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13Managing DECdtm Services  

This chapter describes what you must do if you want to run software that uses DECdtm services, such as ACMS, DECintact, Oracle Rdb, and RMS Journaling.
NoteOn OpenVMS Alpha systems, unpredictable results can occur if DECdtm services are used in a multithreaded environment. Do not make calls to DECdtm services in kernel threads other than the initial thread because much of the work performed by DECdtm uses the context of the calling process.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Planning transaction logs
Planning Transaction Logs
Planning for a DECnet-Plus network
Planning for a DECnet-Plus Network
Creating transaction logs
Creating Transaction Logs
Monitoring transaction performance
Monitoring Transaction Performance
Checking whether a transaction log is too small
Checking Whether a Transaction Log Is Too Small
Changing the size of a transaction log
Changing the Size of a Transaction Log
Moving a transaction log
Moving a Transaction Log
Dismounting a disk
Dismounting a Disk
Adding a node
Adding a Node
Removing a node
Removing a Node
Disabling DECdtm services
Disabling DECdtm Services
Enabling DECdtm services
Enabling DECdtm Services
Using the XA Gateway (Alpha only)
Using the XA Gateway (Alpha Only)

The map in Managing DECdtm Services shows the tasks, and the order in which to do them.

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Understanding transaction logs
Understanding Transaction Logs
Understanding transaction groups
Understanding Transaction Groups


Figure 1  Managing DECdtm Services  
managing DECdtm services

skip links to sections within this chapter.
Understanding Transaction Logs
Planning Transaction Logs
Planning for a DECnet-Plus Network
Creating Transaction Logs
Monitoring Transaction Performance
Checking Whether a Transaction Log Is Too Small
Changing the Size of a Transaction Log
Moving a Transaction Log
Dismounting a Disk
Adding a Node
Removing a Node
Disabling DECdtm Services
Enabling DECdtm Services
Using the XA Gateway (Alpha Only)
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go to previous page: Managing the LATACP Database Size Managing the LATACP Database Size
go to next page: Understanding Transaction LogsUnderstanding Transaction Logs