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HP Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS
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In Version 7.3A-ECO2 of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, the server crashes due to an ACCVIO in module MTS, routine MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual address=00000000454A5245, PC=000000000039C564, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC absPC PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH 6617 0000000000000084 00000000039C564 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$WAIT 6931 000000000000026C 000000000039C74C PWRK$CSSHR_V7 THREAD threadcond_wait 12773 00000000000004E4 00000000003EECB4 PWRK$LMSRV PPS_QUEUE_VMS PPS_os_queue_getinfo 83411 0000000000000860 0000000000187640 PWRK$LMSRV PPS_QUEUE PPS_queue_getinfo 69130 0000000000000098 0000000000193C28 PWRK$LMSRV PRQUEUEAPI ATTDosPrintQGetInfo 113620 0000000000002850 0000000000142F70 PWRK$LMSRV TRANS dotransapi 92521 0000000000002758 000000000011BCB8 PWRK$LMSRV TRANS smbtrans 91955 0000000000000E88 000000000011A3E8 PWRK$LMSRV SMBWORK smbwork 90398 00000000000019CC 00000000000FA76C |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS. The problem occurred
whenever a client sent a printer queue name greater than 31 characters
in length. Now the server will return an error "Queue not found to the
client" and an error message "queue name <queue name> sent by the
client <client name> is too long".
10.9 PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in Module PIPES, Routine pipe_open
In Version 7.3A-ECO2 of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, the server crashes due to an ACCVIO in module PIPES, routine pipe_open. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000000000 0000, PC=0000000000178864, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC PWRK$LMSRV PIPES pipe_open 90843 0000000000000264 0000000000178864 PWRK$LMSRV BUFIO lm_pipeopen 76129 000000000000104C 0000000000174B1C PWRK$LMSRV OPEN NT_openX_open2 98793 0000000000003884 000000000010A254 PWRK$LMSRV NTCREATE smbntcreateX 88725 00000000000005E4 0000000000125904 PWRK$LMSRV SMBWORK smbwork 90398 00000000000019CC 00000000000FA76C |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
10.10 PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in Module FILEAPI
In Version 7.3A-ECO2 of the Advanced Server for Openvms, the server crashes due to an ACCVIO in module FILEAPI, routine fill_file_entry. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000000000 0080, PC=0000000000145E20, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC PWRK$LMSRV FILEAPI fill_file_entry 77988 0000000000000210 0000000000145E20 PWRK$LMSRV FILEAPI CommonFileGetInfo 78683 0000000000001CE0 00000000001478F0 PWRK$LMSRV FILEAPI ATTNetFileGetInfo2 79003 00000000000024AC 00000000001480BC PWRK$LMSRV TRANS dotransapi 92521 0000000000002758 000000000011BCB8 PWRK$LMSRV TRANS smbtrans 91955 0000000000000E88 000000000011A3E8 PWRK$LMSRV SMBWORK smbwork 90398 00000000000019CC 00000000000FA76C |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
10.11 Issues With Alert Service/Messages
There were multiple problems related to alerter service:
All the above mentioned issues are resolved in Advanced Server
V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS. After disabling alerter service, it is not
required to define alertnames registry key to null ( ) string, to stop
receiving alert messages.
10.12 Cannot Rename the Russian Cyrillic Folder in to English
When the Server was configured for Russian Cyrillic language that maps to the server character set ISO 8859-5, it was not possible to rename Russian Cyrillic folder to an English letters. An attempt to rename Cyrillic folder results with the following symptoms/errors:
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
10.13 %PWRK-E-LOGONERR, -LM-E-ERROR_TOO_MANY_, too many contextID's
When a user, who is a member of a large number of groups (more than 745 groups), tries to logon to the domain, gets the following error:
%PWRK-E-LOGONERR, error logging user "<user_name>" onto domain "<domain_name>" -LM-E-ERROR_TOO_MANY_, too many context ID's (If an user tries to log-on to the domain using ADMIN utility.) |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS. Using REGUTL, assign a value to "tokensidlimit" registry key. This value should be greater than the maximum number of groups to which a user may belong to.
"$ regutl set param * tokensidlimit <appropriate_value>" on an Advanced Server for OpenVMS system. |
Retrieval of adapter status information of a P-Node machine fails, when a Windows client is configured as a peer-to-peer node (no broadcast), by setting the following registry key.
NodeType = 2) \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters NodeType = REG_DWORD 0x00000002 Executing following command on a VMS system NBSHOW KNBSTATUS <P node_name> results in error: <node_name> no response |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
10.15 Advanced Server Cluster-Alias Does Not Appear in Browse List
Announcement of cluster-alias and server names would not exactly reflect the values (YES or NO) set on the associated registry keys, "PWRKALIASHIDDEN" and "SRVHIDDEN". Also, when browser service was not started, MCP did not appropriately announce the cluster-alias name. However, MCP announced the server names correctly, based on the value set on "SRVHIDDEN" key.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.The Server announcements
correctly reflect the values set on PWRKALIASHIDDEN and SRVHIDDEN keys.
For related restrictions see Section 11.9.2, Browser Service Stays in
10.16 PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in Routine alloc_netbuf()
In Version 7.3A-ECO2 of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS, the server crashes due to an ACCVIO in module LIBBDSC, routine alloc_netbuf(). A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000004D5D4F30, PC=0000000000384574, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC PWRK$CSSHR_V7 LIBBDSC alloc_netbuf 14530 0000000000002774 0000000000384574 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 LIBBDSC LIB_alloc_clientbuffer 13602 0000000000000798 0000000000382598 PWRK$LMSRV OPLOCK tell_client 68406 0000000000000314 0000000000168344 PWRK$LMSRV OPLOCK free_oplock 68577 0000000000000A98 0000000000168AC8 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 PLM oplock_check 20619 000000000000BFD8 00000000003AA2D8 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 PLM PLM_filelock 16657 0000000000001AC4 000000000039FDC4 PWRK$LMSRV FILEACCESS OpenFile 76623 0000000000000484 0000000000169664 PWRK$LMSRV OPEN NT_openX_open2 99066 00000000000034A8 0000000000109E78 PWRK$LMSRV NTCREATE smbntcreateX 88725 00000000000005E4 0000000000125904 PWRK$LMSRV SMBWORK smbwork 90398 00000000000019CC 00000000000FA76C |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
10.17 Problem with NT-Style Printing, each Job Prints Two Separator Pages
With NT-Style printing, Advanced Server adds /BURST and /NOFEED qualifiers for each job it creates, resulting in two separator pages, one for the job and the other for the file.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS. If the administrator
requires these qualifiers, for a desired job, he can set them at the
queue level.
10.18 Advanced Server Cannot Create the PCX$SERVER Correctly
The DECnet phase V session control application, PCX$SERVER would not register properly, during installation of Advanced Server. When DECnet was used as a transport on the PC, the application, eXcursion would fail to establish a session with the VMS system, unless Advanced Server was started. The Advanced Server startup procedure always created the object correctly.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS. The PCSI installation of
Advanced Server would now create the PCX$SERVER correctly.
10.19 PWCONVERT Cannot Convert Directory File Name Correctly, If the Length of the Directory Name Exceeds 39 Characters
The converted file name would result in the expected name, with the string "DIR" appended to it, keeping the file extension blank. This would make the entire directory tree to be inaccessible, starting with the problematic directory name. The desired behavior was to have "DIR" as an extension, if it was a directory, with a period (".") as path name separator.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO3 for OpenVMS.
11.1 PWRK$KNBDAEMON Fails To Start with Multinet V4
After upgrading Advanced Server to Version 7.3A ECO3, PWRK$KNBDAEMON fails to start with Multinet. The following error is displayed in the pwrk$knbdaemon_<nodename>.log
Wed Oct 29 08:53:36 2003 bind_a_port(0): t_bind failed: 5 Wed Oct 29 08:53:36 2003 Port binding failed |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.2 Browser Log Fills up With Statements "Remember the Alias Name"
PWRK$LMBROWSER log file on the "active" browser cluster member logs the following message several times per minute:
25-JUL-2004 12:55:04.67 26A00459:00681E18 Remember the alias name |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.3 Warning Message Seen on Systems Running DECnet Phase IV During Product Installation
While registering a network object, PCX$SERVER, the installation procedure attempts to use the DECnet phase V image, NCL; instead of the DECnet phase IV image, NCP.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.4 NTLM V2 - Lmcompatibilitylevel Issue
If the client has lmcompatibility level set to "Send NTLMV2 responses only", Advanced Server Version 7.3A ECO3 (Member) server denies access (prompts for username/password).
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.5 Server Looping When Disk Full
When a client attempts to save/write to a file on an Advanced Server share, residing on a disk with insufficient free blocks, the PWRK$LMSRV process may go into an indefinite loop, increasing the IO constantly, causing the application at the client side to freeze.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.6 Lanman Style Printing---Crash in lmsrv
With Lanman printing style, when Advanced Server refers to the VMS print queue (both printer or routing queue), which has thousands of job entries, the LMSRV process may crash occasionally.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.7 Sessions Get Disconnected Despite Having Files Kept Opened
After "Autodisconnect" timeout, a session gets invalidated even though the files are open on the session.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.8 System Crashes in STREAMSOS, Routine WriteStream()
The system crashes while sending a response to a client, as the server attempts to reference an invalid transport handle.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.9 NT Style Printing - Advanced Server Hangs While Accessing Printers
With NT style printing enabled, Advanced Server for OpenVMS hangs for at least one minute, when a PC user switches to page layout in Microsoft Word. Also, all other commands to the server hang for a minute or more.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.10 Advanced Server Crashes When Deleting Print Shares
With NT-style printing enabled, the Server might crash with the following two, different, footprints:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8098A8E8, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC 0 0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8098A8E8 PWRK$LMSRV SPLCACHE get_from_cache 104329 0000000000002880 00000000000AFEB0 PWRK$LMSRV SPLDRV GetDriverName 128608 000000000000286C 00000000000D3DAC PWRK$LMSRV SPLDRV SplGetPrinterDriverEx 128711 0000000000002AD8 00000000000D4018 PWRK$LMSRV RPCSPOOL RpcGetPrinterDriver2 124318 0000000000003834 00000000000DE704 PWRK$LMSRV NTSPL_S winspool_RpcGetPrinterDriver2 35671 0000000000007988 00000000000C8798 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCCALL rpc__call_put 32676 0000000000000204 00000000006341A4 PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_process_request 42142 0000000000001F78 000000000062ED78 PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_datawork 42611 0000000000002D20 000000000062FB20 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCCALL callwork 32751 00000000000004D0 0000000000634470 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH 6673 0000000000000104 00000000003BC644 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$MAIN_SCHEDULER ? ? PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN main 5678 00000000000000D8 0000000000091AB8 PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN __main 0 0000000000000070 0000000000091A50 |
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8098A8E8, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC 0 0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8098A8E8 PWRK$LMSRV GETPRN GetPrinterSize 115909 0000000000001468 00000000000EF128 PWRK$LMSRV GETPRN SplGetPrinter 117463 0000000000002D8C 00000000000F0A4C PWRK$LMSRV RPCSPOOL RpcGetPrinter 122222 000000000000102C 00000000000DBEFC PWRK$LMSRV NTSPL_S winspool_RpcGetPrinter 32417 00000000000015D4 00000000000C23E4 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCCALL rpc__call_put 32676 0000000000000204 00000000006341A4 PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_process_request 42142 0000000000001F78 000000000062ED78 PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_datawork 42611 0000000000002D20 000000000062FB20 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCCALL callwork 32751 00000000000004D0 0000000000634470 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH 6673 0000000000000104 00000000003BC644 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$MAIN_SCHEDULER ? ? PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN main 5678 00000000000000D8 0000000000091AB8 PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN __main 0 0000000000000070 0000000000091A50 |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.11 Suppress Redundant Logging
The Server log file is flooded with some of following informational messages:
Client <name> has sent wrong TID Spurious thread resume! PC : <PC name> - bufptr->fdp is zero The bucket_ptr->free_index value has been reset! |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.12 Advanced Server Version 7.3A-ECO3 - When a User Changes Password, the Password Expired Flag is Set
When an externally authenticated user enters the "$SET PASSWORD" DCL command or the ADMINISTER user enters the "ADMIN SET PASSWORD" DCL command, to set the password against a Windows 2003 active directory domain, the password is flagged as expired.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.13 PWRK$LMSRV Crashes in Module SAMWRAP2, Routine NetUserNtPasswordSet
While performing a VMS "set password" operation, on an externally authenticated account, the server might crash. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC PWRK$LMAPISHR SAMWRAP2 NetUserNtPasswordSet 115566 0000000000000060 00000000005E7B50 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCUSER NetRPCUserChangePassword 127971 00000000000028C8 00000000005E2B58 PWRK$LMSRV SSIGNON_PROC ssignon_changepassword 142714 0000000000000324 000000000019D244 PWRK$LMSRV SSIGNON_PROC ssignon_processmessage 144883 0000000000002F58 000000000019FE78 PWRK$LMSRV SSIGNON_COM sso_work 70899 0000000000001900 0000000000176C90 PWRK$CSSHR_V8 MTS MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH 6673 0000000000000104 00000000003BC634 PWRK$CSSHR_V8 MTS MTS$MAIN_SCHEDULER ? ? PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN main 5678 00000000000000D8 0000000000091A78 PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN __main 0 0000000000000070 0000000000091A10 0 FFFFFFFF80335F94 FFFFFFFF80335F94 |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.14 <70>SYSTEM Cannot Login With ACME LOGIN Installed and NT ACME First
A call to map the SYSTEM account on a VMS system running Advanced Server Version 7.3-ECO2 returns reason_code =2221 (No such user). While the same request on a VMS system running Advanced Server Version 7.3A* would return reason_code = 1326 (Logon Failure)
This change in behavior was affecting the way the NT ACME Agent handles requests, and that was resulting in failed login attempts, which should otherwise be successful.
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
11.15 OpenVMS 7.3-2/Advanced Server 7.3-A3 Server Crash
Occasionally, the server might crash. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=0000000000000010, PC=000000000062D824, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_process_bind 41480 0000000000000A24 000000000062D824 PWRK$LMAPISHR CNSRV rpc__ncacn_datawork 42600 0000000000002CD8 000000000062FAD8 PWRK$LMAPISHR RPCCALL callwork 32751 00000000000004D0 0000000000634470 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$CONTEXT_SWITCH 6673 0000000000000104 00000000003BC644 PWRK$CSSHR_V7 MTS MTS$MAIN_SCHEDULER ? ? PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN main 5678 00000000000000D8 0000000000091AB8 PWRK$LMSRV MTS$MAIN __main 0 0000000000000070 0000000000091A50 0 FFFFFFFF8025BE94 FFFFFFFF8025BE94 |
This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO4 for OpenVMS.
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