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Setting Time in an OpenVMS Cluster Environment  

The local time, the TDF, and the time zone must be the same on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. You can use the System Management utility (SYSMAN) DO command to invoke the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM on one node in a cluster to perform the following actions for one or more nodes in the cluster:

Because SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM is different on OpenVMS Alpha systems and OpenVMS VAX systems, you must take care in a mixed architecture cluster. Set the SYSMAN environment to operate on all Alpha or all VAX nodes with the following SYSMAM command:

Then, after you have run UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM for one architecture, reset the environment to the other architecture and run UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM for that architecture.
go to previous page: Setting Time Zone Information on OpenVMS VAX Systems Setting Time Zone Information on OpenVMS VAX Systems
go to next page: Adjusting for Daylight Saving TimeAdjusting for Daylight Saving Time