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Giving Users Access  

All users with execute access to the main application imageof the subsystem can use the data files and other objects undercontrol of the subsystem if the subsystem allows the access. However,managers of the subsystem can restrict access to objects of thesubsystem in the following ways:

Remember that as long as users are executing the applicationimage for the subsystem, their process rights list contains thesubsystem identifier as well as their normal identifiers. However,as soon as users interrupt or exit from the application, their processrights list loses the subsystem identifier, and they lose accessrights to the objects in the subsystem. Subsystem identifiers arenot propagated by default when subprocesses are spawned.

go to previous page: Enabling Protected Subsystems on a Trusted VolumeEnabling Protected Subsystems on a Trusted Volume
go to next page: Example of a Protected SubsystemExample of a Protected Subsystem