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Auditing Security-Relevant Events  

System managers can select the destination for security-relevant event messages. Alarm messages are sent to the operator's terminal and audit messages are sent to the system security audit log file. You can choose to have an event reported as an alarm, as an audit, or as both.

Enabling Classes of Security Alarms  

The OpenVMS operating system automatically monitors a certain number of events, as listed in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

You can enable additional classes of events by listing one or more of the keywords of the /ENABLE qualifier to the DCL command SET AUDIT listed in Kinds of Security Events OpenVMS Can Report.

Table 1   Kinds of Security Events OpenVMS Can Report
Event Class Description
Specifies access events for all objects in a class. You can audit selected types of access, both privileged and nonprivileged, to all protected objects of a particular class.
Events requested by a security Audit or Alarm ACE in the access control list (ACL) of an object.
Modification of any portion of SYSUAF.DAT, NETPROXY.DAT, NET$PROXY.DAT, or RIGHTSLIST.DAT.
Break-in attempts.
Logical link connections or terminations through SYSMAN, DECnet for OpenVMS Phase IV, DECwindows products, or an interprocess communication (IPC) call.
Creation of a protected object.
Deaccess from a protected object.
Deletion of a protected object.
Use of identifiers as privileges.
Modifications made to the known file list through the Install utility.
Failed login attempts.
Successful login attempts.
Volume mounts and dismounts.
Modification to the network configuration database, using the network control program (NCP).
Successful or unsuccessful use of privilege.
Use of one or more of the process control system services.
Modification of a system parameter with the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) or AUTOGEN.
Modification of system time.

Refer to the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information about the SET AUDIT command.

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go to next page: Analyzing Audit Log FilesAnalyzing Audit Log Files