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Setting Up the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Utility  

MIME is the standard used to attach nontext files to mail messages to send them over the Internet. The MIME utility allows users to read and compose MIME-encoded mail messages on OpenVMS systems.

Understanding the MIME Utility

With MIME, users can encode and send nontext files such as graphics or audio files encoded as plain text; however, those files are often unreadable. The MIME utility decodes MIME files sent over the Internet to their original form. MIME also allows users to create MIME-encoded files, which can be sent as mail messages using the OpenVMS Mail utility.

For more information on how users can use the MIME utility, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.

Defining a Foreign Command  

Your only installation work is to define a foreign command to run the utility, for example:

You can establish systemwide defaults for displaying MIME-encoded messages by creating two files: MIME$MAILCAP.DAT and MIME$FILETYPES.DAT.

MIME$MAILCAP.DAT identifies an application to display each locally recognized content-type of incoming MIME-encoded files. MIME$FILETYPES.DAT associates a content-type with the file extension of outgoing files.

A user can override those defaults by creating these files in SYS$LOGIN. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details about those files.

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