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Alternate Backup and Restore Procedure  

This section describes an alternate method of performing backup and restore operations on your system disk. With this method, you install the operating system (without options) on another disk and perform your backup and restore operations on the system disk from there. Use this method under the following conditions:
NoteIt is also possible to back up your running system disk by using the qualifier /IGNORE=INTERLOCK with the BACKUP command and ignoring warning messages. However, that method requires that all other use of the system be suspended, including disabling logins, stopping print and batch queues, and turning off networking software. In addition, you cannot use this method to restore files to the running system disk. Because of these limitations, HP recommends that if you must use an alternate method to back up or restore the system disk, you use the method described in this section.

Preparing an Alternate System Disk  

Prepare an alternate system disk as follows:

  1. Log in to a privileged account on your running OpenVMS Alpha system.
  2. Using the SHOW DEVICE command, identify a data disk on which you can install the operating system, with no options. This will be your target disk during that installation. Note the following:
  3. The target disk must be mounted privately to your process. (This prevents other users from accessing this disk during the installation and backup procedures.) Therefore, if the target disk was mounted with /SYSTEM, /CLUSTER, /GROUP, or /SHARE, dismount that disk and mount it without using those qualifiers or the /FOREIGN qualifier. For example:
  4. Enter the following command to install the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, with no options, on the target disk:
    (The procedure will prompt you for a device name if you do not specify it on the command line.)
  5. As the procedure completes the installation, the display is similar to the following:
    DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3-2: OpenVMS and related products platform
        COPYRIGHT (c) 7-MAY-2003 
        Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Execution phase starting ...
    The following product will be installed:
        DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3-2
    Portion Done: 0%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100%
    The following product has been installed:
        DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3-2
        The installation of minimum OpenVMS Alpha is now complete.
        Use the following command to boot minimum OpenVMS:
            BOOT -FLAGS E,O device-name
        (Your system may require additional parameters to boot.)

    CautionIf your system is a cluster member, HP recommends that you shut down the entire OpenVMS Cluster system before you back up your system disk. This will prevent you from creating a partitioned cluster and from jeopardizing the integrity of your data in any other way.

Using the Alternate System Disk  

Use the alternate system disk (on which you installed the operating system with no options) to perform backup and restore operations as follows:

  1. Shut down your system.
  2. Boot the alternate system disk from the SYSE root. For example:
    >>> BOOT -FLAGS E,0 DKA200
    The system automatically logs you in to the SYSTEM account and then displays a triple dollar sign prompt ($$$).
    NoteDuring the boot and login operations on this minimum version of the operating system, you can ignore license messages that are similar to the following:

    %LICENSE-I-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product

  3. If your system disk is shadowed, install and load a Volume Shadowing license on this data disk. You will then be able to back up the shadowed system disk from this data disk without disabling the shadow set.
    NoteHP recommends that you do not install any other licenses, including OpenVMS licenses, on this alternate system. You will be able to use the system only from the console.

  4. Mount the system disk and any output devices you plan to use during the backup or restore operations. See Mounting Devices for more information.
  5. Perform the necessary backup or restore operations by entering the appropriate BACKUP commands. For examples using the BACKUP command to back up the system disk, see Performing the System Disk Backup; for examples using the BACKUP command to restore the system disk, see Performing the System Disk Restore.
  6. Shut down the system.
  7. Boot from your original system disk.

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