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C  G  H  I  M  N  S  

return to top C 

community   The software entity that enables the sharing ofresources such as memory.

configuration tree  The representation of system components in a diagramwith a branching form.

return to top G 

Galaxy   An implementation of soft partitions on OpenVMS.

return to top H 

hard partition  A set of computing resources physically separatedby hardware-enforced access barriers.

return to top I 

instance   A running operating system.

return to top M 

mutex   A resource semaphore.

return to top N 

node   A point of connection in a configuration tree.

non-Galaxy system  A system that is not running Galaxy, or for whichGalaxy has not been turned on.

return to top S 

soft partition  A set of computing resources separated by software-controlledaccess barriers.

spinlock  Repeatedly checking the status of a bitlock.

go to previous page: License ProcessLicense Process