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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos
bulleted text Legal Notice
bulleted text Intended Audience
bulleted text Document Structure
bulleted text Related Documents
bulleted text Reader's Comments
bulleted text How to Order Additional Documentation
bulleted text Conventions
Introduction to Kerberos
bulleted text Kerberos Terminology
bulleted text Understanding Kerberos
bulleted text Kerberos Components
Installation and Configuration
bulleted text Prerequisites
bulleted text Downloading the Kit
bulleted text Expanding the Kit
bulleted text Installing and Configuring Kerberos on OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 and Higher
bulleted text Updating and Configuring Kerberos on OpenVMS Version 7.3-1
bulleted text Installing and Configuring Kerberos on OpenVMS Version 7.2-2 and 7.3
Kerberos Client Programs
bulleted text User Client Programs
bulleted text Administrative Client Programs
Kerberos Programming Concepts
bulleted text Overview of Building a Kerberos Application on OpenVMS
bulleted text Kerberos Example Programs
GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface)
bulleted text gss_accept_sec_context Establish a security context
bulleted text gss_acquire_cred Acquire credential handle
bulleted text gss_add_cred Construct credentials incrementally
bulleted text gss_add_oid_set_member Add an object identifier to a set
bulleted text gss_canonicalize_name Convert internal name to internal mechanism name
bulleted text gss_compare_name Allow application to compare two internal names
bulleted text gss_context_time Check how much longer context is valid
bulleted text gss_create_empty_oid_set Create a set containing no object identifiers
bulleted text gss_delete_sec_context Delete a security context
bulleted text gss_display_name Provide textual representation of opaque internal name
bulleted text gss_display_status Convert GSSAPI status code to text for user display
bulleted text gss_duplicate_name Create a copy of an internal name
bulleted text gss_export_name Convert an internal mechanism name to export form
bulleted text gss_export_sec_context Transfer a security context to another process
bulleted text gss_get_mic Generate a cryptographic MIC for a message
bulleted text gss_import_name Convert a printable string to an internal form
bulleted text gss_import_sec_context Import a transferred context
bulleted text gss_indicate_mechs Allow an application to determine which security mechanisms are available
bulleted text gss_init_sec_context Establish a security context
bulleted text gss_inquire_context Extract security context information
bulleted text gss_inquire_cred Provide calling application with information about a credential
bulleted text gss_inquire_cred_by_mech Obtain per-mechanism information about a credential
bulleted text gss_inquire_names_for_mech Return set of supported nametypes
bulleted text gss_process_context_token Pass a security context to the security service
bulleted text gss_release_buffer Free storage associated with a buffer
bulleted text gss_release_cred Mark a credential for deletion
bulleted text gss_release_name Free storage associated with an internal name that was allocated by a GSSAPI routine
bulleted text gss_release_oid_set Free storage associated with a gss_OID_set object
bulleted text gss_test_oid_set_member Determine whether an object identifier is a member of the set
bulleted text gss_unwrap Verify a message with attached MIC and decrypt message content
bulleted text gss_verify_mic Check that a cryptographic MIC fits the applied message
bulleted text gss_wrap Attach a MIC to a message and encrypt the message
bulleted text gss_wrap_size_limit Check expected size of wrapped output
KRB5 (Kerberos V5) Application Programming Interface
bulleted text krb5_425_conv_principal Convert a Kerberos V4 principal name to V5 format
bulleted text krb5_address_compare Compare two addresses
bulleted text krb5_address_order Return an ordering of two addresses
bulleted text krb5_address_search Search for address in address list
bulleted text krb5_aname_to_localname Convert a principal name to a local name
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_free Free auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_init Initialize the auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getaddrs Retrieve address fields from the auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getauthenticator Retrieve authenticator used during mutual authentication
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getflags Retrieve the flags in auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getkey Retrieve keyblock from auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getlocalseqnumber Retrieve and store the local sequence number
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkey Retrieve the local_subkey keyblock from auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getremoteseqnumber Retrieve and store the remote sequence number
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_getremotesubkey Retrieve the remote_subkey keyblock from auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_setaddrs Set address fields in auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_setflags Set the flags in auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_setports Set port fields in the auth_context
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_setrcache Set the replay cache
bulleted text krb5_auth_con_setuseruserkey Set keyblock field in auth_context to temporary key
bulleted text krb5_build_principal Build a principal name
bulleted text krb5_build_principal_ext Build a principal name extension
bulleted text krb5_cc_close Close the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_default Resolve the default credentials cache name
bulleted text krb5_cc_default_name Return the name of the default credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_destroy Destroy a credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_end_seq_get Finish processing credentials cache entries
bulleted text krb5_cc_gen_new Generate a new credentials cache identifier
bulleted text krb5_cc_get_name Return the name of the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_get_principal Retrieve the primary principal of the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_initialize Create/refresh a credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_next_cred Fetch the next credentials entry
bulleted text krb5_cc_remove_cred Remove credentials from the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_resolve Resolve a credentials cache name
bulleted text krb5_cc_retrieve_cred Search the cache for a credential and return it if found
bulleted text krb5_cc_set_flags Set the flags on the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_cc_start_seq_get Start sequential read of cached credentials
bulleted text krb5_cc_store_cred Store a credential in the credentials cache
bulleted text krb5_copy_addresses Copy Kerberos addresses
bulleted text krb5_copy_authdata Copy a Kerberos authdata structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_authenticator Copy an authenticator structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_checksum Copy a checksum structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_creds Copy a credentials structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_data Copy a Kerberos data structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_keyblock Copy a keyblock
bulleted text krb5_copy_keyblock_contents Copy a keyblocks contents
bulleted text krb5_copy_principal Copy a principal structure
bulleted text krb5_copy_ticket Copy a Kerberos ticket structure
bulleted text krb5_free_addresses Free addresses allocated by krb5_copy_addresses
bulleted text krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part Free subkey and other data allocated by krb5_rd_rep or krb5_send_auth
bulleted text krb5_free_authdata Free an authdata structure
bulleted text krb5_free_authenticator Free authenticator storage
bulleted text krb5_free_checksum Free a checksum
bulleted text krb5_free_context Free a context structure
bulleted text krb5_free_cred_contents Free credential structures
bulleted text krb5_free_creds Free credentials
bulleted text krb5_free_data Free storage associated with a krb5_data object
bulleted text krb5_free_error Free error information
bulleted text krb5_free_host_realm Free storage allocated by krb5_get_host_realm
bulleted text krb5_free_keyblock Free keyblock memory
bulleted text krb5_free_principal Free the pwd_data allocated by krb5_copy_principal
bulleted text krb5_free_tgt_creds Free TGT credentials
bulleted text krb5_free_ticket Free ticket allocated by krb5_copy_ticket
bulleted text krb5_get_credentials Get an additional ticket for the client
bulleted text krb5_get_default_realm Retrieve the default realm
bulleted text krb5_get_host_realm Get the Kerberos realm names for a host
bulleted text krb5_get_message Convert an error code into the string representation
bulleted text krb5_get_server_rcache Create a replay cache for server use
bulleted text krb5_init_context Initialize a Kerberos context structure
bulleted text krb5_kt_add_entry Add an entry to a key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_close Close a key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_default Return a handle to the default keytab
bulleted text krb5_kt_default_name Get default key table name
bulleted text krb5_kt_end_seq_get Complete a series of sequential key table entry retrievals
bulleted text krb5_kt_get_entry Retrieve an entry from the key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_get_name Get key table name
bulleted text krb5_kt_next_entry Retrieve the next entry from the key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_read_service_key Retrieve a service key from the key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_remove_entry Remove an entry from a key table
bulleted text krb5_kt_start_seq_get Start a sequential retrieve of key table entries
bulleted text krb5_kuserok Determine whether the local user is authorized to log in
bulleted text krb5_mk_error Format an error message
bulleted text krb5_mk_priv Format a KRB_PRIV message
bulleted text krb5_mk_rep Format and encrypt an AP_REP message
bulleted text krb5_mk_req Format a KRB_AP_REQ message
bulleted text krb5_mk_req_extended Format a KRB_AP_REQ message with additional options
bulleted text krb5_mk_safe Format a KRB_SAFE message
bulleted text krb5_os_localaddr Return all protocol addresses of this host
bulleted text krb5_parse_name Convert string principal name to protocol format
bulleted text krb5_principal_compare Compare two principals
bulleted text krb5_read_password Read a password from the keyboard
bulleted text krb5_rd_priv Parse a KRB_PRIV message
bulleted text krb5_rd_rep Parse and decrypt an AP_REP message
bulleted text krb5_rd_req Parse a KRB_AP_REQ message
bulleted text krb5_rd_safe Parse a KRB_SAFE message
bulleted text krb5_recvauth Receive authenticated message
bulleted text krb5_sendauth Send authenticated message
bulleted text krb5_set_default_realm Sets the default realm
bulleted text krb5_sname_to_principal Generate a full principal name from a service name
bulleted text krb5_timeofday Retrieves the system time of day (in seconds) since local systems epoch
bulleted text krb5_unparse_name Convert protocol format principal name to string format
bulleted text krb5_unparse_name_ext Convert multiple protocol format principal names to string format
bulleted text krb5_us_timeofday Retrieves the system time of day (in seconds and microseconds)
Open Source Notices
bulleted text Acknowledgements
bulleted text Kerberos Copyright Notice
bulleted text OpenVision Technologies Copyright Notice
bulleted text University of California Copyright Notice
bulleted text Glossary
bulleted text Index