HP COBOL Reference Manual
The YEAR-TO-YYYY function converts a two-digit year to a four-digit
year. An optional second argument, when added to the current year (at
the time the program executes), defines the ending year of a 100-year
interval. This interval determines to what century the two-digit year
General Format
YEAR-TO-YYYY ( arg-1 [ arg-2 ] )
is a nonnegative integer between 0 and 99.
is an integer. Its value, when added to the current year, must be
between 1700 and 9999. If it is omitted, the default value is 50.
- The type of this function is integer.
- The returned value is an integer representing a four-digit year
calculated as follows:
max-year = current-yyyy + arg-2
if mod(max-year, 100) >= arg-1
return (arg-1 + 100 * int(max-year / 100))
return (arg-1 + 100 * int(max-year / 100) - 1)
IF FUNCTION YEAR-TO-YYYY (80, 50 ) = 1980
DISPLAY "correct".
IF FUNCTION YEAR-TO-YYYY (80, 100 ) = 2080
DISPLAY "correct".
IF FUNCTION YEAR-TO-YYYY (80, -100 ) = 1880
DISPLAY "correct".
YEAR-TO-YYYY implements a sliding window algorithm. To use it for a
fixed window, you can specify arg-2 as follows:
(fixed-ending-year - function numval (function current-date (1:4)))
If fixed-ending-year is 2100, then for 1999 arg-2 has the
value 101. If arg-1 is 50, the returned-value is 2050. If
arg-1 is 99, the returned-value is 2099.
Chapter 8 Source Text Manipulation
Source programs can copy frequently used COBOL text from a
Tru64 UNIX directory containing library files, an OpenVMS
Librarian file, a COBOL library file, or (for OpenVMS)
Oracle CDD/Repository. The COPY statement can include text without change, or
it can change the text as it is copied into the source program.
The COPY statement REPLACING phrase changes text in the copying
process. It matches arguments against the text to determine which text
to replace. The matching procedure operates on text-words.
The REPLACE statement changes text in the source program. It matches
source text to the pseudo-text specified in the REPLACE statement and
changes the specified text when a match is detected.
8.1 Text-Word Definition Rules
A text-word is a character or sequence of characters
in a COBOL library, source program, pseudo-text, or repository. It can
be any of the following:
- A literal, including the opening and closing quotation marks for
nonnumeric literals
- A hexadecimal literal, including the opening and closing delimiters
- A separator other than:
A space
A pseudo-text delimiter
The opening and closing quotation marks of a nonnumeric literal
- Any other sequence of contiguous characters, bounded by separators,
Comment lines
These examples show how the compiler interprets COBOL text in terms of
text-words. The rule letters refer to the text-word definition rules.
Text |
Interpretation |
One text-word (Rule 4).
Four text-words.
Five text-words. The separator period is a text-word (Rule 3).
PIC S9(4)V9(6)
Nine text-words. Each parenthesis is a separator, and therefore a
text-word. The nine text-words are PIC, S9, (, 4, ), V9, (, 6, and ).
"PIC S9(4)V9(6)"
One text-word (Rule 1).
One text-word (Rule 2).
Two text-words. ITEMA and the separator period are text words.
==ITEMA. :=,=
Two text-words. The pseudo-text delimiters are not text-words (Rule 3).
However, the separator period is a text-word.
One text-word. The pseudo-text delimiters are not text-words. The
punctuation character period is part of the character-string "ITEMA.";
the period is not a separator because a space does not follow it.
8.1.1 COPY
The COPY statement includes text in a COBOL program.
General Formats
Format 1
is the name of a COBOL library file available during compilation; or,
if library-name is specified, is the name of a text record
within the library file. (See Technical Notes.)
is the directory that contains library files on the Tru64 UNIX
system; or, on OpenVMS, is the name of the OpenVMS
Librarian library file that contains text-name. (See Technical
are text-matching arguments that the compiler compares against
text-words in the library text.
are replacement items that the compiler inserts into the source program.
record-name (OpenVMS)
is a partial or complete Oracle CDD/Repository pathname. It specifies the
Oracle CDD/Repository record description to be copied into the source program.
(See Technical Notes.) <>
Syntax Rules
- A Format 1 COPY statement can be used anywhere that a
character-string or separator (other than a closing quotation mark) can
be used in a program.
- On OpenVMS, a Format 2 COPY statement can appear only in the File,
Working-Storage, or Linkage Sections. <>
- A space must precede the word COPY.
- The COPY statement must be terminated by the separator period.
- pseudo-text-1 must contain at least one text-word.
- pseudo-text-2 can contain zero, one, or more text-words.
- word-1 or word-2 can be any COBOL word.
- pseudo-text-1 must not consist entirely of a separator
comma or a separator semicolon.
General Rules
Format 1
- On Tru64 UNIX, when both text-name and
library-name are specified, library-name refers to
the directory containing library files; text-name identifies a
specific file within the directory. <>
- On OpenVMS, when both text-name and library-name
are specified, library-name refers to an OpenVMS
Librarian library file; text-name identifies a text record
within the library file. <>
- When only text-name is used, it identifies a file that
contains library text.
- Library text must follow the source reference format rules. Library
text and source program text formats must be the same; that is, both
must be ANSI format, or both must be terminal format.
- On Tru64 UNIX, the COPY statement references source text from a
directory containing library files or from a COBOL library file.
Format 2 (OpenVMS)
- record-name refers to a record description stored in
Oracle CDD/Repository.
- The compiler translates the record description associated with
record-name to COBOL source text. If the source program
containing the COPY statement is in terminal format, the translated
record description is in terminal format; otherwise, the record
description is translated to ANSI format. <>
Both Formats
- On OpenVMS, the COPY statement references source text from an
OpenVMS Librarian file, a COBOL library file, or the
Oracle CDD/Repository.<>
- The compiler evaluates the COBOL source program after processing
all COPY statements.
- The COPY statement does not change the original source program text
- The COPY statement causes the compiler to copy the source text
associated with text-name into the program. The source text
logically replaces the COPY statement, beginning with the word COPY and
ending with the punctuation character period (inclusive).
- If there is no REPLACING phrase, the compiler copies the source
text without modification.
- If there is a REPLACING phrase, the compiler changes the source
text as it copies it. The compiler replaces each successfully matched
occurrence of a text-matching argument in the source text by the
corresponding replacement item.
- For the purposes of matching, the compiler treats each
text-matching argument as pseudo-text that contains
identifier-1, word-1, or literal-1.
- The comparison operation starts with the leftmost source text
text-word and the first text-matching argument. The compiler compares
the entire text-matching argument to an equivalent number of
consecutive source text text-words.
- A text-matching argument matches the source text only if the
ordered sequence of text-words that forms the text-matching argument is
equal, character for character, to the ordered sequence of source text
In the matching operation, the compiler treats each
occurrence or combination of the following items in source text as a
single space:
- Separator comma
- Separator semicolon
- A sequence of one or more separator spaces
- A blank line
- A comment line
- If no match occurs, the compiler repeats the comparison with each
successive text-matching argument in the REPLACING phrase until either:
- A match occurs.
- There are no more text-matching arguments.
- If no match occurs after the compiler compares all text-matching
arguments, the compiler copies the leftmost source text text-word into
the source program. The next source text text-word then becomes the
leftmost text-word for the next cycle. The comparison cycle resumes
with the first text-matching argument in the REPLACING phrase.
- If a match occurs between a text-matching argument and the source
text, the compiler inserts the replacement item into the source
program. The source text-word immediately after the rightmost replaced
text-word then becomes the leftmost text-word for the next cycle. The
comparison cycle resumes with the first text-matching argument in the
- The comparison cycle continues until the rightmost text-word in the
source text has been either:
- Matched and replaced
- Used as the leftmost library text-word in a comparison cycle
- The rules for Reference Format determine the sequence of text-words
in the source text and the text-matching arguments.
- When the compiler inserts pseudo-text-2 into the source
program, any comment lines or blank lines within pseudo-text-2
are inserted without modification. (See Example 5.)
- The compiler copies any comment lines and blank lines in the source
text into the source program unchanged (see Example 1). However, the
compiler does not copy a comment line or blank line from the source
text if it is in the sequence of text-words that matches the
text-matching argument.
- The resultant source program cannot contain a COPY statement after
the compiler processes a COPY statement.
- Text copied from a source text cannot contain a COPY statement
unless the replacement operation changes the word COPY in the resultant
source text.
- The replacement item in the REPLACING phrase must not insert a COPY
statement into the source text.
- The compiler cannot determine the syntactic correctness of source
text, or the source program, until all COPY statements are processed.
- When the compiler copies a text-word from the source text, it
places it in the source program beginning in the same area as in the
source text. That is, a text-word that begins in Area A in the source
text begins in Area A of the source program after the copy operation.
Similarly, a text-word that begins in Area B in the source text begins
somewhere in Area B of the source program.
- When the compiler inserts a text-word from pseudo-text-2,
it places it in the source program beginning in the same area as in
- When the compiler inserts text from identifier-2,
literal-2, or word-2, it places the first text-word
in the source program beginning in the same area as the leftmost
library text-word that matches the argument. It places all other
replacement text-words in the source program beginning in the same area
as they appear in the COPY statement.
- Pseudo-text insertion can change parts of a single
character-string. An unmatched text-word and a replaced text-word can
combine to form a character-string. For example, the COPY statement can
replace part of a PICTURE character-string. (See Example 3.)
- Conditional compilation lines are permitted within the library
text and pseudo-text. Text-words within a conditional compilation line
participate in the matching process as if the indicator area character
of the line on which they began was not present. A conditional
compilation line is specified within pseudo-text if it begins in the
source program after the opening pseudo-text delimiter, but before the
matching closing pseudo-text delimiter.
- The resultant text can occur on conditional compilation lines
according to the following precedence rules:
- If a COPY statement begins on a conditional compilation line, each
line of the resulting text appears on the same kind of line.
- If a library text-word that is not involved in a match begins on a
conditional compilation line, it appears in resulting text on the same
kind of line.
- If the first library text-word that is involved in a match begins
on a conditional compilation line, the identifier-2,
literal-2, word-2, or pseudo-text-2 that
replaces the first library text-word appears on the same kind of line.
- If text-words within pseudo-text-2 begin on a conditional
compilation line, resulting text appears on the same kind of line.