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Applications for Protected Subsystems  

Protected subsystems have many applications, from databasesto common system management situations.

One use for a protected subsystem might be a group membershiplist that you want to make available to all group members. The listcontains the names, addresses, personnel numbers, and interestsof group members. When the membership list is set up as a protectedsubsystem, all members of the group can read selected informationand update specific types of information.

A protected subsystem might also solve the problem of confidentialinformation being sent to printers in public areas. You could writean application to filter data for sensitive information. Confidentialfiles would be sent to printers in restricted areas, while publicfiles would be sent to any available printer. Any user with executeaccess to the application could use the restricted printers, butonly through the protected subsystem.

go to previous page: Advantages of Protected SubsystemsAdvantages of Protected Subsystems
go to next page: How Protected Subsystems WorkHow Protected Subsystems Work