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A capability is a resource to which a site controls access,using the standard access control mechanisms. The ability to executevector instructions is a capability object. Only sites with a vectorprocessor have such an object.


The only valid name for a capability object is VECTOR.

Typesof Access  

The capability class supports the following types of access:

Gives a process the rightto make use of the vector processor
Gives you the right to change the protectionand ownership elements of the object

Template Profile  

The capability class provides the following template profile:

Template Name Owner UIC Protection Code

Modifications to the VECTOR template take effect the nexttime you boot the system. If you want to change the elements ofthe VECTOR object after the system is booted, you must modify theobject directly. For example:


Kinds of Auditing Performed  

The operating system can audit the following type of event:

Event Audited When Audit Occurs
The first time after image activationthat the process uses a vector instruction

Permanence of the Object  

The capability object's security profile needs to be reseteach time the system starts up.

go to next page: Common Event Flag ClustersCommon Event Flag Clusters