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Automating AUTOGEN Reports  

HP recommends that you create a batch-oriented command procedure to automatically run AUTOGEN on a regular basis and send the resulting feedback reports to an appropriate Mail account. Sample AUTOGEN Command Procedure provides a sample command procedure.
NoteThis command procedure runs AUTOGEN only to recommend system parameter values and send you a report. It does not run AUTOGEN to change system parameters or reboot the system. If, after reviewing the report, you decide to change system parameters, follow the instructions in Changing Parameter Values After Reviewing AUTOGEN Reports.

The command procedure in Sample AUTOGEN Command Procedure runs two passes of AUTOGEN. On the first pass, AUTOGEN runs during peak workload times to collect data on realistic system work loads. This pass does not degrade system performance. On the second pass, AUTOGEN runs during off-peak hours to interpret the data collected in the first stage.

The procedure sends the resulting report, contained in the file AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT, to the SYSTEM account. Review this report on a regular basis to see whether the load on the system has changed.

Sample AUTOGEN Command Procedure shows a sample command procedure. Use this procedure only as an example; create a similar command procedure as necessary to meet the needs of your configuration.
Example 2  Sample AUTOGEN Command Procedure  
$ BEGIN$:   ! ++++++++++ AGEN_BATCH.COM ++++++++++
$  on warning then goto error$
$  on control_y then goto error$
$! Setup process
$! Set process information
$  set process/priv=all/name="AUTOGEN Batch"$! Keep log files to a reasonable amount
$  purge/keep=5 AGEN_Batch.log
$  time = f$time()				! Fetch current time
$  hour = f$integer(f$cvtime(time,,"hour") )	! Get hour
$  today = f$cvtime(time,,"WEEKDAY")		! Get Day of the week
$  if f$integer(f$cvtime(time,,"minute") ) .ge. 30 then hour = hour + 1
$! Start of working day...
$ 1AM$:                                      
$  if hour .le. 2
$     then
$     next_time = "today+0-14"$     gosub submit$				! Resubmit yourself
$     set noon
$!      Run AUTOGEN to TESTFILES using the parameter values collected earlier
$!      in the day (i.e., yesterday at 2:00pm)
$       if today .eqs. "Tuesday" .OR. today .eqs. "Thursday" .OR. -
	   today .eqs. "Saturday"$          then
$	     @sys$update:autogen GETDATA TESTFILES feedback [2] 
$	     mail/sub="AUTOGEN Feedback Report for system-name" -
		  sys$system:agen$ system [3] 
$	     ! Clean up
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:agen$ [4] 
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:agen$feedback.dat
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:params.dat
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:autogen.par
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:setparams.dat
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:agen$addhistory.tmp
$            purge/keep=7 sys$system:agen$addhistory.dat
$        endif
$     goto end$
$     endif
$ 2PM$:
$  if hour .le. 15
$     then
$     next_time = "today+0-17"$     gosub submit$
$     if today .eqs. "Monday" .OR. today .eqs. "Wednesday" .OR. -
	 today .eqs. "Friday"$        then
$          @sys$update:autogen SAVPARAMS SAVPARAMS feedback [1] 
$        endif
$     goto end$
$     endif
$ 5PM$:
$  if hour .le. 18
$     then
$     next_time = "tomorrow+0-1"$     gosub submit$
$     endif
$! End of working day...
$ END$:     ! ---------- BATCH.COM ----------
$  exit
$! Subroutines
$  submit/name="AGEN_Batch"/restart/noprint - [5] 
   /log=AGEN_batch.log -
   /queue=sys$batch/after="''next_time'" sys$
$  return
$! Error handler
$  mail/sub="AGEN_BATCH.COM - Procedure failed." _nl: system
$  goto end$
The commands in this procedure perform the following tasks:
  1. Executes the first pass of AUTOGEN during peak workload times to collect data on realistic work loads. This command runs a very fast image so it does not degrade system response.
  2. Executes the second pass of AUTOGEN during off-peak hours to interpret the data collected in the first pass.
  3. Mails the resulting report file named AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT to the SYSTEM account.
  4. Cleans up the files created.
  5. Resubmits the command procedure.

Changing Parameter Values After Reviewing AUTOGEN Reports  

If the command procedure report described in Automating AUTOGEN Reports shows AUTOGEN's calculations are different from the current values, correct the tuning by executing AUTOGEN with one of the two following commands:

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