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Setting Security Protection Characteristics on Devices  

You can set security protection characteristics on devices using the following DCL commands:

For more information about these commands, refer to the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary .

By default, allocating a tape or disk device requires VOLPRO privilege. However, you can grant access to unprivileged users in two ways:

Assisting Users in Accessing and Initializing Volumes has more information about the VOLPRO privilege.

Granting Access to a Specific Device  

To grant access to a specific device, use the SET SECURITY command as shown in either of the following examples:

This example grants world read, write, and control access for the device DKA300.
This example grants control access for the device DKA300 to users with the CHEKOV identifier.

Granting Access to All Devices  

Use the following method to grant a specified class of users access to all devices:

  1. Set the security template for a particular device type to allow access to a desired class of users. Use a command such as the following one, which sets the template for disk devices:
    This access will apply to all specified devices initialized in the future.
  2. Run the following command procedure:
    This command procedure applies the protection specified in the security template to all current devices.

go to previous page: Getting Information About Devices on the System Getting Information About Devices on the System
go to next page: Connecting Devices and Loading Device DriversConnecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers