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Installing Windowing and Networking Products  

The procedure now presents information about software that you can install along with the OpenVMS operating system. Some of this software is required, as noted; some is optional. The procedure asks if you want to install the following HP windowing and networking software products:

The software that you choose to install (including the previously listed required software) will be installed along with the OpenVMS Alpha operating system. You can change the default values for these products later in the installation procedure.

NoteThe OpenVMS Alpha installation menu offers the choice to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS or DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS networking software. You cannot have both installed on your system at the same time. You can choose to install neither DECnet product; however, certain products that depend on DECnet might be affected.

After you have DECnet-Plus and TCP/IP installed on your system, you can run DECnet applications over your TCP/IP network. For more information on DECnet over TCP/IP, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management.

The software products display is similar to the following:
You can install the following products along with the OpenVMS operating 
        o CDSA for OpenVMS Alpha (required part of OpenVMS)
        o KERBEROS for OpenVMS Alpha (required part of OpenVMS)
        o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha
        o DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha
        o DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS Alpha
        o HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
    If you want to change your selections, you can do so later in the
    installation by answering "NO" to the following question:
        "Do you want the defaults for all options?"    
    Do you want to install DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha V1.3-1?
(Yes/No) [YES] Y

    Beginning with OpenVMS V7.1, the DECnet-Plus kit is provided with 
    the OpenVMS operating system kit.  HP strongly recommends that 
    DECnet users install DECnet-Plus.  DECnet Phase IV applications are
    supported by DECnet-Plus.
    DECnet Phase IV is also provided as an option.  Support for DECnet
    Phase IV is available through a Prior Version Support Contract.
    If you install DECnet-Plus and TCP/IP  you can run DECnet 
    applications over a TCP/IP network.  Please see the OpenVMS 
    Management Guide for information on running DECnet over TCP/IP.    
    Do you want to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2?
(Yes/No) [YES] 
If you answer NO to the prompt to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, you are prompted to install DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS.
    Do you want to install DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-2?
(Yes/No) [YES]
Finally, you are asked whether you want to install HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS:
    Do you want to install HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.4?
(Yes/No) [YES] Y

go to previous page: Registering Licenses Registering Licenses
go to next page: Completing the InstallationCompleting the Installation