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Adding User Accounts  

The following sections explain how to use two different methods for adding user accounts:

Adding a User Account with AUTHORIZE  

Once you analyze the purpose of a user account and decide which attributes and resources it requires, you can use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to create the account.

How to Perform This Task

  1. Give yourself the SYSPRV privilege:
  2. Enter the following commands to set your default device and directory to SYS$SYSTEM and invoke AUTHORIZE:
  3. Use the AUTHORIZE command ADD to specify attributes in the UAF fields as shown in the following example:

Choosing Qualifiers

This section lists the qualifiers that you can use when setting up an account with AUTHORIZE. Qualifiers Used with AUTHORIZE lists the qualifiers under the account attribute that they affect. See Setting Limits on System Resources for a detailed description of each qualifier. For a complete list of AUTHORIZE qualifiers, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual .

Table 6   Qualifiers Used with AUTHORIZE
Limits and Quotas1



Login Access Controls 3

Adding a User Account with a Command Procedure  

As an alternative to using the Authorize utility, you can use a command procedure to create user accounts. The ADDUSER.COM procedure, which is located in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory, is an example of such a procedure; it supplies prompts and several default values for creating the new account.

You can modify ADDUSER.COM as appropriate for the needs of your system. To run ADDUSER.COM, log in to the SYSTEM account and enter the following command:

ADDUSER.COM prompts you to enter values in a number of UAF record fields. If you press Return without specifying a value for a field, ADDUSER supplies the following default values:

UAF Field Default Value
User name
No default; must supply
No default; must supply
User name specified
UIC group number
UIC member number
No default; must supply number
Account name
Login directory
User name specified
Login device
Disk quota
Overdraft quota

The UIC must be unique for the system. For example, each account in the UIC group 200 must have a unique member number. You can list the UICs currently assigned to users by entering a question mark ( ? ) after the UIC member number prompt. The account is not created until you have answered all of the questions in the procedure. The procedure has the following final prompt:

Is everything satisfactory with the account [YES]?
If you press Return, the account is created and remains in SYSUAF.DAT as specified. If you enter NO, the account is removed.
NoteIf you press Ctrl/Y before, during, or directly after the system displays the characteristics of the account (that is, before you respond to the "satisfactory?" prompt), the account, or portions of it, will still be added.

Make sure users log in to their accounts promptly to change the password.
1Default values are adequate in most cases.
2Default values are usually adequate for accounts not running real-time processes.
3By default, users are allowed to log in at any hour of any day. To override the setting of a particular day, use the DCL command SET DAY. Use this command if a holiday occurs on a day that would normally be treated as a primary day and you want it treated as a secondary day. See Restricting the Use of Accounts for a discussion of using these fields to restrict login times and functions.
4Not all FLAGS fit into this category.

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go to previous page: Understanding the User Authorization File Understanding the User Authorization File
go to next page: Maintaining User AccountsMaintaining User Accounts