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Defining Times andConditions for System Access  

The level of system access a user enjoys depends on your siterequirements, that user's role in the organization, and your managementof his or her account. A site with low security requirements andplenty of system resources may allow access at any time of day whereasa site with moderate security requirements may limit logins to daytimehours and permit dialup or network connections only to a subsetof users.

Using the Authorize utility, you control when and how userscan access the system. Authorize Qualifiers Controlling Login Times and Conditions identifies the applicable qualifiers.

Table 1   Authorize Qualifiers Controlling Login Times and Conditions
Categories Qaulifier Description
Time of day
By default, a user has fullaccess every day. By specifying an access time, you prevent accessat all other times. Identify hours on primary days with the keywordPRIMARY; identify hours on secondary days with the keyword SECONDARY.

Specifies hours of accesspermitted for dialup logins.

Specifies hours of accessfor interactive logins from local terminals.
Days of week
Defines the primary andsecondary days of the week for logging in.
Mode of operation
Specifies the hours of accesspermitted for batch jobs.

Specifies the hours of accessfor interactive logins.

Specifies the hours of accesspermitted for network batch jobs.

Specifies hours during whichaccess is permitted for interactive logins from network remote terminals(with the DCL command SET HOST).
Allocationof resources
Specifies the name of theuser's default device at login.

Specifies the name of theuser's default directory at login.
Validity ofaccount
Specifies the expirationdate and time of the account.

Disables the account sothe user cannot log in.
External authentication
Specifies that the user is externallyauthenticated.

Restricting Work Times  

AUTHORIZE qualifiers let you restrict system use to certaindays of the week and certain periods of the day. Restricting worktimes is useful to better balance the workload on your system. Restrictingaccess to accounts is also an effective way of preventing unauthorizeduse of the system outside of normal working hours.

Define primary and secondary days of the week with the /PRIMEDAYSqualifier, or conform to the default where primary days are Mondaythrough Friday and secondary days are Saturday and Sunday. For example, tomodify the defaults for a user who works Tuesday through Saturday,you would specify the /PRIMEDAYS qualifier as follows:

Occasionally an operational change occurs that conflicts withthe normal day assignments at your site, such as a holiday fallingon a primary day. To override the normal day assignment, use theDCL command SET DAY, and specify the day-type interpretation youwant for the current day. This requires OPER privilege. Note thatthis change applies to all logged-in users, as well as those whowill log in during the day. If users who are currently logged inare unauthorized for the day-type once it changes, they are loggedout of the system at the next hour. (The job controller enforcestime restrictions on an hourly basis.)

Decide which types of login access should be restricted tocertain hours. The login access qualifiers are: /LOCAL, /REMOTE,/DIALUP, /INTERACTIVE, /BATCH, and /NETWORK. However, if your siteapplies one set of primary and secondary hours for all types oflogins, you can specify the /ACCESS qualifier, which applies toall modes of access.

The following example shows how to apply the /BATCH qualifierto a user's account to disable the user from running batch jobsduring normal working hours:

This specification permits the user to run batch jobs onlyduring the hours of 6:00 p.m. through 8:59 a.m. on primary daysbut all day on secondary days.

Restricting Modes of Operation  

The following concerns might cause you to prohibit networkaccess for some of your users:

Use the AUTHORIZE qualifier /NONETWORK to prevent specificusers from having network access, as shown in the following example:

Anyof the AUTHORIZE access mode qualifiers (/LOCAL, /REMOTE, /DIALUP,/INTERACTIVE, /BATCH, or /NETWORK) can be negated in this mannerto restrict access to the system.

Restricting Account Duration  

It is good practice to set an account expiration time thatmatches the maximum length of time you expect the user to requireaccess. When the expiration time arrives, the system automaticallyprohibits access to the account. You must still remove the UAF recordand delete the user's files.

Use of the /EXPIRATION qualifier also forces you to periodicallyreview accounts and reauthorize only those that are necessary.

To set the account expiration time, use the AUTHORIZE qualifier/EXPIRATION in the user's UAF record. For example, the followingqualifier specifies that the user's account will expire on the 30thof December 2001:


Disabling Accounts  

Youmay want to severely restrict the use of certain accounts. For example,you may want to disable specific accounts used only periodically,such as the SYSTEST and FIELD accounts, to limit possible misuseof these accounts. Disable the accounts with the /FLAGS=DISUSERqualifier. Temporarily enable the accounts with the /FLAGS=NODISUSERqualifier when needed.

Restricting Disk Volumes  

Identify the user's default device and directory in the UAFrecord with the AUTHORIZE qualifiers /DEVICE and /DIRECTORY. Youcan limit the number of blocks available to the user on that disk(and any other disk) through the disk quota feature of the SystemManagement utility (SYSMAN), as described in the HP OpenVMSSystem Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.

The volume protection in place on other disks controls howmuch access a user can obtain to the disks. The user's privileges,which can be extended or limited through the AUTHORIZE qualifier/PRIVILEGES, also influence the access available (see Giving Users Privileges).

MarkingAccounts for External Authentication  

Mark a user's account in the UAF record with the AUTHORIZEqualifier /FLAGS=EXTAUTH to allow the user to be externally authenticated.

See Enabling External Authentication formore information.

go to next page: Assigning Appropriate Accounts to UsersAssigning Appropriate Accounts to Users