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HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Concepts and Planning Guide

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services: The main components of the server software. The basic service is the server service, which allows a computer to share network resources.

session: A link between a workstation and a server. More than one user session can be established over a network (machine to machine) connection. A session consists of one or more user connections to shared resources. Contrast with connection.

share: See shared directory, shared printer, shared resource.

share name: The name of a shared resource.

share permissions: Information the user can specify to control the type of access that the user or group has to all files and directories residing on that share. See also directory access permissions and special access permissions.

share-level security: In LAN Manager, a type of security that limits access to each shared resource by requiring a password. Permissions are assigned to the resource rather than to the user. See also permissions and user-level security.

shared directory: A directory to which network users can connect.

shared network directory: See shared directory.

shared file: A file in a shared directory, accessible to network users. See shared directory.

shared printer: A printer to which network users can print.

shared resource: Any device, data, or program that is used by more than one other device or program. For the Advanced Server, shared resources refer to any resources that are made available to network users, such as directories, files, and printers.

SID: See security ID.

SNMP Service: A service that allows a server to report its current status to a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network.

source directory: The directory that contains the file or files that a user intends to copy or move. Contrast with destination directory.

special access permissions: A combination of individual permissions that can be set on files and directories. See also directory access permissions and share permissions.

standalone License Server: The configuration of software that includes the License Server without the file servers. Contrast with file server.

standalone logon: A logon request that is not validated by a logon server. In domains without logon security, each logon request is granted standalone logon. In domains with logon security, a logon request with a user name not found in the domain's security accounts database is granted standalone logon. See also logon security and logon server.

standalone server: A server that has its own (local) user accounts database (as opposed to a domain security database) and does not participate in logon security. See also member server.

status bar: A line of information related to the application in the window, usually located at the bottom of a window.

subdirectory: An entity that groups files within a directory or subdirectory. See also directory.

syntax: The order in which a user must type a command and the elements that follow the command. Advanced Server commands can have the following elements: command name, parameters, qualifiers, keywords, and values.

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A network transport. Also a set of protocols that governs the transport of information between computers and networks of dissimilar types. See also transport.

time server: The computer with which other computers on the network synchronize their system time. For Advanced Server, a server designated to run the TimeSource service for its domain.

token: See access token.

transport: The software feature that allows OpenVMS systems to communicate using protocols. See also protocol.

trust relationship: Links between domains that enable pass-through authentication, in which a user has a user account in one domain, yet can access resources in another domain.

UCS-2: See Unicode.

Unicode: An extensive character coding system designed to support the interchange, processing, and display of the written texts of the diverse languages of the modern world. Unicode UCS-2 provides a unique 16-bit value for every character or glyph, independent of the platform, application, or language, and does not require the use of complex modes or escape codes. See also extended character sets.

Universal Naming Convention (UNC): A standard way of representing a network path. The server name is preceded by two backslashes and followed by one backslash and the sharename, along with a path name; for example, \\SERVER\SHARE1\SHARE2.

Upgrade utility: An Advanced Server utility for upgrading server information from PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) to PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

user account: A record on a server or in a domain that contains information about authorized users. See also global account and local account.

user default profile: The user profile that is loaded by a server when a user's assigned profile cannot be accessed, such as when a user without an assigned profile logs on to the computer for the first time, or when a user logs on to the Guest account.

user-level security: A type of security in which a user account is set up for each user. Permissions are granted to each user for specific resources, defining exactly what actions each user can take with each resource. See also permissions and share-level security.

user name: The user account name a user types when logging on to the system.

user privilege: An OpenVMS security mechanism that defines the type of access users have to a file or directory. See also permissions and privilege level.

user profile: The set of information that describes a user's operating environment, including workstation name, logon hours, and default path.

user rights: Definition of the access rights that users have to server resources.

User Rights policy: A method for managing the assignment of rights to groups and user accounts. See also rights.

virtual memory: Space on a hard disk that the operating system uses as if it were actually memory.

virtual printer memory: In a PostScript printer, a part of memory that stores font information.

WAN: Wide area network. A network configuration that covers an extended geographical area. A WAN consists of multiple LANs. Contrast with LAN.

Windows NT: The network operating system from Microsoft that replaces DOS and that can act as a server as well as a client.

WINS: Windows Internet Name Service, a service that registers and resolves names for NetBIOS clients on TCP/IP to dynamic addresses assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The Advanced Server can be configured as a WINS client, using a specified WINS server for NetBIOS name resolution in a wide area network. Contrast with DNS and LMHOSTS.

Windows NT-compatible print management: A feature of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS (V7.3 or later) allowing administrators to manage Advanced Server print shares from a Windows NT system. For Advanced Server for OpenVMSs prior to V7.3, and all versions of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), print shares can only be managed using the Advanced Server ADMINISTER user interface.

workgroup: A collection of computers that are grouped for viewing purposes. Each workgroup is identified by a unique name. See also domain.

workstation: A personal computer or client in the network. For example, Windows NT computers are called workstations.

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