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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Tuning and Troubleshooting

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Appendix A
Appendix A Troubleshooting Utilities Reference
    Command 1     arp
    Command 2     dig
    Command 3     ifconfig
    Command 4     ndc
    Command 5     netstat
    Command 6     nslookup
    Command 7     ping
    Command 8     route
    Command 9     sysconfig
    Command 10     sysconfigdb
    Command 11     tcpdump
    Command 12     TCPTRACE
    Command 13     traceroute
1 TCP/IP Services Documentation
1-1 Diagnostic Tools
1-2 netstat Commands
1-3 tcpdump Keywords
1-4 SUN RPC Requests
2-1 Network Tuning Guidelines
2-2 socket Subsystem Attributes
2-3 inet Subsystem Attributes
2-4 TCP Keepalive Options
2-5 net Subsystem Attributes
A-1 dig Options
A-2 Options to the nslookup set Command

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