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Stopping and Restarting the Queue Manager  

To stop and restart the queue manager, you need to enter DCL commands.

Stopping the Queue Manager  

To shut down the queue manager on a standalone node or an OpenVMS Cluster node, enter the following command:

The queue manager performs the following tasks:

Once you enter STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER, the queue manager process remains stopped; requests to that queue manager are denied until you restart the queue manager by entering START/QUEUE/MANAGER. (Note that the queue system remains running as long as one or more queue managers are running.)

OpenVMS Cluster transitions do not change the state of the queue manager. Newly available nodes do not attempt to start the queue manager (unless you enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER).

Use the /CLUSTER qualifier to stop a clusterwide queue manager. If you enter the obsolete command STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER (without the /CLUSTER qualifier), the command performs the same function as STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE. (Use STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE to stop all queues on a single node without stopping the queue manager.)

Restarting the Queue Manager  

The queue manager restarts automatically whenever you reboot the system. However, you might need to enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER for one of the following reasons:

How to Perform This Task

To restart the queue manager, use a command in the following format:START/QUEUE/MANAGER[/ON=(node,...)] [dirspec]

Specify the /ON=(node,... ) qualifier and dirspec parameter only if you want to change the value you are currently using for the qualifier or parameter. The command you enter to start the queue manager is stored in the queue database, with any qualifier or parameter you specify. If you do not specify a qualifier or parameter, the queue manager is started using the node list and location (if any) stored in the queue database.

If the queue manager does not start, see Avoiding Common Problems: A Troubleshooting Checklist for a troubleshooting checklist.

go to previous page: Customizing Queue Manager Failover Customizing Queue Manager Failover
go to next page: Using Multiple Queue ManagersUsing Multiple Queue Managers