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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos
Legal Notice
Introduction to Kerberos
Installation and Configuration
Kerberos Client Programs
Kerberos Programming Concepts
GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface)
gss_accept_sec_context Establish a security context
gss_acquire_cred Acquire credential handle
gss_add_cred Construct credentials incrementally
gss_add_oid_set_member Add an object identifier to a set
gss_compare_name Allow application to compare two internal names
gss_canonicalize_name Convert internal name to internal mechanism...
gss_context_time Check how much longer context is valid
gss_create_empty_oid_set Create a set containing no object identifiers
gss_delete_sec_context Delete a security context
gss_display_name Provide textual representation of opaque internal...
gss_display_status Convert GSSAPI status code to text for user...
gss_duplicate_name Create a copy of an internal name
gss_export_name Convert an internal mechanism name to export...
gss_export_sec_context Transfer a security context to another...
gss_get_mic Generate a cryptographic MIC for a message
gss_import_name Convert a printable string to an internal form
gss_import_sec_context Import a transferred context
gss_indicate_mechs Allow an application to determine which security...
gss_init_sec_context Establish a security context
gss_inquire_context Extract security context information
gss_inquire_cred Provide calling application with information...
gss_inquire_cred_by_mech Obtain per-mechanism information about...
gss_inquire_names_for_mech Return set of supported nametypes
gss_process_context_token Pass a security context to the security...
gss_release_buffer Free storage associated with a buffer
gss_release_cred Mark a credential for deletion
gss_release_name Free storage associated with an internal name...
gss_release_oid_set Free storage associated with a gss_OID_set...
gss_test_oid_set_member Determine whether an object identifier...
gss_unwrap Verify a message with attached MIC and decrypt message...
gss_verify_mic Check that a cryptographic MIC fits the applied...
gss_wrap Attach a MIC to a message and encrypt the message
gss_wrap_size_limit Check expected size of wrapped output
KRB5 (Kerberos V5) Application Programming Interface
Open Source Notices