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Using the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual   

The HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual is made up of two parts:

Use these two books to get step-by-step instructions for general system management tasks.

The first page of each chapter in these books provides two tables to help you find information within the chapter.

The Task Table

The first table lists the major tasks described in the chapter. If you need to perform a task quickly, go directly to the section that explains that task. For example, in this chapter the task table lists the following tasks:

Task Section
Using the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual
Using the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual
Finding information about managing complex environments
Finding Information About Managing Complex Environments
Finding information about managing small systems
Finding Information About Managing Small Systems

The Concept Table

The second table lists the major concepts explained in the chapter. If you want to learn more about an underlying concept, go to the appropriate concept section. For example, the concept table in this chapter lists the following concept:

Concept Section
How this manual relates to other system management documentation
How This Manual Relates to Other System Management Documentation

go to next page: How This Manual Relates to Other System Management DocumentationHow This Manual Relates to Other System Management Documentation