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Understanding BACKUP File Formats  

On VAX systems, BACKUP saves files and directories from Files-11 Structure Level 1 and 2 disks to disks or magnetic tapes. If necessary, you can use BACKUP to restore the saved files and directories to Files-11 Structure Level 1 and 2 disks.

If a VAX system performs image backup of an Alpha system disk, a restore operation causes the Alpha system to reboot successfully.

On Alpha systems, BACKUP can save files and directories from Files-11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks to either disks or magnetic tapes. If necessary, you can use BACKUP to restore the saved files and directories to Files-11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks.

NoteThe OpenVMS Alpha operating system does not support the Files-11 Structure Level 1 format.

You cannot back up files on ISO 9660-formatted media, but you can restore save sets stored on ISO 9660-formatted media.

For more information about the Files-11 disk structure, see Disk and CD-ROM File Structures. For more information about ISO 9660 devices, see Getting Information About ISO 9660-Formatted Devices.

go to previous page: Understanding Save Sets Understanding Save Sets
go to next page: Setting Process Quotas for Efficient BackupsSetting Process Quotas for Efficient Backups