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Understanding the Backup Interfaces  

Two interfaces are available to the OpenVMS Backup utility:

The BACKUP Command Line  

To back up files, you must specify what you want to back up (the input) and where you want BACKUP to place the resultant save set or file (the output). You can also use BACKUP qualifiers to perform different functions depending upon their position on the command line:BACKUP/qualifiers input-specifier/qualifiers output-specifier/qualifiers

BACKUP Command Qualifier Types lists the types of BACKUP command qualifiers.

Table 2   BACKUP Command Qualifier Types
Type Position Effect
Command qualifier
Anywhere on the command line
Affects both input and output specifiers.
Input specifier qualifier
Directly after the input specifier
Affects only the input specifier.
Output specifier qualifier
Directly after the output specifier
Affects only the output specifiers.

When you use BACKUP, make sure you place BACKUP qualifiers in their correct positions on the command line. For more information about the BACKUP command line, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Using Extended Character Sets  

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, which introduces Extended File Specifications, BACKUP can process file names that have extended character sets. Included are the following formats:

For additional information about extended character sets, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual .

Specifying Input Files  

For file-based BACKUP operations, you can specify relative input file versions, for example:


This example shows that you can choose the second-from-the-most-recent version of the input file and assign it a different file name.

With BACKUP, you cannot use -0 as a relative file version to specify the earliest version of the file. BACKUP processes -0 as if it were 0, saving the most recent version of the file for processing.

The Backup Manager  

Backup Manager is a screen-oriented interface to the OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP) that presents BACKUP's capabilities in an intuitive, task-oriented, self-documenting manner. Backup Manager can ease backup tasks by guiding you through the backup process. No real performance differences exist between using the Backup Manager and using the BACKUP command line.

Backup Manager runs on:

The Backup Manager interface is based on the OpenVMS Screen Management Run-Time Library (RTL) routines.

Backup Manager Features  

Backup Manager can perform the following backup operations:

Three types of online assistance are available with Backup Manager:

Getting Started with Backup Manager  

To start Backup Manager, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:

Output from the Backup utility is automatically displayed when an operation starts. You can suspend output at any time (Ctrl/P) and scroll through it. You can also use Ctrl/T to display status or Ctrl/C to stop the current BACKUP operation.
go to previous page: Formulating a Backup Strategy Formulating a Backup Strategy
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