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Understanding Device Names  

On some systems, device names follow the format ddcu, where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number.

Local Digital Storage Architecture (DSA) devices use a controller letter of "A" regardless of the physical controller the device resides on. Preceding the letter "A":

Use of a single controller letter requires that the unit number for each local DSA device be unique. Duplicate unit numbers are possible if the local disks reside on different controllers.

If the system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster environment, device names are formatted in one of the following ways:

For more information about the device name format in VAXcluster or OpenVMS Cluster environments, refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems .

For information about the naming conventions for Fibre Channel disk and tape devices, see Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.

go to next page: Names of Add-on I/O Adapters and ConsolesNames of Add-on I/O Adapters and Consoles