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Return Value
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CL_CrlAddCert: CSSM_CL_CrlAddCert - Revoke an input certificate (CDSA)


# include <cssm.h>

API:CSSM_RETURN CSSMAPI CSSM_CL_CrlAddCert(CSSM_CL_HANDLE CLHandle,CSSM_CC_HANDLE CCHandle,const CSSM_DATA *Cert,uint32 NumberOfFields,const CSSM_FIELD *CrlEntryFields,const CSSM_DATA *OldCrl,CSSM_DATA_PTR NewCrl)SPI:CSSM_RETURN CSSMCLI CL_CrlAddCert(CSSM_CL_HANDLE CLHandle,CSSM_CC_HANDLE CCHandle,const CSSM_DATA *Cert,uint32 NumberOfFields,const CSSM_FIELD *CrlEntryFields,const CSSM_DATA *OldCrl,CSSM_DATA_PTR NewCrl)

return to top LIBRARY  

Common Security Services Manager library (cdsa$incssm300_shr.exe)

return to top PARAMETERS  

CLHandle (input)
 The handle that describes the add-in certificatelibrary module used to perform this function.
CCHandle (input)
 The handle that describes the context of this cryptographicoperation.
Cert (input) A pointer to the CSSM_DATA structure containingthe certificate to be revoked.
NumberOfFields (input)
 The number of OID/value pairs specified in the CrlEntryFieldsinput parameter.
CrlEntryFields (input)
 An array of OID/value pairs specifying the initialvalues for descriptive data fields of the new CRL entry.
OldCrl (input)
 A pointer to the CSSM_DATA structure containingthe CRL to which the newly revoked certificate will be added.
NewCrl (output)
 A pointer to the CSSM_DATA structure containingthe updated CRL. The NewCrl->Data is allocatedby the service provider and must be deallocated by the application.

return to top DESCRIPTION  

This function revokes the input certificate by adding a recordrepresenting the certificate to the CRL. The values for the newentry in the CRL are specified by the list of OID/value input pairs.The reason for revocation is a typical value specified in the list.The new CRL entry is signed using the private key and signing algorithmspecified in the CCHandle.

The CCHandle must be a context createdusing the function CSSM_CSP_CreateSignatureContext() (CSSM API), or CSP_CreateSignatureContext() (CL SPI). The context must specify the CryptographicServices Provider (CSP) module, the signing algorithm, and the signingkey that must be used to perform this operation. The context mustalso provide the passphrase or a callback function to obtain thepassphrase required to access and use the private key.

The operation is valid only if the CRL has not been closedby the process of signing the CRL, by calling CSSM_CL_CrlSign() (CSSM API), or CL_CrlSign() (CL SPI). Once the CRL has been signed, entries cannot beadded or removed.

return to top RETURN VALUE  

A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particularerror condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All othervalues represent an error condition.

return to top ERRORS  

Errors are described in the CDSA Technical Standard.

return to top SEE ALSO  


Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide

Online Help

Functions for the CSSM API:


Functions for the CLI SPI:


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