HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual
Displays contents of a Common Bitmask Block.
SHOW CBB address
The address of the Common Bitmask Block. This is required.
The contents of the specified common bitmask block are displayed: the
number of valid bits, the interlock state, the unit size and count, and
the current settings for the bits in the bitmask.
Common Bitmask Block at FFFFFFFF.8180CA00
Valid bits: 00000040 State: 00000000.00000000
Unit count: 0001 Unit size: QUADWORD
Unit bitmask:
........ ........ 00000000 00000001 00000000
This example shows the active-CPU common bitmask block for a single-CPU
Displays information about Common Event flag Blocks, also known as
Common Event flag clusters.
SHOW CEB [address|/ALL]
The address of a common event flag block. Detailed information is
displayed for the specified common event flag block.
Specifies that detailed information is to be displayed for each common
event flag block. By default, a one-line summary is output for each
common event flag block.
The contents of one or all common event flag blocks is displayed. In
one-line summary format, the address, name, creator process, reference
count, current settings for the 32 event flags in the cluster, and the
UIC of the cluster are displayed. In detailed format, the address of
the cluster's Object Rights Block (ORB) and the count of waiting
threads are also displayed, with lists of all associated processes and
waiting threads.
You cannot specify both an address and /ALL; they are mutually
Common Event Flags
Address Name Creator RefCount EvtFlags UIC Flags
-------- -------------- --------------------- -------- -------- -------------- -----
81E1D340 clus6 0000009B Test1 00000001 00000000 [11,1] Permanent
81E294C0 clus5 0000009B Test2 00000001 00000000 [11,1] Permanent
8213A280 IPCACP_FLAGS 00000086 IPCACP 00000001 00000000 [1,*]
This example shows the one-line summary of all common event flag blocks.
2. SDA> SHOW CEB 81E294C0
Common Event Flags
CEB Address: 81E294C0 Name: clus5
Creator process EPID: 0000009B Name: Test2
Event flag vector: 00000000 Reference count: 00000001
ORB address: 829F75B0 Wait count: 00000001
UIC: [11,1] Flags: 00000002 Permanent
Associated Processes Waiting Threads
----------------------------------- ------------------------
PCB EPID Name KTB Indx WaitMask
-------- -------- --------------- -------- ---- --------
81E1C740 000000A4 BISHOP_47 81E1C740 0000 FFFFFF84
This example shows the details for the CEB at the given address.
Displays connection manager and system communications services (SCS)
information for all nodes in a cluster.
Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific
OpenVMS Cluster member node, given the address of the cluster system
block (CSB) for the node. This is mutually exclusive with the
/CSID=csid and /NODE=name qualifiers.
Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific
OpenVMS Cluster member node. The value csid is the cluster
system identification number (CSID) of the node to be displayed. You
can find the CSID for a specific node in a cluster by examining the
CSB list display of the SHOW CLUSTER command. Other
SDA displays refer to a system's CSID. For instance, the SHOW LOCKS
command indicates where a lock is mastered or held by CSID. This is
mutually exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n and /NODE=name
Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific
OpenVMS Cluster member node, given its SCS node name. This is mutually
exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n and /CSID=csid
Displays a view of the cluster as seen by SCS.
The SHOW CLUSTER command provides a view of the OpenVMS Cluster system
from either the perspective of the connection manager (the default
behavior), or from the perspective of the port driver or drivers (if
the /SCS qualifier is used).
OpenVMS Cluster as Seen by the Connection Manager
The SHOW CLUSTER command provides a series of displays.
The OpenVMS Cluster summary display supplies the
following information:
- Number of votes required for a quorum
- Number of votes currently available
- Number of votes allocated to the quorum disk
- Status summary indicating whether or not a quorum is present
The CSB list displays information about the OpenVMS
Cluster system blocks (CSBs) currently in operation; one CSB is
assigned to each node of the cluster. For each CSB, the CSB
list displays the following information:
- Address of the CSB
- Name of the OpenVMS Cluster node it describes
- CSID associated with the node
- Number of votes (if any) provided by the node
- State of the CSB
- Status of the CSB
For information about the state and status of nodes, see the
description of the ADD CLUSTER command of the SHOW CLUSTER utility in
the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
The cluster block display includes information
recorded in the cluster block (CLUB), including a list of activated
flags, a summary of quorum and vote information, and other data that
applies to the cluster from the perspective of the node for which the
SDA is being run.
The cluster failover control block display provides
detailed information concerning the cluster failover control block
(CLUFCB). The cluster quorum disk control block
display provides detailed information from the cluster quorum disk
control block (CLUDCB).
Subsequent displays provide information for each CSB listed previously
in the CSB list display. Each display shows the state
and flags of a CSB, as well as other specific node information. (See
the ADD MEMBER command of the SHOW CLUSTER utility in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
for information about the flags for OpenVMS Cluster nodes.)
If any of the qualifiers /ADDRESS=n, /CSID=csid, or
/NODE=name are specified, then the SHOW CLUSTER command
displays only the information from the CSB of the specified node.
OpenVMS Cluster as Seen by the Port Driver
The SHOW CLUSTER/SCS command provides a series of displays.
The SCS listening process directory lists those
processes that are listening for incoming SCS connect requests. For
each of these processes, this display records the following information:
- Address of its directory entry
- Connection ID
- Name
- Explanatory information, if available
The SCS systems summary display provides the system
block (SB) address, node name, system type, system ID, and the number
of connection paths for each SCS system. An SCS system
can be a OpenVMS Cluster member, storage controller, or other such
Subsequent displays provide detailed information for each of the system
blocks and the associated path blocks. The system block displays
include the maximum message and datagram sizes, local hardware and
software data, and SCS poller information. Path block displays include
information that describes the connection, including remote functions
and other path-related data.
#1 |
OpenVMS Cluster data structures
--- OpenVMS Cluster Summary ---
Quorum Votes Quorum Disk Votes Status Summary
------ ----- ----------------- --------------
2 2 1 qf_dynvote,qf_vote,quorum
--- CSB list ---
Address Node CSID Votes State Status
------- ---- ---- ----- ----- ------
805FA780 FLAM5 00010006 0 local member,qf_same,qf_noaccess
8062C400 ROMRDR 000100ED 1 open member,qf_same,qf_watcher,qf_active
8062C780 VANDQ1 000100EF 0 open member,qf_same,qf_noaccess
--- Cluster Block (CLUB) 805FA380 ---
Flags: 16080005 cluster,qf_dynvote,init,qf_vote,qf_newvote,quorum
Quorum/Votes 2/2 Last transaction code 02
Quorum Disk Votes 1 Last trans. number 596
Nodes 3 Last coordinator CSID 000100EF
Quorum Disk $1$DIA0 Last time stamp 31-DEC-1992
Found Node SYSID 00000000FC03 17:26:35
Founding Time 3-JAN-1993 Largest trans. id 00000254
21:04:21 Resource Alloc. retry 0
Index of next CSID 0007 Figure of Merit 00000000
Quorum Disk Cntrl Block 805FADC0 Member State Seq. Num 0203
Timer Entry Address 00000000 Foreign Cluster 00000000
CSP Queue empty
--- Cluster Failover Control Block (CLUFCB) 805FA4C0 ---
Flags: 00000000
Failover Step Index 00000037 CSB of Synchr. System 8062C780
Failover Instance ID 00000254
--- Cluster Quorum Disk Control Block (CLUDCB) 805FADC0 ---
State : 0002 qs_rem_act
Flags : 0100 qf_noaccess
CSP Flags : 0000
Iteration Counter 0 UCB address 00000000
Activity Counter 0 TQE address 805FAE00
Quorum file LBN 00000000 IRP address 00000000
Watcher CSID 000100ED
--- FLAM5 Cluster System Block (CSB) 805FA780 ---
State: 0B local
Flags: 070260AA member,qf_same,qf_noaccess,selected,local,status_rcvd,send_status
Cpblty: 00000000
SWVers: 7.0
HWName: DEC 3000 Model 400
Quorum/Votes 1/0 Next seq. number 0000 Send queue 00000000
Quor. Disk Vote 1 Last seq num rcvd 0000 Resend queue 00000000
CSID 00010006 Last ack. seq num 0000 Block xfer Q. 805FA7D8
Eco/Version 0/23 Unacked messages 0 CDT address 00000000
Reconn. time 00000000 Ack limit 0 PDT address 00000000
Ref. count 2 Incarnation 1-JAN-1993 TQE address 00000000
Ref. time 31-AUG-1992 00:00:00 SB address 80421580
17:26:35 Lock mgr dir wgt 0 Current CDRP 00000001
--- ROMRDR Cluster System Block (CSB) 8062C400 ---
State: 01 open
Flags: 0202039A member,qf_same,cluster,qf_active,selected,status_rcvd
Cpblty: 00000000
SWVers: 7.0
HWName: DEC 3000 Model 400
Quorum/Votes 2/1 Next seq. number B350 Send queue 00000000
Quor. Disk Vote 1 Last seq num rcvd E786 Resend queue 00000000
CSID 000100ED Last ack. seq num B350 Block xfer Q. 8062C458
Eco/Version 0/22 Unacked messages 1 CDT address 805E8870
Reconn. time 00000000 Ack limit 3 PDT address 80618400
Ref. count 2 Incarnation 19-AUG-1992 TQE address 00000000
Ref. time 19-AUG-1992 16:15:00 SB address 8062C140
16:17:08 Lock mgr dir wgt 0 Current CDRP 00000000
--- VANDQ1 Cluster System Block (CSB) 8062C780 ---
State: 01 open
Flags: 020261AA member,qf_same,qf_noaccess,cluster,selected,status_rcvd
Cpblty: 00000000
SWVers: 7.0
HWName: DEC 3000 Model 400
Quorum/Votes 1/0 Next seq. number 32B6 Send queue 00000000
Quor. Disk Vote 1 Last seq num rcvd A908 Resend queue 00000000
CSID 000100EF Last ack. seq num 32B6 Block xfer Q. 8062C7D8
Eco/Version 0/23 Unacked messages 1 CDT address 805E8710
Reconn. time 00000000 Ack limit 3 PDT address 80618400
Ref. count 2 Incarnation 17-AUG-1992 TQE address 00000000
Ref. time 19-AUG-1992 15:37:06 SB address 8062BCC0
16:21:22 Lock mgr dir wgt 0 Current CDRP 00000000
--- SWPCTX Cluster System Block (CSB) 80D3B1C0 ---
State: 0B local
Flags: 030A60AA member,qf_same,qf_noaccess,selected,send_ext_status,local,status_rcvd
Cpblty: 00000037 rm8sec,vcc,dts,cwcreprc,threads
SWVers: V7.0
HWName: DEC 3000 Model 400
Quorum/Votes 1/1 Next seq. number 0000 Send queue 00000000
Quor. Disk Vote 1 Last seq num rcvd 0000 Resend queue 00000000
CSID 00010001 Last ack. seq num 0000 Block xfer Q. 80D3B218
Eco/Version 0/26 Unacked messages 0 CDT address 00000000
Reconn. time 00000000 Ack limit 0 PDT address 00000000
Ref. count 2 Incarnation 12-JUL-1996 TQE address 00000000
Ref. time 16-JUL-1996 15:36:17 SB address 80C50800
16:15:48 Lock mgr dir wgt 0 Current CDRP 00000001
This example illustrates the default output of the SHOW CLUSTER command.
#2 |
OpenVMS Cluster data structures
--- SCS Listening Process Directory ---
Entry Address Connection ID Process Name Information
------------- ------------- ------------ -----------
80C71EC0 74D20000 SCS$DIRECTORY Directory Server
80E16940 74D20002 MSCP$DISK MSCP$DISK
80E23B40 74D20003 VMS$SDA_AXP Remote SDA
80E23B40 74D20003 VMS$SDA_AXP Remote SDA
80E25540 74D20004 VMS$VAXcluster ................
80E29E80 74D20005 SCA$TRANSPORT
813020C0 74D20053 PATHWORKScluster .....TurboServer
--- SCS Systems Summary ---
SB Address Node Type System ID Paths
---------- ---- ---- --------- -----
8493BC00 ARUSHA VMS 000000004CA1 2
80E23800 HSJ201 HSJ 4200101A1B20 1
80E3FF40 ORNOT VMS 000000004CA7 2
80E43F40 LOADQ VMS 000000004C31 2
80E473C0 HSJ300 HSJ 420010051D20 1
80E47CC0 HSJ101 HSJ 420010081720 1
80E47D40 HSJ100 HSJ 4200100B1520 1
80E478C0 HSJ600 HSJ 420010070920 1
80E49180 HSJ401 HSJ 4200100D0320 1
80E47DC0 HSJ301 HSJ 420010091F20 1
80E47E40 HSJ601 HSJ 4200100A0B20 1
80E49500 HSJ400 HSJ 4200100C0120 1
80E5BF80 CHOBE VMS 000000004CD6 2
80E5F080 ETOSHA VMS 000000004CF3 2
80E5FC00 VMS VMS 000000004C7A 2
80E4FF80 HSJ501 HSJ 4200101C0720 1
80E5FD80 HSJ200 HSJ 420010191920 1
80E5FE80 HSJ500 HSJ 4200101B0520 1
80E5FE00 IPL31 VMS 000000004F52 2
80E59F80 ZAPNOT VMS 000000004CBB 2
80E61F80 ALTOS VMS 000000004D0F 2
80E72000 TSAVO VMS 000000004CFE 2
80ED5D00 SLYTHE VMS 000000004DD1 1
80EDDD00 AZSUN VMS 000000004D56 1
80EDDE00 CALSUN VMS 000000004EA4 1
80EDFC00 4X4TRK VMS 00000000FF26 1
80EE93C0 GNRS VMS 00000000FC2B 1
80EE94C0 IXIVIV VMS 000000004E56 1
80EF1A80 CLAIR VMS 000000004CDF 1
80EF1C00 INT4 VMS 00000000FD70 1
80EFDF80 SCOP VMS 00000000FC87 1
80EFFAC0 MOCKUP VMS 00000000FCD5 1
--- ARUSHA System Block (SB) 8493BC00 ---
System ID 000000004CA1 Local software type VMS
Max message size 216 Local software vers. V7.2
Max datagram size 576 Local software incarn. DF4AC300
Local hardware type ALPH 009F7570
Local hardware vers. 000000000003 SCS poller timeout 5AD3
040400000000 SCS poller enable mask 27
Status: 00000000
--- Path Block (PB) 80E55F80 ---
Status: 0020 credit
Remote sta. addr. 000000000016 Remote port type 00000010
Remote state ENAB Number of data paths 2
Remote hardware rev. 00000008 Cables state A-OK B-OK
Remote func. mask ABFF0D00 Local state OPEN
Reseting port 16 Port dev. name PNA0
Handshake retry cnt. 2 SCS MSGBUF address 80E4C528
Msg. buf. wait queue 80E55FB8 PDT address 80E2A180
--- Path Block (PB) 80ED0900 ---
Status: 0020 credit
Remote sta. addr. 0000000000DF Remote port type NI
Remote state ENAB Number of data paths 2
Remote hardware rev. 00000104 Cables state A-OK B-OK
Remote func. mask 83FF0180 Local state OPEN
Reseting port 00 Port dev. name PEA0
Handshake retry cnt. 3 SCS MSGBUF address 80ED19A0
Msg. buf. wait queue 80ED0938 PDT address 80EC3C70
This example illustrates the output of the SHOW CLUSTER /SCS command.
Displays information about all active connections between System
Communications Services (SCS) processes or a single connection.
SHOW CONNECTIONS [{/ADDRESS=cdt-address |/NODE=name |/SYSAP=name }]
Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT)
for a specific connection. You can find the cdt-address for
any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page
display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. In addition, CDT addresses are
stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections.
These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and
unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS, and cluster
system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager.
Displays all CDTs associated with the specified remote SCS node name.
Displays all CDTs associated with the specified local SYSAP.
The SHOW CONNECTIONS command provides a series of displays.
The CDT summary page lists information regarding each
connection on the local system, including the following:
- CDT address
- Name of the local process with which the CDT is associated
- Connection ID
- Current state
- Name of the remote node (if any) to which it is currently connected
The CDT summary page concludes with a count of CDTs
that are free and available to the system.
SHOW CONNECTIONS next displays a page of detailed information for each
active CDT listed previously.
--- CDT Summary Page ---
CDT Address Local Process Connection ID State Remote Node
----------- ------------- ------------- ----- -----------
805E7ED0 SCS$DIRECTORY FF120000 listen
805E8030 MSCP$TAPE FF120001 listen
805E8190 VMS$VMScluster FF120002 listen
805E82F0 MSCP$DISK FF120003 listen
805E8450 SCA$TRANSPORT FF120004 listen
805E85B0 MSCP$DISK FF150005 open VANDQ1
805E8710 VMS$VMScluster FF120006 open VANDQ1
805E8870 VMS$VMScluster FF120007 open ROMRDR
805E89D0 MSCP$DISK FF120008 open ROMRDR
805E8F50 VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR FF12000C open VANDQ1
Number of free CDT's: 188
--- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 80C44850 ---
State: 0001 listen Local Process: MSCP$TAPE
Blocked State: 0000
Local Con. ID 899F0003 Datagrams sent 0 Message queue 80C4488C
Remote Con. ID 00000000 Datagrams rcvd 0 Send Credit Q. 80C44894
Receive Credit 0 Datagram discard 0 PB address 00000000
Send Credit 0 Message Sends 0 PDT address 00000000
Min. Rec. Credit 0 Message Recvs 0 Error Notify 822FFCC0
Pend Rec. Credit 0 Mess Sends NoFP 0 Receive Buffer 00000000
Initial Rec. Credit 0 Mess Recvs NoFP 0 Connect Data 00000000
Rem. Sta. 000000000000 Send Data Init. 0 Aux. Structure 00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason 0 Req Data Init. 0 Fast Recvmsg Rq 00000000
Queued for BDLT 0 Bytes Sent 0 Fast Recvmsg PM 00000000
Queued Send Credit 0 Bytes rcvd 0 Change Affinity 00000000
Total bytes map 0
--- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 805E8030 ---
State: 0001 listen Local Process: MSCP$TAPE
Blocked State: 0000
Local Con. ID FF120001 Datagrams sent 0 Message queue 805E8060
Remote Con. ID 00000000 Datagrams rcvd 0 Send Credit Q. 805E8068
Receive Credit 0 Datagram discard 0 PB address 00000000
Send Credit 0 Messages Sent 0 PDT address 00000000
Min. Rec. Credit 0 Messages Rcvd. 0 Error Notify 804540D0
Pend Rec. Credit 0 Send Data Init. 0 Receive Buffer 00000000
Initial Rec. Credit 0 Req Data Init. 0 Connect Data 00000000
Rem. Sta. 000000000000 Bytes Sent 0 Aux. Structure 00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason 0 Bytes rcvd 0
Queued for BDLT 0 Total bytes map 0
Queued Send Credit 0
This example shows the default output of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command.