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Using the Operating System CD-ROM Menu  

The following sections describe how you use the operating system CD-ROM menu system to install, upgrade, and modify your system disk, and perform other related tasks.

The OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM main menu displays automatically when you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM. From this menu, you can choose options to perform any of the following tasks:

The following is a sample display of the CD-ROM main menu:

    OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version 7.3-2
    (c) Copyright 1976-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Installing required known files...
    Configuring devices... 
    You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS Alpha operating system
    or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included
    on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM. 
    You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform
    "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk. 
    Please choose one of the following:
        1)  Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2
        2)  Display products and patches that this procedure can install
        3)  Install or upgrade layered products and patches
        4)  Show installed products         
        5)  Reconfigure installed products
        6)  Remove installed products
        7)  Execute DCL commands and procedures
        8)  Shut down this system            
Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?)
Review the following sections to understand how the menu works. You will then be prepared to choose appropriate menu options when you are asked to do so before, during, and after an installation or upgrade.

Using the Install, Upgrade, or Reconfigure OpenVMS Option (1)  

Select option 1 from the CD-ROM main menu to install, upgrade, or reconfigure your OpenVMS Alpha software. Selecting option 1 implements a POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility concept called a platform. The OpenVMS Alpha platform contains the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, plus options for certain other products, including the optional DECwindows Motif, DECnet-Plus, DECnet Phase IV, TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS products, and the required Kerberos and Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) products. Including these products in the OpenVMS Alpha platform allows you to install or upgrade these products along with the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. When you choose to upgrade the system disk, and the OpenVMS software on the disk is the same version, then you are given options to re-install or reconfigure the OpenVMS system or reconfigure the OpenVMS platform.

You can look at the platform Product Definition File (PDF) itself. This file is located in [VMS$COMMON] on the OpenVMS operating system CD-ROM. The file has a name similar to DEC-AXPVMS-OVMS-Vnnnn-n.PCSI$DESCRIPTION, where the variables indicate the version number.

After you select which of the optional products you want to install, information is retained in the database maintained by the PCSI utility. This information allows future OpenVMS upgrades to present the choices made in this installation as defaults to be used in an upgrade or reconfiguration.

When you select option 1 from the CD-ROM main menu, the system asks whether you want to preserve or initialize the system disk. The display is similar to the following:

   There are two choices for Installation/Upgrade:
   INITIALIZE - Removes all software and data files that were         
       previously on the target disk and installs OpenVMS Alpha.      
   PRESERVE -- Installs or upgrades OpenVMS Alpha on the target disk 
       and retains all other contents of the target disk.
   * Note: You cannot use PRESERVE to install OpenVMS Alpha on a disk on
        which OpenVMS VAX or any other operating system is installed.
Do you want to INITIALIZE or to PRESERVE? [PRESERVE]  


When you specify the INITIALIZE option, the following operations take place:

Specify the INITIALIZE option and perform a full installation under the following conditions:


When you specify the PRESERVE option, the following operations take place:

IF ... THEN ...
the OpenVMS Alpha operating system is not already installed on the target disk,
  • the operating system is installed.

  • all other contents of the target disk are retained.

the OpenVMS Alpha operating system is installed on the target disk,
the operating system is upgraded, as follows:
  • old operating system files and new files are merged or replaced.

  • all other contents of the target disk are retained.

NoteIf you intend to choose the PRESERVE option (because there are certain files on the disk that you want to retain), HP recommends that you first make a backup copy of your system disk. If there is any problem during the installation or upgrade that might affect the integrity of the disk, you will have the backup copy as a safeguard.

If you choose the PRESERVE option and choose a target disk that already contains the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 software, you are provided with the option to either reconfigure or reinstall the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. Reconfigure the operating system if you want to change the options you chose to include when the operating system was installed. Reinstall the operating system if you think that your system files might have become corrupted.

Adding and Removing Operating System Files for additional configuration information.

Using the Display Products and Patches Option (2)  

When you select option 2 from the CD-ROM main menu, the following information is displayed:

NoteThe two lists of products (the products that can be installed or upgraded and the layered product kits available for installation) might be the same or very similar. Generally, products that can be installed or upgraded along with the OpenVMS operating system should be installed or upgraded with the OpenVMS operating system.

The product lists and other output often identify DECnet-Plus as "DECNET_OSI," which represents "DECnet/OSI." DECnet-Plus was formerly known as DECnet/OSI.

The display is similar to the following:
    The following versions of the OpenVMS operating system, 
    required components, and optional products 
    are available on the OpenVMS Distribution compact disk.
    They can be installed by selecting choice 1:
DEC AXPVMS VMS version V7.3-2
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA version V2.0-67
    The following Layered Product kits are available on the OpenVMS
    Distribution Compact Disk.  They can be installed by selecting
    choice 3.  If already installed, they can be reconfigured by
    selecting choice 5, or removed by selecting choice 6.
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------
PRODUCT                             KIT TYPE    KIT FORMAT
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA X2.0-67             Full LP     Sequential
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Full LP     Sequential
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3-2   Full LP     Sequential
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Full LP     Sequential
DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Full LP     Sequential
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Full LP     Sequential
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V1.0             Transition  Sequential
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------
8 items found
Press Return to continue...

Using the Install or Upgrade Layered Products Option (3)  

Use option 3 of the CD-ROM main menu for normal installations or upgrades of the layered products. Note that you can install or upgrade the DECwindows graphical user interface and HP networking products along with the OpenVMS operating system by selecting the install or upgrade option 1 from the main menu.

When you select the layered products option (3), the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility allows you to choose whether to install layered products or to register layered products that are on the target disk but are not in the Product Database. If you attempt to reinstall the same version of a product that is already installed, the product will be reinstalled. If you want to reconfigure, select the reconfigure option (5) from the main menu.

As shown in the following example, you are also prompted for a target disk and asked whether you want brief or detailed descriptions. The procedure presents a list of products and allows you to select any or all of these products. Alternatively, you can exit without installing or upgrading any products.

NoteThe layered products listed include CDSA and Kerberos, which are required, and DECnet Phase IV, DECnet-Plus, and TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, which are optional.

You can install (or upgrade to) the new implementation of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, Version 5.4, as part of the OpenVMS upgrade. If you want to install Version 5.4 separately, choose the product:


    If you choose to install or upgrade DECwindows Motif,
    please note the following:
      o If you did not select the OpenVMS DECwindows server support
        and workstation files options, DECwindows Motif will not run.
        You must add these options to use DECwindows Motif.
      o If you are upgrading DECwindows Motif from version V1.1 and
        want to save the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming files,
        DO NOT upgrade now.  Instead, see the DECwindows Motif
        installation manual and follow the instructions for running
    If you choose to install or upgrade DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV,
    please note the following:
      o If you did not select the OpenVMS DECNET option, neither version
        of DECnet will run.  You must add this option to use DECnet.
Press Return to continue...
    The installation procedure will ask a series of questions.
          () - encloses acceptable answers
          [] - encloses default answers
    Type your response and press the <Return> key.  Type:
          ? - to repeat an explanation
          ^ - to change prior input (not always possible)
          Ctrl/Y - to exit the installation procedure
    You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
    the layered product(s) installation will be performed.
Enter device name for target disk: [dkb300] (? for choices) DKB300 
    DKB300: is labeled V732TOV732.
    The install operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
    In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing "?".
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No] NO
   1 - CPQ AXPVMS CDSA X2.0-67             Layered Product
   2 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Layered Product
   3 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3-2   Layered Product
   4 - DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Layered Product
   5 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Layered Product
   6 - HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Layered Product
   7 - All products listed above  
   8 - Exit
Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas:

NoteWhen you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM and select the option to install layered products, that installation procedure does not run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) for layered products. Because the operating system is booted from the CD-ROM and the layered products are installed on a different device (the target drive), the IVPs cannot execute correctly. However, you can run the IVP for each layered product after you boot the target system (see the layered product installation documents for information on running the IVP).

Using the Show Installed Products Option (4)  

Use option 4 of the CD-ROM main menu to display a list of products that have been installed on a selected target disk by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Products that were installed by VMSINSTAL or other installation methods will not appear in this display unless they have been registered in the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility's product database.

The following is a sample display of the prompts and information that appear when you select option 4:

    You must enter the device name for the system disk for which
    you want to display installed products.
    If you enter an invalid device or one which is not a system disk
    an error will coccur.
    (Enter "^" and press Return to return to main menu.)
Enter device name for system disk:  (? for choices) DKB300     
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, V732TOV732 mounted on _DKB300:
    The default is an 80-column display that does not include
    Maintenance (patches) or Referenced by information.
Do you want the full, 123-column display? (Yes/No) [No] NO
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
PRODUCT                             KIT TYPE    STATE
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA V2.0                Full LP     Installed
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Full LP     Installed
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Full LP     Installed
DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-2           Platform    Installed
DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Full LP     Installed
DEC AXPVMS VMS X7.3-2               Oper System Installed
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Full LP     Installed
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
7 items found
Do you wish to display product history? (Yes/No) [No] YES 
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------------
PRODUCT                             KIT TYPE    OPERATION   DATE AND TIME
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------------
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA V2.0                Full LP     Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Full LP     Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Full LP     Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-2           Platform    Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3-2               Oper System Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Full LP     Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Full LP     Install     25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA V2.0                Full LP     Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3-2   Full LP     Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Full LP     Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-2           Platform    Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3-2               Oper System Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Transition  Remove      25-MAY-2003 18:04:23
HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Transition  Reg Product 25-MAY-2003 17:20:44
CPQ AXPVMS CDSA V1.0                Full LP     Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3-1   Full LP     Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Full LP     Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-1           Platform    Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.3-18            Full LP     Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3-1               Oper System Install     27-JAN-2003 21:07:15
----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------------------
19 items found
Press Return to continue...

Using the Reconfigure Installed Products Option (5)  

Option 5 of the CD-ROM main menu allows you to reconfigure layered products, including the DECwindows graphical user interface and HP networking products. This allows you to change the product choices you made during a previous installation or upgrade.

You can reconfigure a product only if all of the following conditions are true:

When you select option 5 of the CD-ROM main menu, the procedure prompts you for a target disk name and asks whether you want brief or detailed descriptions about the reconfiguration options. The procedure then lists the products you can configure. You can select any or all of these products, or you can exit without reconfiguring products.

The following is a sample display of the prompts and information that appear when you select option 5:

 The reconfiguration procedure will ask a series of questions.
          () - encloses acceptable answers
          [] - encloses default answers
    Type your response and press the <Return> key.  Type:
          ? - to repeat an explanation
          ^ - to change prior input (not always possible)
          Ctrl/Y - to exit the installation procedure
    You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
    the layered product(s) reconfiguration will be performed.
Enter device name for target disk: (? for choices) DKB300
 DKB300: is labeled V732TOV732.
    The reconfigure operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
    In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing "?".
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]NO
   1 - CPQ AXPVMS CDSA XV2.0               Layered Product
   2 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Layered Product
   3 - DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Layered Product
   4 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Layered Product
   5 - HP  AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0            Layered Product
   6 - All products listed above
   7 - Exit
Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas:

Using the Remove Installed Products Option (6)  

Option 6 of the CD-ROM main menu allows you to remove products that were installed or registered with the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility.

NoteWhen you remove a product that was registered using a transition kit, some of the product's directories, files, or other objects might not be removed. Transition kits typically do not contain all the directories, files, and other objects that make up the product.

When you select option 6, you are prompted for a target disk name and whether you want brief or detailed descriptions about the remove options. The procedure then lists the products you can remove. You can select any or all of these products, or you can exit without removing any products.

The following is a sample display of the prompts and information that appear when you select option 6:

    The removal procedure will ask a series of questions.
          () - encloses acceptable answers
          [] - encloses default answers
    Type your response and press the <Return> key.  Type:
          ? - to repeat an explanation
          ^ - to change prior input (not always possible)
          Ctrl/Y - to exit the installation procedure
    You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
    the layered product(s) removal will be performed.
Enter device name for target disk: [DKB300:] (? for choices) DKB300    
    DKB300: is labeled V732TOV732.
    The remove operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
    In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing "?".
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No] NO
   1 - CPQ AXPVMS CDSA V2.0                Layered Product
   2 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3-2        Layered Product
   3 - DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.3-1           Layered Product
   4 - DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-2           Platform (product suite)
   5 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4               Layered Product
   6 - DEC AXPVMS VMS X7.3-2               Operating System
   7 - HP AXPVMS KERBEROS V2.0             Layered Product
   8 - All products listed above
   9 - Exit
Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas

Using the Execute DCL Option (7)  

When you select option 7 from the CD-ROM main menu, you can use a subset of DCL commands (such as SHOW DEVICE, MOUNT, and BACKUP) to perform specific preinstallation and maintenance operations. Note, however, that this is a restricted DCL environment in that certain DCL commands (such as PRODUCT) and certain utilities (such as VMSINSTAL) will not function as expected because you are booting from read-only or write-locked media and because the full system startup is not performed.

A triple dollar sign system prompt ($$$) indicates that you are in this restricted DCL environment, as shown in the following example:

To exit from the DCL environment and return to the main menu, enter the LOGOUT command.

Using the Shut Down This System Option (8)  

When you select option 8 from the CD-ROM main menu, your system shuts down and you are returned to the console prompt (>>>). The system displays a message similar to the following:

    Shutting down the system

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go to next page: Making the Install/Upgrade/Backup SelectionMaking the Install/Upgrade/Backup Selection