[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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HP Pascal for OpenVMS
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During execution, an image can generate a fatal error called an exception condition. When the HP Pascal run-time system detects such a condition, the system displays an error message and aborts program execution.
Run-time errors can also be issued by other facilities, such as the OpenVMS Sort Utility or the OpenVMS operating system. HP Pascal run-time system diagnostics are preceded by the following:
%PAS- F- |
The severity level of a run-time error is F, fatal error.
Some conditions, particularly I/O errors, may cause several messages to be generated. The first message is a diagnostic that specifies the file that was being accessed (if any) when the error occurred and the nature of the error. Next, an RMS error message may be generated. In most cases, you should be able to understand the error by looking up the first message in the following list. If not, see the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for an explanation of the RMS error message.
All diagnostic messages contain a brief explanation of the event that caused the error. This section lists run-time diagnostic messages in alphabetical order, including explanatory message text. Where the message text is not self-explanatory, additional explanation follows. Portions of the message text enclosed in quotation marks are items that the compiler substitutes with the name of a data object when it generates the message.
ACCMETINC, ACCESS_METHOD specified is incompatible with this file
Explanation: The value of the ACCESS_METHOD parameter
for a call to the OPEN procedure is not compatible with the file's
organization or record type. You can use DIRECT access only with files
that have relative organization or sequential organization and
fixed-length records. You can use KEYED access only with indexed files.
User Action: Make sure that you are accessing the
correct file. See Chapter 7 to determine which access method you
should use.
AMBVALENU, "string" is an ambiguous value for enumerated type
Explanation: While a value of an enumerated type was
being read from a text file, not enough characters of the identifier
were found to specify an unambiguous value.
User Action: Specify enough characters of the
identifier so that it is not ambiguous.
ARRINDVAL, array index value is out of range
Explanation: You enabled bounds checking for a
compilation unit and attempted to specify an index that is outside the
array's index bounds.
User Action: Correct the program or data so that all
references to array indexes are within the declared bounds.
ARRNOTCOM, conformant array is not compatible
Explanation: You attempted to assign one dynamic array
to another that did not have the same index bounds. This error occurs
only when the arrays use the decommitted VAX Pascal Version 1.0
syntax for dynamic array parameters.
User Action: Correct the program so that the two
dynamic arrays have the same index bounds. You could also change the
arrays to conform to the current syntax for conformant arrays; most
incompatibilities could then be detected at compile time rather than at
run time. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information on current
conformant arrays.
ARRNOTSTR, conformant array is not a string
Explanation: In a string operation, you used a
conformant PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR value whose index had a lower bound not
equal to 1 or an upper bound greater than 65535.
User Action: Correct the array's index so that the
array is a character string.
ASSERTION, Pascal assertion failure
Explanation: The expression used in the Pascal ASSERT
built-in routine evaluated to false.
User Action: Correct the problem that was being
checked with the ASSERT built-in in the source program.
BUGCHECK, internal consistency failure "nnn" in Pascal
Run-Time Library
Explanation: The run-time library has detected an
internal error or inconsistency. This problem may be caused by an
out-of-bounds array reference or a similar error in your program.
User Action: Rerun your program with all CHECK options
enabled. If you are unable to find an error in your program, please
submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) to Hewlett-Packard, including
a machine-readable copy of your program, data, and a sample execution
illustrating the problem.
CANCNTERR, handler cannot continue from a nonfile error
Explanation: A user condition handler attempted to
SS$_CONTINUE for an error not involving file input/output. To recover
from such an error, you must use either an uplevel GOTO statement or
the SYS$UNWIND system service.
User Action: Modify the user handler to use one of the
allowed recovery actions for nonfile errors, or to resignal the error
if no recovery action is possible.
CASSELVAL, CASE selector value is out of range
Explanation: The value of the case selector in a CASE
statement does not equal any of the specified case labels, and the
statement has no OTHERWISE clause.
User Action: Either add an OTHERWISE clause to the
CASE statement or change the value of the case selector so that it
equals one of the case labels. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
CONCATLEN, string concatenation has more than 65535 characters
Explanation: The result of a string concatenation
operation would result in a string longer than 65,535 characters, which
is the maximum length of a string.
User Action: Correct the program so that all
concatenations result in strings no longer than 65,535 characters.
CSTRCOMISS, invalid constructor: component(s) missing
Explanation: The constructor did not specify
sufficient component values to initialize a variable of the type.
User Action: Specify more components in the
constructor, use the OTHERWISE clause in the constructor, or modify the
type definition to specify fewer components.
CURCOMUND, current component is undefined for DELETE or UPDATE
Explanation: You attempted a DELETE or UPDATE
procedure when no current component was defined. A current component is
defined by a successful GET, FIND, FINDK, RESET, or RESETK that locks
the component. Files opened with HISTORY:=READONLY never lock
User Action: Correct the program so that a current
component is defined before executing DELETE or UPDATE.
DELNOTALL, DELETE is not allowed for a sequential organization file
Explanation: You attempted a DELETE procedure for a
file with sequential organization, which is not allowed. DELETE is
valid only on files with relative or indexed organization.
User Action: Make sure that the program is referencing
the correct file. See Chapter 7 to determine what file
characteristics are appropriate for your application.
ERRDURCLO, error during CLOSE
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the CLOSE procedure. The RMS error message is also
displayed. This message may also be issued with error severity when
files are implicitly closed during a procedure or image exit.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURDEL, error during DELETE
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of a DELETE procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description
of the RMS error.
Explanation: An error occurred during execution of a
DISPOSE procedure. An additional message that further describes the
error may also be displayed.
User Action: Make sure that the heap storage being
freed was allocated by a successful call to the NEW procedure, and that
it has not been already freed. If an additional message is shown, see
the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description of that message.
ERRDUREXT, error during EXTEND
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of an EXTEND procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURFIN, error during FIND or FINDK
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of a FIND or FINDK procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURGET, error during GET
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the GET procedure. The RMS error message is also displayed.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURMAR, error during MARK
Explanation: An error occurred during execution of the
PAS$MARK2 procedure. An additional message is displayed that further
describes the error.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the additional message.
ERRDURNEW, error during NEW
Explanation: An error occurred during execution of the
NEW procedure. An additional message is displayed that further
describes the error.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the additional message.
ERRDUROPE, error during OPEN
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during
execution of the OPEN procedure, or during an implicit open caused by a
RESET or REWRITE procedure. An additional message is displayed that
further describes the error.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the additional message.
ERRDURPRO, error during prompting
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
output of partial lines to a terminal. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURPUT, error during PUT
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the PUT procedure. The RMS error message is also displayed.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS message.
Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during
execution of the PAS$RELEASE2 procedure. An additional message may be
displayed that further describes the error.
User Action: Make sure that the marker argument was
returned from a successful call to PAS$MARK2 and that the storage has
not been already freed. If an additional message is displayed, see the
OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description of that message.
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the RESET or RESETK procedure. The RMS error message is
also displayed.
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the REWRITE procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the TRUNCATE procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURUNL, error during UNLOCK
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the UNLOCK procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
ERRDURUPD, error during UPDATE
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the UPDATE procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
Explanation: RMS reported an unexpected error during
execution of the WRITELN procedure. The RMS error message is also
User Action: See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description
of the RMS error.
EXTNOTALL, EXTEND is not allowed for a shared file
Explanation: Your program attempted an EXTEND
procedure for a file for which the program did not have exclusive
access. EXTEND requires that no other users be allowed to access the
file. Note that this message may also be issued if you do not have
permission to extend to the file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the file is
opened with SHARING:=NONE, which is the default, before performing an
EXTEND procedure.
FAIGETLOC, failed to GET locked component
Explanation: Your program attempted to access a
component of a file that was locked by another user. You can usually
expect this condition to occur when more than one user is accessing the
same relative or indexed file.
User Action: Determine whether this condition should
be allowed to occur. If so, modify your program so that it detects the
condition and retries the operation later. See Chapter 7 for more
FILALRACT, file "file name" is already active
Explanation: Your program attempted a file operation
on a file for which another operation was still in progress. This error
can occur if a file is used in AST or condition-handling routines.
User Action: Modify your program so that it does not
try to use files that may currently be in use.
FILALRCLO, file is already closed
Explanation: Your program attempted to close a file
that was already closed.
User Action: Modify your program so that it does not
try to close files that are not open.
FILALROPE, file is already open
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a file
that was already open.
User Action: Modify your program so that it does not
try to open files that are already open.
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a
nonexternal file without specifying a file-name parameter to the OPEN
procedure, but the HISTORY or DISPOSITION parameter specified requires
a file name.
User Action: Add a file-name parameter to the OPEN
procedure call, specifying an appropriate file name.
FILNOTDIR, file is not opened for direct access
Explanation: Your program attempted to execute a
DELETE, FIND, LOCATE, or UPDATE procedure on a file that was not opened
for direct access.
User Action: Modify the program to specify the
ACCESS_METHOD:=DIRECT parameter to the OPEN procedure when opening the
file. See Chapter 7 to determine if direct access is appropriate
for your application.
FILNOTFOU, file not found
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a file
that does not exist. An additional RMS message is displayed that
further describes the problem.
User Action: Make sure that you are specifying the
correct file. See the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for a description of the additional
RMS message.
FILNOTGEN, file is not in Generation mode
Explanation: Your program attempted a file operation
that required the file to be in generation mode (ready for writing).
User Action: Modify the program to use a REWRITE,
TRUNCATE, or LOCATE procedure to place the file in generation mode as
appropriate. See Chapter 7 for more information.
FILNOTINS, file is not in Inspection mode
Explanation: Your program attempted a file operation
that required the file to be in inspection mode (ready for reading).
User Action: Modify the program to use a RESET,
RESETK, FIND, or FINDK procedure to place the file in inspection mode
as appropriate. See Chapter 7 for more information.
FILNOTKEY, file is not opened for keyed access
Explanation: Your program attempted to execute a
FINDK, RESETK, DELETE, or UPDATE procedure on a file that was not
opened for keyed access.
User Action: Modify the program to specify the
ACCESS_METHOD:=KEYED parameter to the OPEN procedure when opening the
file. See Chapter 7 to make sure that keyed access is appropriate
to your application.
FILNOTOPE, file is not open
Explanation: Your program attempted to execute a file
manipulation procedure on a file that was not open.
User Action: Correct the program to open the file
using a RESET, REWRITE, or OPEN procedure as appropriate. See
Chapter 7 for more information.
FILNOTSEQ, file is not sequential organization
Explanation: Your program attempted to execute the
TRUNCATE procedure on a file that does not have sequential
organization. TRUNCATE is valid only on sequential files.
User Action: Make sure that your program is accessing
the correct file. Correct the program so that all TRUNCATE operations
are performed on sequential files.
FILNOTTEX, file is not a textfile
Explanation: Your program performed a file operation
that required a file of type TEXT on a nontext file. Note that the type
FILE OF CHAR is not equivalent to TEXT unless you have compiled the
program with the /OLD_VERSION qualifier.
User Action: Make sure that your program is accessing
the correct file. Correct the program so that a text file is always
used when required.
GENNOTALL, Generation mode is not allowed for a READONLY file
Explanation: Your program attempted to place a file
declared with the READONLY attribute into generation mode, which is not
allowed. Note that the READONLY file attribute is not equivalent to the
HISTORY:=READONLY parameter to the OPEN procedure.
User Action: Correct the program so that the file
either does not have the READONLY attribute or is not placed into
generation mode.
GETAFTEOF, GET attempted after end-of-file
Explanation: Your program attempted a GET operation on
a file while EOF(f) was TRUE. This situation occurs when a previous GET
operation (possibly implicitly performed by a RESET, RESETK, or READ
procedure) reads to the end of the file and causes the EOF(f) function
to return TRUE. If another GET is then performed, this error is given.
User Action: Correct the program so that it either
tests whether EOF(f) is TRUE, before attempting a GET operation, or
repositions the file before the end-of-file marker.
GOTOFAILED, non-local GOTO failed
Explanation: An error occurred while a nonlocal GOTO
statement was being executed. This error might occur because of an
error in the user program, such as an out-of-bounds array reference.
User Action: Rerun your program, enabling all CHECK
options. If you cannot locate an error in your program and the problem
persists, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) to
Hewlett-Packard, and include a machine-readable copy of your program,
data, and results of a sample execution showing the problem.
HALT, HALT procedure called
Explanation: The program terminated its execution by
executing the HALT procedure. This message is solely informational.
User Action: None.
ILLGOTO, illegal uplevel GOTO during routine activation
Explanation: An uplevel GOTO was made into the body of
a routine before the declaration part of the routine was completely
User Action: Correct the program to avoid the uplevel
GOTO until the declaration part has been completely processed.
INSNOTALL, Inspection mode is not allowed for a WRITEONLY file
Explanation: Your program attempted to place a file
declared with the WRITEONLY attribute into inspection mode, which is
not allowed.
User Action: Correct the program so that the file
variable either does not have the WRITEONLY attribute or is not placed
into inspection mode.
INSVIRMEM, insufficient virtual memory
Explanation: The run-time library was unable to
allocate enough heap storage to open the file.
User Action: Examine your program to see whether it is
making excessive use of heap storage, which might be allocated using
the NEW procedure or the run-time library procedure LIB$GET_VM. Modify
your program to free any heap storage it does not need.
INVARGPAS, invalid argument to Pascal Run-Time Library
Explanation: An invalid argument or inconsistent data
structure was passed to the run-time library by the compiled code, or a
system service returned an unrecognized value to the run-time library.
User Action: Rerun your program with all CHECK options
enabled. Make sure that the version of the current operating system is
compatible with the version of the compiler. If you cannot locate an
error in your program and the problem persists, please submit a
Software Performance Report (SPR) to Hewlett-Packard, and include a
machine-readable copy of your program, data, and results of a sample
execution showing the problem.
INVFILSYN, invalid file name syntax
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a file
with an invalid file name. The file name used can be derived from the
file variable name, the value of the file-name parameter to the OPEN
procedure, or the logical name translations (if any) of the file
variable name and portions of the file-name parameter and your default
device and directory. The displayed text may include the erroneous file
name. This error can also occur if the value of the file-name parameter
is longer than 255 characters. Additional RMS messages may be displayed
that further describe the error.
User Action: Use the information provided in the
displayed messages to determine which component of the file name is
invalid. Verify that any logical names used are defined correctly. See
the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for information on file names.
INVFILVAR, invalid file variable at location "nnn"
Explanation: The file variable passed to a run-time
library procedure was invalid or corrupted. This problem might be
caused by an error in the user program, such as an out-of-bounds array
access. It can also occur if a file variable is passed from a routine
compiled with a version of VAX Pascal earlier than Version 2.0 to a
routine compiled with a later version of the compiler, or if the new
key options are used on OpenVMS systems earlier than Version 4.6.
User Action: Rerun your program with all CHECK options
enabled, and recompile all modules using the same compiler. If the
problem persists, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) to
Hewlett-Packard and include a machine-readable copy of your program,
data, and results of a sample execution showing the problem.
INVKEYDEF, invalid key definition
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a file of
type RECORD whose component type contained a field with an invalid KEY
attribute. One of the following errors occurred:
INVRADIX, specified radix must be in the range 2-36
Explanation: The specified radix for writing an
ordinal value must be in the range of 2 through 36.
User Action: Modify the program to specify a radix in
the proper range
INVRECLEN, invalid record length of "nnn"
Explanation: A file was being opened, and one of the
following errors occurred:
INVSYNBIN, "string" is invalid syntax for a binary value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading a binary value from a text file, the characters read did not
conform to the syntax for a binary value. The displayed message
includes the text actually read and the record number in which this
text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNHEX, "string" is invalid syntax for a hexadecimal value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading a hexadecimal value from a text file, the characters read did
not conform to the syntax for an hexadecimal value. The displayed
message includes the text actually read and the record number in which
this text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNENU, "string" is invalid syntax for an enumerated value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading an identifier of an enumerated type from a text file, the
characters read did not conform to the syntax for an enumerated value.
The displayed message includes the text actually read and the record
number in which this text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNINT, "string" is invalid syntax for an integer value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading a value for an integer identifier from a text file, the
characters read did not conform to the syntax for an integer value. The
displayed message includes the text actually read and the record number
in which this text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNOCT, "string" is invalid syntax for an octal value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading an octal value from a text file, the characters read did not
conform to the syntax for an octal value. The displayed message
includes the text actually read and the record number in which this
text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNREA, "string" is invalid syntax for a real value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading a value for a real identifier from a text file, the characters
read did not conform to the syntax for a real value. The displayed
message includes the text actually read and the record number in which
this text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
INVSYNUNS, "string" is invalid syntax for an unsigned value
Explanation: While a READ or READV procedure was
reading a value for an unsigned identifier from a text file, the
characters read did not conform to the syntax for an unsigned value.
The displayed message includes the text actually read and the record
number in which this text occurred.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the correct syntax is used. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
KEYCHANOT, key field change is not allowed
Explanation: Your program attempted an UPDATE
procedure for a record of an indexed file that would have changed the
value of a key field, and this situation was disallowed when the file
was created.
User Action: If the program needs to detect this
situation when it occurs, specify the ERROR:=CONTINUE parameter for the
UPDATE procedure, and use the STATUS function to determine which error,
if any, occurred. If necessary, modify the program so that it does not
improperly change a key field, or recreate the file specifying that the
key field is permitted to change. See Chapter 7 for more
KEYDEFINC, KEY "nnn" definition is inconsistent with this file
Explanation: An indexed file of type RECORD was
opened, and the component type contained fields whose KEY attributes
did not match those of the existing file. The number of the key in
error is displayed in the message.
User Action: Correct the RECORD definition so that it
describes the correct KEY fields, or recreate the file so that it
matches the declared keys. See Chapter 7 for more information.
KEYDUPNOT, key field duplication is not allowed
Explanation: Your program attempted an UPDATE or PUT
procedure for a record of an indexed file that would have duplicated a
key field value of an existing record, and this situation was
disallowed when the file was created.
User Action: If the program needs to detect this
situation when it occurs, specify the ERROR:=CONTINUE parameter for the
PUT or UPDATE procedure, and use the STATUS function to determine which
error, if any, occurred. If necessary, modify the program so that it
does not improperly duplicate a key field, or recreate the file
specifying that the key field is permitted to be duplicated. See
Chapter 7 for more information.
KEYNOTDEF, KEY "nnn" is not defined for this file
Explanation: Your program attempted a FINDK or RESETK
procedure on an indexed file, and the key number specified does not
exist in the file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the correct
key numbers are used when accessing the file.
KEYVALINC, key value is incompatible with the file's key "nnn"
Explanation: The key value specified for the FINDK
procedure was incompatible in type or size with the key field of the
file, or your program attempted an OPEN on an existing file and the key
check failed.
User Action: Make sure that the correct key value is
being specified for FINDK and OPEN. Correct the program so that the
type of the key value is compatible with the key of the file.
LINTOOLON, line is too long, exceeded record length by "nnn"
Explanation: Your program attempted a WRITE, PUT,
WRITEV, or other output procedure on a text file that would have placed
more characters in the current line than the record length of the file
would allow. The number of characters that did not fit is displayed in
the message.
User Action: Correct the program so that it does not
place too many characters in the current line. If appropriate, use the
WRITELN procedure, or specify an increased record length parameter when
opening the file with the OPEN procedure.
Explanation: The number of lines written to the file
exceeded the maximum specified as the line limit. The line limit value
is determined by the translation of the logical name PAS$LINELIMIT, if
any, or the value specified in a call to the LINELIMIT procedure for
the file.
User Action: As appropriate, correct the program so
that it does not write as many lines, or increase the line limit for
the file. Note that if a line limit is specified for a nontext file,
each PUT procedure called for the file is considered to be one line.
See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information.
LOWGTRHIGH, low-bound exceeds high-bound
Explanation: The lower bound of a subrange definition
is larger than the higher bound.
User Action: Modify the declaration so the lower bound
is less than or equal to the higher bound.
MAXLENRNG, maximum length must be in range 1..65535
Explanation: The maximum length for a string type is
User Action: Modify the declaration to specify a
smaller amount.
MODNEGNUM, MOD of a negative modulus has no mathematical definition
Explanation: In the MOD operation A MOD B, the operand
B must have a positive integer value.
User Action: Correct the program so that the operand B
has a positive integer value.
NEGDIGARG, negative Digits argument to BIN, HEX or OCT is not allowed
Explanation: Your program attempted to specify a
negative value for the Digits argument in a call to the BIN, HEX, or
OCT procedure, which is not permitted.
User Action: Correct the program so that only
nonnegative Digits arguments are used for calls to BIN, HEX, and OCT.
NEGWIDDIG, negative Width or Digits specification is not allowed
Explanation: A WRITE or WRITEV procedure on a text
file contained a field width specification that included a negative
Width or Digits value, which is not permitted.
User Action: Correct the program so that only
nonnegative Width and Digits parameters are used.
NOTVALTYP, "string" is not a value of type "type"
Explanation: Your program attempted a READ or READV
procedure on a text file, but the value read could not be expressed in
the specified type. For example, this error results if a real value
read is outside the range of the identifier's type, or if an enumerated
value is read that does not match any of the valid constant identifiers
in its type.
User Action: Correct the program or the input data so
that the values read are compatible with the types of the identifiers
receiving the data.
OPNDASSCOM, operands are not assignment compatible
Explanation: The operands do not have the same type.
User Action: Examine the declarations of the operands
and make sure they have compatible types.
ORDVALOUT, ordinal value is out of range
Explanation: A value of an ordinal type is outside the
range of values specified by the type. For example, this error results
if you try to use the SUCC function on the last value in the type or
the PRED function on the first value.
User Action: Correct the program so that all ordinal
values are within the range of values specified by the ordinal type.
ORGSPEINC, ORGANIZATION specified is inconsistent with this file
Explanation: The value of the ORGANIZATION parameter
for the OPEN procedure that opened an existing file was inconsistent
with the actual organization of the file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the correct
organization is specified. See Chapter 7 for more information.
PADLENERR, PAD length error
Explanation: The length of the character string to be
padded by the PAD function is greater than the length specified as the
finished size, or the finished size specified is greater than 65,535.
User Action: Correct the call to PAD so that the
finished size specified describes a character string of the correct
length. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for the rules governing the PAD function.
PTRREFNIL, pointer reference to NIL
Explanation: Your program attempted to evaluate a
pointer value while its value was NIL.
User Action: Make sure that the pointer has a value
before you try to evaluate it. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more
information on pointer values.
RECLENINC, RECORD_LENGTH specified is inconsistent with this file
Explanation: The record length obtained from the file
component's length or from the value of the record length parameter
specified for the OPEN procedure was inconsistent with the actual
record length of an existing file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the record
length specified, if any, is consistent with the file. See
Chapter 7 for more information.
RECTYPINC, RECORD_TYPE specified is inconsistent with this file
Explanation: The value of the RECORD_LENGTH parameter
specified for the OPEN procedure was inconsistent with the actual
record type of an existing file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the record
type specified, if any, is consistent with the file. See Chapter 7
for more information.
REFINAVAR, read or write of inactive variant
Explanation: A field of an inactive variant was read
or written.
User Action: Correct the program so the variant is
active or remove the reference to the inactive field.
RESNOTALL, RESET is not allowed on an unopened internal file
Explanation: Your program attempted a RESET procedure
for a nonexternal file that was not open. This operation is not
permitted because RESET must operate on an existing file, and there is
no information associated with a nonexternal file that allows RESET to
open it.
User Action: Correct the program so that nonexternal
files are opened before using RESET. Either OPEN or REWRITE may be used
to open a nonexternal file. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information.
REWNOTALL, REWRITE is not allowed for a shared file
Explanation: Your program attempted a REWRITE
procedure for a file for which the program did not have exclusive
access. REWRITE requires that no other users be allowed to access the
file while the file's data is deleted. Note that this message may also
be issued if you do not have permission to write to the file.
User Action: Correct the program so that the file is
opened with SHARING := NONE, which is the default, before performing a
REWRITE procedure.
SETASGVAL, set assignment value has element out of range
Explanation: Your program attempted to assign to a set
variable a value that is outside the range specified by the variable's
component type.
User Action: Correct the assignment statement so that
the value being assigned falls within the component type of the set
variable. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information on sets.
SETCONVAL, set constructor value out of range
Explanation: Your program attempted to include in a
set constructor a value that is outside the range specified by the
set's component type, or a value that is greater than 255 or less than
User Action: Correct the constructor so that it
includes only those values within the range of the set's component
type. See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for more information on sets.
SETNOTRNG, set element is not in range 0..255
Explanation: Sets of INTEGER or UNSIGNED must be in
the range of 0..255.
User Action: Modify the declaration to specify a
smaller range.
STRASGLEN, string assignment length error
Explanation: Your program attempted to assign to a
string variable a character string that is longer than the declared
maximum length of the variable (if the variable's type is VARYING) or
that is not of the same length as the variable (if the variable's type
User Action: Correct the program so that the string is
of a correct length for the variable to which it is being assigned.
STRCOMLEN, string comparison length error
Explanation: Your program attempted to compare two
character strings that do not have the same current length.
User Action: Correct the program so that the two
strings have the same length at the time of the comparison.
SUBASGVAL, subrange assignment value out of range
Explanation: Your program attempted to assign to a
subrange variable a value that is not contained in the subrange type.
User Action: Correct the program so that all values
assigned to a subrange variable fall within the variable's type.
SUBSTRSEL, SUBSTR selection error
Explanation: A SUBSTR function attempted to extract a
substring that was not entirely contained in the original string.
User Action: Correct the call to SUBSTR so that it
specifies a substring that can be extracted from the original string.
See the HP Pascal for OpenVMS Language Reference Manual for complete information on the SUBSTR function.
TEXREQSEQ, textfiles require sequential organization and access
Explanation: Your program attempted to open a file of
type TEXT that either did not have sequential organization, or had an
ACCESS_METHOD other than SEQUENTIAL (the default) when opened by the
OPEN procedure.
User Action: Make sure that the program refers to the
correct file. Correct the program so that only sequential organization
and access are used for text files.
TRUNOTALL, TRUNCATE is not allowed for a shared file
Explanation: Your program attempted to call the
TRUNCATE procedure for a file that was opened for shared access. You
cannot truncate files that might be shared by other users. This message
may also be issued if you do not have permission to write to the file.
User Action: Correct the program so that it does not
try to truncate shared files. If the file is opened with the OPEN
procedure, do not specify a value other than NONE (the default) for the
SHARING parameter.
UPDNOTALL, UPDATE not allowed for a sequential organization file
Explanation: Your program attempted to call the UPDATE
procedure for a sequential file. UPDATE is valid only on relative and
indexed files.
User Action: Correct the program so that it does not
try to use UPDATE for sequential files, or recreate the file with
relative or indexed organization. If you are using direct access on a
sequential file, individual records can be updated with the LOCATE and
PUT procedures. See Chapter 7 to determine whether a different
file organization may be appropriate for your application.
VARINDVAL, VARYING index value exceeds current length
Explanation: The index value specified for a VARYING
OF CHAR string is greater than the string's current length.
User Action: Correct the index value so that it
specifies a legal character in the string.
WIDTOOLRG, totalwidth too large
Explanation: The requested total-width for the
floating point write operation overflowed an internal buffer.
User Action: Examine the source program to see if the
specified total-width parameter is correct. If it is correct, please
submit a problem report including a machine-readable copy of your
program, data, and a sample execution illustrating the problem.
WRIINVENU, WRITE of an invalid enumerated value
Explanation: Your program attempted to write an
enumerated value using a WRITE or WRITEV procedure, but the internal
representation of that value was outside the possible range for the
enumerated type.
User Action: Verify that your program is not
improperly using PRED, SUCC, or type casting to assign an invalid value
to a variable of enumerated type.
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