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Spi Parameters
 Api Parameters
Return Value
See Also


GenerateKey: CSSM_GenerateKey, CSP_GenerateKey - Generate a symmetric key (CDSA)


# include <cssm.h>


return to top LIBRARY  

Common Security Services Manager library (cdsa$incssm300_shr.exe)

return to top API PARAMETERS  

CCHandle (input)
 The handle that describes the context of this cryptographicoperation used to link to the CSP-managed information.
KeyUsage (input)
 A bit mask indicating all permitted uses for thenew key.
KeyAttr (input)
 A bit mask defining attribute values for the newkey.
KeyLabel (input/optional)
 Pointer to a byte string that will be used as thelabel for the key.
CredAndAclEntry (input/optional)
 A structure containing one or more credentials authorizedfor creating a key and the prototype ACL entry that will controlfuture use of the newly created key. The credentials and ACL entryprototype can be presented as immediate values or callback functionscan be provided for use by the CSP to acquire the credentials and/orthe ACL entry interactively. If the CSP provides public access forcreating a key, then the credentials can be NULL. If the CSP definesa default initial ACL entry for the new key, then the ACL entryprototype can be an empty list.
Key (output) Pointer to CSSM_KEY structure used to hold the newkey. The CSSM_KEY structure should be empty upon input to this function.The CSP will ignore any values residing in this structure at functioninvocation. Input values should be supplied in the cryptographic context, KeyUsage, KeyAttr,and KeyLabel input parameters.

return to top SPI PARAMETERS  

CSPHandle (input)
 The handle that describes the add-in CryptographicService Provider module used to perform up-calls to CSSM for thememory functions managed by CSSM.
Context (input)
 Pointer to CSSM_CONTEXT structure that describesthe attributes with this context.
Key (output) Pointer to CSSM_KEY structure used to obtain thekey. Upon function invocation, any values in the CSSM_Key structureshould be ignored. All input values should be supplied in the cryptographic Context, KeyUsage, KeyAttr,and KeyLabel input parameters.

return to top DESCRIPTION  

This function generates a symmetric key. The KeyUsage,and KeyAttr are used to initialize the keyheaderfor the newly created key. These values are not retained in thecryptographic Context, which contains additional parameters forthis operation. The CSP may cache keying material associated withthe new symmetric key. When the symmetric key is no longer in activeuse, the application can invoke the CSSM_FreeKey() interface to allow cached keying material associatedwith the symmetric key to be removed.

Authorization policy can restrict the set of callers who cancreate a new resource. In this case, the caller must present a setof access credentials for authorization. Upon successfully authenticatingthe credentials, the template that verified the presented samplesidentifies the ACL entry that will be used in the authorization computation.If the caller is authorized, the new resource is created.

The caller must provide an initial ACL entry to be associatedwith the newly created resource. This entry is used to control futureaccess to the new resource and (since the subject is deemed to bethe "Owner") exercise control over its associated ACL. The callercan specify the following items for initializing an ACL entry:

return to top NOTES  

The KeyData field of the CSSM_KEY structureis allocated by the CSP. The application is required to free this memoryusing the CSSM_FreeKey() (CSSM API), or CSP_FreeKey() (CSP SPI), function or with the memory functions registeredfor the CSPHandle.

return to top RETURN VALUE  

A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particularerror condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All othervalues represent an error condition.

return to top ERRORS  

Errors are described in the CDSA Technical Standard.

return to top SEE ALSO  


Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide

Online Help

Functions for the CSSM API:

CSSM_GenerateRandom, CSSM_GenerateKeyPair

Functions for the CSP SPI:

CSP_GenerateRandom, CSP_GenerateKeyPair

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