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3Using the CertificateTool  

HP SSL for OpenVMS provides a certificate tool that is a simplemenu-driven interface for viewing and creating SSL certificates.The OpenSSL Certificate Tool enables you to perform the most important certificationfunctions with ease. Using it, you can view certificates and certificaterequests, create certificate requests, sign your own certificate,create your own certificate authority, and sign client certificaterequests. Additional hash functions are included.
NoteSome OpenSSL commands are beyond the scope of the CertificateTool. For these, use the command-line OpenSSL utility. See Chapter5 for more information

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Starting the Certificate Tool
Viewing a Certificate
View a Certificate Request File
Create a Certificate Signing Request
Create a Self-Signed Certificate
Create a Certificate Authority
Create a Certificate Chain
Sign a Certificate Signing Request
Revoke a Certificate
Create a Certificate Revocation List
Hash Certificates
Hash Certificate Revocations
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go to next page: Starting the Certificate ToolStarting the Certificate Tool