, /DATA, /OMIT, and /INCLUDE
qualifiers after it has been defined using the /CONDITION qualifier.
Specifies the conditional test.
Specifies the name of the field you are testing. The field-name must be
defined previously by the /FIELD qualifier.
Specifies the logical or relational operator used in the conditional
test. The logical operators that you can use are AND and OR. The
relational operators that you can specify are as follows:
EQ = Equal to
NE = Not equal to
GT = Greater than
GE = Greater than or equal to
LT = Less than
LE = Less than or equal to
Specifies the constant or field-name against which you are testing. A
constant is specified with the following format:
Decimal_digits (default)
Normally, you do not need to specify the radix operator (%D); however,
test-condition will assume the same data type as the field-name.
Examples See Section 9.7 for examples of the
use of the /CONDITION qualifier in specification files.
/DATA=field-name /DATA=(IF condition THEN "new
contents" ELSE "new contents")
Use the /DATA qualifier to eliminate or reorder fields from the output
record. Specify the data fields in the order you want them to appear in
the output record. A /DATA qualifier must identify every field in the
records you are directing to the output file. Only those fields
identified by the /DATA qualifier are to be directed to the output
file. You can conditionally change the contents of a field in the
output records by first specifying a condition name and then setting up
a test for what meets the condition in a /CONDITION qualifier. You then
specify the contents you want in the field in a /DATA qualifier of the
/DATA=(IF condition-name THEN "new-contents" ELSE "new-contents")
You can specify the following qualifier values:
Specifies the name of a field in a record. The field-name must be
defined previously in a /FIELD qualifier.
Specifies a condition-name that has been defined previously in a
/CONDITION qualifier.
Specifies how the record is to be altered. The new-contents can be a
constant or a field-name that has been defined in a /FIELD qualifier.
Examples See Section 9.7 for examples of the
use of the /DATA qualifier in specification files.
Defines the fields in the input files when you are altering the order
or format of output records. These fields include key fields, fields to
be compared, and fields to be directed to the output file. You identify
each field by specifying a name, its position and size in the record,
and its data type. Field names must be unique; no duplicate field
names are allowed. In addition, you cannot use more than 255 field
definitions. You can also use /FIELD to define a constant and
assign it a value of any valid Sort/Merge data type for use in
/CONDITION, /DATA, and /KEY statements. You can specify the
following qualifier values:
Specifies the name of the field. The field-name cannot have any
embedded spaces, must begin with an alphabetic character, and can be no
longer than 31 characters.
Specifies the position of the field in the record.
Assigns a value to a constant field for use in a /CONDITION, /DATA, or
/KEY statement. If you specify VALUE:
n, do not specify /POSITION:
n because the field is a constant and not part of an input
Specifies the size of a field containing character or binary data. In
the specification file, SIZE implies byte lengths. The data type
determines what values are acceptable, as follows:
For character data, the size must not exceed 32,767 characters.
For binary data, the size specified must be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bytes.
For floating-point data, no size is specified.
Specifies the size of a field containing decimal data. The size of a
field containing decimal data must not exceed 31 digits. Note that
DIGITS:n is used only when describing a field containing decimal data.
Specifies the data type of the field. You are not required to specify
the data-type if it is character; Sort assumes character data type by
default. See Section 9.2.1 for a list of the data types recognized by
This /FIELD qualifier identifies a field in a record by the name
SALARY, specifies that it starts in position 10 of the record, is 8
digits long, and consists of decimal data.
/INCLUDE=(CONDITION=condition[,KEY=...] [,DATA=...])
You can specify that records are to be conditionally included in an
output file. After defining a condition in a /CONDITION qualifier,
specify record selection in an /INCLUDE qualifier requesting that
records satisfying the condition are to be included in the output file.
You can specify multiple /INCLUDE and /OMIT qualifiers in a
specification file. The order in which you specify them determines the
order the input records are tested for inclusion. After the last
/INCLUDE qualifier, all records that have not already been included or
explicitly omitted are omitted. You can unconditionally include any
records not previously omitted or included by specifying the /INCLUDE
qualifier without a condition. When sorting multiple record
formats, one /INCLUDE qualifier should be specified for each different
record format among the records to be sorted. If you do not specify a
KEY option within the INCLUDE qualifier, Sort assumes the default key
definitions. If the KEY is specified in the /INCLUDE qualifier, the
default key definitions are not used. The order of the KEY fields in
the /INCLUDE qualifier determines how the internal key is built for
sorting. The order of the DATA fields in the /INCLUDE qualifier
determines the way the output record is formatted. If you specify a key
or data field in an /INCLUDE qualifier, you must define all other key
or data fields in the record. You can specify the following
qualifier values:
Refers to the condition-name specified in a previous /CONDITION
Defines a key field because the default record type defined in the /KEY
qualifier is not being used.
Defines a data field because the default record type defined in the
/DATA qualifier is not being used.
TEST=(ZIP EQ "01863"))
These /CONDITION and /INCLUDE qualifiers specify that records with
the zip code 01863 will be included in the output file.
/KEY=field-name /KEY=(field-name,order) /KEY=([IF
condition THEN value ELSE]...) value [,order]
Specify the key fields to be used in the Sort operation. If you are
sorting the entire record using character data, there is no need to
specify your key field. Otherwise, specify a /KEY qualifier for each of
the keys, in the order of their priority. You can sort on as many as
255 key fields. There are three ways to use the /KEY qualifier:
- To identify the key field name.
- To identify the key field name and to specify sorting order. In
this case, enclose the field name and the order option in parentheses.
- As a conditional qualifier, to change the order of records in the
output file. First, specify a condition-name in a /CONDITION qualifier,
and set up a test for what meets that condition. Then, specify the
relative order in a /KEY qualifier of the form:
/KEY=(IF condition-name THEN value ELSE value)
You can use any values to specify the relative order of the records.
You can specify the following qualifier values:
Specifies the name of the key field. The field-name has been previously
specified in a /FIELD qualifier.
Specifies the order of the sort. The ASCENDING option specifies
ascending order for a Sort or Merge operation. This option is the
default. The DESCENDING option specifies descending order for a Sort or
Merge operation.
Specifies the key. The value can be a constant or a field-name that has
been defined in a /FIELD qualifier.
This /KEY qualifier specifies that the key field is SALARY and that
the sorting order is descending.
TEST=(ZIP EQ "01863"))
In this example, all the records with the zip code 01863 are to
appear at the beginning of the sorted output file. The conditional test
LOCATION (defined in a /CONDITION qualifier) is on the ZIP field (named
in a /FIELD clause). The values of 1 and 2 in this /KEY clause signify
a relative order for those records that satisfy the condition and those
that do not.
Specifies that records are to be omitted from the output file based on
a condition defined with a /CONDITION qualifier. First, you must
define a condition with the /CONDITION qualifier. Specify your records
with an /OMIT qualifier to request any records that satisfy the
condition be omitted from your Sort operation. By default, Sort/Merge
includes all the other input records in the output file. You can
specify multiple /OMIT and /INCLUDE qualifiers in your specification
file. The order in which you specify them determines the order in which
the input records are tested for omission. All the records that have
not already been included or omitted after the last /OMIT qualifier are
included. You can unconditionally omit any records not previously
omitted or included by specifying the /OMIT qualifier only.
TEST=(ZIP EQ "01863"))
These /CONDITION and /OMIT qualifiers specify that records with the
zip code 01863 are to be omitted from your output file.
Specifies the character Sort will use to expand, or "pad," a
string when reformatting records or when comparing strings of unequal
length. By default, Sort uses the null character for padding, ensuring
conformity with the previous versions. Double characters that can be
defined as single characters ("ch" > "c") cannot be used as pad
characters. Characters, decimal, octal, or hexadecimal digits can be
used. The pad character should be specified as follows:
- Use quotation marks for a character. For example, " # " would
specify the number sign.
- Use decimal radix for decimal digits. For example, %D35 would
specify the decimal number 35.
- Use octal radix for octal digits. For example, %O043 would specify
the octal number 043.
- Use hexadecimal radix for hexadecimal digits. For example, %X23
would specify the hexadecimal number 23.
This example of a /PAD qualifier specifies that records will be
padded with periods.
(Applies to the SORT command only.) Defines the processing method
(record, tag, address, or index) for the sorting operation. If you
intend to reformat the output records, you cannot use address or index
sort. Specify the process type as RECORD, TAG, ADDRESS, or INDEX.
See Section 9.8.1 for a comparison of the four types of process.
This example of the /PROCESS qualifier specifies that Sort use a
tag sorting process.
Specifies that records with equal keys are directed to the output file
in their input file order. The default condition is /NOSTABLE. By
default, when records are sorted with identical keys, the order of
those records in the output file may not be the same as they appeared
in the input file. Specifying the /STABLE qualifier in a specification
file arranges records with equal keys in the output file in the order
of the input files as specified in the command line. If you use this
qualifier when sorting multiple input files, on output, records with
equal keys in the first file will precede those from the second file
and so on. Example
This example of the /STABLE qualifier ensures that records with
equal keys will have the same order in the input and output files.
(Applies to the SORT command only.) Reassigns work files to different
disk-structured devices to improve performance. Using the /WORK_FILES
qualifier in a specification file makes it unnecessary to assign
logicals prior to invoking Sort at the command or program level.
Unlike the DCL qualifier /WORK_FILES=n, the specification file
qualifier /WORK_ FILES=(device[,...]) specifies work file assignments,
not the number of work files. See Section 9.8.3 for more
information about the use of work files. Example
This example of a /WORK_FILES qualifier assigns one of Sort's work
files to the device WRKD$: because that device has the most space