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FRemoving the OpenVMS Operating System  

This appendix explains how to remove the OpenVMS operating system from your disk.

You can remove the OpenVMS operating system from your disk in the following ways:

Follow these steps to remove OpenVMS operating system files:
  1. If your system disk has multiple system-specific roots, boot the system and execute SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to remove all roots except the one from which you are booted.
  2. Shut down and boot from the distribution media (CD or DVD) or from a system disk other than the one from which OpenVMS is being removed. Then do one of the following:
  3. Enter the following DCL commands:
    $ DEFINE/NOLOG PCSI$SPECIFIC target-disk:[SYSx.]
  4. If the disk also contains layered products that were installed using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, HP recommends that you remove them as well. Remove any layered products before using the PRODUCT REMOVE VMS command.

    Use the following command to remove all the products at once. Select the layered products you want to remove from the menu.
    Use the following commands to remove individual products:
    $ PRODUCT REMOVE product-name /REMOTE
  5. Enter the following DCL command:
  6. Because the PRODUCT REMOVE command does not delete certain files, review the target disk to determine whether you want to delete, move, or archive the operating system files that still remain on the disk.

    Following are lists of the files that the PRODUCT REMOVE command does not delete: As you examine the preceding lists of files, you might want to archive, rather than delete, the following files: Also, if you previously removed layered products, there might be additional files created by the layered products that you might want to delete, move, or archive.
  7. Review the target disk for the directory structures [VMS$COMMON...] and [SYSx...] that remain after you remove the OpenVMS operating system. You might want to delete these directories.

    Note that the directories [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR (in all [SYSx]) are aliases for the file [000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR. DO NOT DELETE THESE SYSCOMMON.DIR files. Instead, use SET FILE /REMOVE as follows:
    After you have executed this command and deleted, moved or archived all the files in [VMS$COMMON...] you can delete [000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR. You can then proceed to delete, move, or archive the files in each [SYSx] directory.

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