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Setting Time Using the Battery-Backed Watch (BBW) (Alpha Only)  

The OpenVMS Alpha architecture maintains the current date and time in the Battery-Backed Watch (BBW) across power failures and system downtime. The BBW is functionally equivalent to the Time of Day Register (TODR) that the VAX architecture uses. One difference, however, is the BBW's constraint on the date range.

The BBW provides sufficient storage capability for only a century. The OpenVMS Alpha system date range has been redefined as 1957 to 2056 to maintain correct leap-year processing and to provide for the millennial transition.

In addition, the OpenVMS Alpha timing mechanisms have been changed to allow 2-digit year support in the $ASCTIM system service and the DCL command SET TIME. (Prior to this change, only 4-digit year fields were allowed.) With 2-digit support, you need to enter only the last 2 digits of a year. The century associated with the year field is derived from the placement of the 2 digits in the 1957-2056 date range. For example:

$ SET TIME = 1-NOV-98
In this example, 98 is the equivalent of 1998.
$ SET TIME = 1-NOV-05
In this example, 05 is the equivalent of 2005.
go to previous page: Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time
go to next page: Choosing Languages, and Date and Time FormatsChoosing Languages, and Date and Time Formats