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Reference Manual

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access stream: A serial sequence of I-O operations on records in a sequential, relative, or indexed file. Successful OPEN statement execution creates an access stream. A successful explicit or implicit CLOSE statement terminates an access stream.

actual decimal point: The physical representation of the decimal point position in a data item. The comma (,) or period (.) characters represent the decimal point.

allow mode: Specifies the access that the current record stream permits to other record streams in a file-sharing environment.

alphabetic character: A character that belongs to the set that includes the uppercase letters (A to Z) and the space. For the contents of data items, the set also includes the lowercase letters (a to z).

alphanumeric character: Any character in the computer's character set.

alphanumeric function: An intrinsic function whose value is composed of a string of one or more characters from the computer character set.

alternate record key: A key, other than the prime record key, whose contents identify a record in an indexed file.

application program: A sequence of instructions and routines, not part of the basic operating system, designed to serve the specific needs of a user. Compare with run unit.

argument: An identifier, a literal, a table, or an arithmetic expression that specifies a value to be used in the evaluation of an intrinsic function, or the execution of a statement, or a parameter to be passed in a CALL statement. Most of the intrinsic functions require one or more arguments.

arithmetic operation: The process that results in a mathematically correct solution during:

  • The execution of an arithmetic statement
  • The evaluation of an arithmetic expression

ascending key: A key whose values determine the ordering of data. Ascending order starts with the lowest key value and ends with the highest, according to the rules for comparing data items.

assumed decimal point: A decimal point position in a data item. The assumed decimal point has logical meaning but no physical representation. It does not occupy a character position in the data item.

binary floating-point : A floating-point data type with a base of 2 and a fraction representing a fixed number of bits.

bit: The smallest unit in the computer's storage structure. A bit can express two distinct alternatives.

body group: The generic name for a report group of type DETAIL, CONTROL HEADING, or CONTROL FOOTING.

bottom margin: An empty area that follows the page body.

byte: An eight-bit unit of physical storage. In HP COBOL, a byte stores one character position.

called program: A program that is the object of a CALL statement. A called program is linked with the calling program to produce an executable image, or run unit.

calling program: A program that executes a CALL to another program.

CDD/Repository (OpenVMS) : See Oracle CDD/Repository.

character: The basic, indivisible unit of the COBOL language.

character data item: A data item that consists entirely of Standard Data Format characters.

character position: The amount of physical storage needed to store one Standard Data Format character whose usage is DISPLAY. In HP COBOL, a character position requires one byte of storage.

clause: A subdivision of a COBOL sentence; an ordered set of consecutive COBOL character-strings that specifies an attribute of an entry.

collating sequence: The character-ordering sequence for sorting, merging, and comparing.

column: A character position within a line on a video terminal screen or within a print line. The columns are numbered from 1, by 1, starting at the leftmost character position of the line and extending to the rightmost position of the line.

comment line: A source program line with an asterisk in the indicator area. Both Area A and Area B can contain any characters from the computer character set. The comment line is for documentation only. A special form of comment line contains a slash (/) in the indicator area instead of an asterisk (*). It causes the display device to advance to the top of the next page before printing the comment on the source listing.

common program: A program that, despite being directly contained within another program, may be called from any program directly or indirectly contained in that other program, except the common program and any programs it directly or indirectly contains.

compile time: When the compiler translates a COBOL source program to an object program.

computer character set: The set of characters available on the computer. Most elements of a COBOL program can contain characters only from a subset of the computer character set. However, comment lines, comment-entries, and nonnumeric literals can contain characters from the full computer character set.

computer-name: A system-name that identifies the computer on which the program will be compiled or run.

concurrency: The simultaneous use of a sequential, relative, or indexed file by more than one user.

concurrent run unit: A run unit that executes at the same time as the current run unit.

condition: The status of an executing program for which a truth value can be determined. When condition refers to language specifications or general formats, it is a conditional expression that consists of:

  • A simple condition (with or without enclosing parentheses)
  • A combined condition consisting of a combination of simple conditions, logical operators, and parentheses

conditional compilation line: In ANSI format, a line with uppercase or lowercase characters (A to Z, a to z) in its Indicator Area. In terminal format, a line with a backslash (\) and an uppercase or lowercase character (A to Z, a to z) in its Indicator Area.

connective: A reserved word used to:

  • Associate a data-name, paragraph-name, condition-name, or text-name with its qualifier
  • Link two or more operands written in a series
  • Form conditions (logical connectives)

See also logical operator.

contained program: A contained program is a COBOL source program that is directly or indirectly contained in another COBOL source program.

control break: A change in the value of a data item that is referenced in the CONTROL clause. More generally, a change in the value of a data item that is used to control the hierarchical structure of a report.

control break level: The relative position within a control hierarchy at which the most major control break occurred.

control data item: A data item, a change in whose contents may produce a control break.

control data-name: A data-name that appears in a CONTROL clause and refers to a control data item.

control footing: A report group that is presented at the end of the control group of which it is a member.

control group: A set of body groups that is presented for a given value of a control data item or of a FINAL clause. Each control group may begin with a CONTROL HEADING, end with a CONTROL FOOTING, and contain DETAIL report groups.

control heading: A report group that is presented at the beginning of the control group of which it is a member.

control hierarchy: A designated sequence of report subdivisions defined by the positional order of FINAL and the data-names within a CONTROL clause.

counter: A data item used for storing numbers or number representations, permitting them to be: (1) increased or decreased by another number, or (2) changed or reset to zero or an arbitrary positive or negative value.

currency sign: The character $ of the COBOL character set.

currency symbol: The character defined by the CURRENCY SIGN clause in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph. If there is no CURRENCY SIGN clause, the currency symbol is identical to the currency sign, unless (on OpenVMS) a different symbol is specified as the definition of the DCL logical name SYS$CURRENCY.

current record: In sequential, relative, or indexed file processing, the record that is available in the file's record area.

data clause: A clause in a data description entry that describes an attribute of a data item.

data item: A unit of data (excluding literals) defined in a COBOL program or by the rules for function evaluation.

decimal floating-point : A floating-point data type with a base of 10 and a fraction representing a fixed number of decimal digits.

declarative sentence: A compiler-directing sentence consisting of a single USE statement.

de-edit: The logical removal of all editing characters from a numeric edited data item to determine that item's unedited numeric value.

delimiter: A character or sequence of contiguous characters that mark the end of a string of characters. A delimiter separates a string of characters from the following string. A delimiter is not part of the string of characters that it delimits.

descending key: A key whose values determine the ordering of data. Descending order starts with the highest key value and ends with the lowest, according to the rules for comparing data items.

Dictionary (OpenVMS Only): See Oracle CDD/Repository.

Dictionary Management Utility (DMU) (OpenVMS Only): A special dictionary management utility of Oracle CDD/Repository that provides facilities for examining and maintaining the Oracle CDD/Repository contents.

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