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go up to top of book: HP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy GuideHP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide
go to previous page: Step 8: Boot the OpenVMS GalaxyStep 8: Boot the OpenVMS Galaxy
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6Creating an OpenVMSGalaxy on an AlphaServer 8200 System  

This chapterdescribes the process to create an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environmenton an AlphaServer 8200. It focuses on procedures that differ fromthe AlphaServer 8400 procedures in Creating an OpenVMS Galaxy on an AlphaServer 8400 System.

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Step 1: Choose a Configuration and Determine Hardware Requirements
Step 2: Set Up Galaxy Hardware
Step 3: Create a System Disk
Step 4: Install OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
Step 5: Upgrade the Firmware
Step 6: Set the Environment Variables
Step 7: Start the Secondary Console Device
Step 8: Boot the OpenVMS Galaxy
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go to previous page: Step 8: Boot the OpenVMS GalaxyStep 8: Boot the OpenVMS Galaxy
go to next page: Step 1: Choose a Configuration and Determine Hardware RequirementsStep 1: Choose a Configuration and Determine Hardware Requirements