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Return Value
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DL_DataGetFromUniqueRecordId: CSSM_DL_DataGetFromUniqueRecordId - Get data record (CDSA)


# include <cssm.h>


return to top LIBRARY  

Common Security Services Manager library (cdsa$incssm300_shr.exe)

return to top PARAMETERS  

DLDBHandle (input)
 The handle pair that describes the add-in data storagelibrary module to be used to perform this function and the opendata store to search for the data record.
UniqueRecord (input)
 The pointer to a unique record structure returnedfrom a DL_DataInsert, DL_DataGetFirst,or DL_DataGetNext operation.
Attributes (optional-input/output)
 If the Attributes structure pointeris NULL, no values are returned.

Otherwise, the DataRecordType, NumberOfAttributes and AttributeData fieldsare read. AttributeData must be an array of NumberOfAttributes CSSM_DB_RECORD_ATTRIBUTEelements. Only the Info field of each elementis used on input. The AttributeFormat field ofthe Info field is ignored on input.

On output, a CSSM_DB_RECORD_ATTRIBUTE structure containinga list of all or the requested attribute values (subset) from theretrieved record. The SemanticInformation fieldis set. For each CSSM_DB_ATTRIBUTE_DATA contained in the AttributeData array,the NumberOfValues field is set to reflect thesize of the Value array which is allocated bythe DL using the application specified allocators. Each CSSM_DATAin the Value array will have it's Data fieldas a pointer to data allocated using the application specified allocatorscontaining the attributes value, and have it's Length setto the length of the value.

All values for an attribute are returned (this could be 0).All fields in the Info field of the CSSM_DB_ATTRIBUTE_DATAare left unchanged except for the AttributeFormat field, whichis set to reflect the schema.
Data (optional-input/output)
 Data values contained in the referenced memory areignored during processing and are overwritten with the retrievedopaque object. On output, a CSSM_DATA structure containing the opaqueobject stored in the retrieved record. If the pointer is data structure pointeris NULL, the opaque object is not returned.

return to top DESCRIPTION  

This function retrieves the data record and attributes associatedwith this unique record identifier. The Attributes parametercan specify a subset of the attributes to be returned. If Attributes specifiesan attribute that is not defined in the database's meta-information,an error condition is returned. The output buffers for the retrievedrecord are allocated by this function using the memory managementfunctions provided during the module attach operation. The DL modulecan use an indexing structure identified in the UniqueRecordId toenhance the performance of the retrieval operation.

The DL should assume that the value of CSSM_QUERY_FLAGS iswhen performing this operation. In particular this means that ifthe data of a key record is being retrieved, the DL will returna CSSM_KEY structure with a key reference.

If the record referenced by UniqueRecordIdentifier hasbeen modified since the last time it was retrieved, the error (warning)CSSMERR_DL_RECORD_MODIFIED is returned but the requested attributesand data of the new record is returned. The caller should be advisedthat other attributes (or the data) might have changed that werenot fetched from the DL with this call.

return to top RETURN VALUE  

A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particularerror condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All othervalues represent an error condition.

return to top ERRORS  

Errors are described in the CDSA Technical Standard.

return to top SEE ALSO  


Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide

Online Help

Functions for the CSSM API:

CSSM_DL_DataInsert, CSSM_DL_DataGetFirst, CSSM_DL_DataGetNext

Functions for the DL SPI:

CSSM_DL_DataInsert, CSSM_DL_DataGetFirst, CSSM_DL_DataGetNext

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