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Listing the Contents of a BACKUP Save Set  

BACKUP allows you to obtain information about save sets and the files in a save set. You can display this information at your terminal or send it to an output file.

Because BACKUP writes save sets in a format that only BACKUP can interpret, a list operation is the only way to determine the contents of a save set without restoring the save set. You can perform a list operation in conjunction with any other BACKUP operation.

By default, a save-set listing supplies information about files in the save set similar to the information supplied by the DCL command DIRECTORY/DATE/SIZE, including the actual number of blocks used for each file.

You can also perform a BACKUP list operation to list the contents of a BACKUP journal file. BACKUP journal files, which are created during a save operation by using the command qualifier /JOURNAL[=file-spec], contain on-disk records of BACKUP save operations and the file specifications of the files saved during each operation. Creating and Listing BACKUP Journal Files contains more information about creating and listing BACKUP journal files.

How to Perform This Task

To list the contents of a BACKUP save set, perform the following actions:

  1. Insert the media containing the save set into the drive.
  2. If the volume is a disk, mount the disk as described in Mounting a Volume (BACKUP mounts tapes automatically).
  3. Enter the BACKUP/LIST command in the format specified in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. The /REWIND qualifier rewinds the tape to the beginning before searching for the save set. To list all the save sets on a volume, include the asterisk wildcard character (*) with the device specification.

    To list the contents of save sets does not require you to know the names of save sets on magnetic tape. Enter the device specification of the drive in which the tape is inserted with the BACKUP/LIST command. BACKUP reads the next save set it encounters on the magnetic tape and stops processing when it reaches the end of that save set. BACKUP does not automatically rewind to the beginning-of-tape marker unless you include the /REWIND qualifier in your command. Therefore, you can list the next save set (if one exists) by repeating the BACKUP/LIST command. If no more save sets exist on the tape, BACKUP issues the following error messages:
    %BACKUP-F-OPENIN, error opening MUA0:[000000].; as input
    -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file


  1. To obtain save-set information about a magnetic tape save set named 2MAR1555.BCK in the drive MIA0:, enter the following command:
    Listing of save set(s) 
    Save set:          2MAR1555.BCK
    Written by:        POLYANNA 
    UIC:               [000200,000207]
    Date:              21-MAY-2000 09:36:14.68
    Command:           BACKUP/LOG [USER.SAVE] MIA0:2MAR555.BCK/REWIND/LABEL=WKY201
    Operating system:  OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
    BACKUP version:    7.3
    CPU ID register:   08000000
    Node name:         _SUZI::
    Written on:        _MIA0:
    Block size:        8192
    Group size:        10
    Buffer count:      3
    [USER.SAVE]ANOTHER.DAT;1                  1  18-MAY-2000 14:10
    [USER.SAVE]LAST.DAT;1                     1  18-MAY-2000 14:11
    [USER.SAVE]THAT.DAT;1                     7  18-MAY-2000 14:10
    [USER.SAVE]THIS.DAT;2                     1  18-MAY-2000 13:44
    Total of 4 files, 10 blocks
    End of save set
  2. The following command rewinds the tape to the beginning and lists all save sets on the volume MIA0:
  3. The following command combines a list operation with a save operation to magnetic tape:
    BACKUP verifies that the volume label is DLY201 and copies the contents of the directory [PRAMS] to a save set named 2MAR1555.BCK. The command qualifier LIST causes BACKUP to write save-set information to the file MYBACK.DAT as the save operation proceeds.

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