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Displays the current settings for a printer.


SHOW PRINTER device-name[:]



Specifies the name of the printer for which settings are to be displayed.


The SHOW PRINTER command displays the settings that are currently defined for the specified printer. Settings include the following:
Printer type
Page width
Page length
Line termination type
Form feed
Character translation

Printer settings are established by the SET PRINTER command. You must have OPER (operator) privilege to use the SET PRINTER command.




Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW PRINTER command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


Returns the USB printer ID string as a text string and displays it on your screen. This information appears at the end of the typical SHOW PRINTER command display.


Returns the USB printer serial number as a text string and displays to the screen. The USB printer returns the serial number in Unicode format, and this is converted to ASCII text before being displayed.



 Printer LPA0:, device type LP11, is online, allocated, spooled
 Error count                  0  Operations completed              880
 Owner process  "SYMBIONT_0001"  Owner UIC                       [0,0]
 Owner process ID      21C0008D  Dev Prot  S:RWLP,O:RWLP,G:RWLP,W:RWLP
 Reference count              2  Default buffer size               132
 Page width                 132  Page Length                        66
 No Carriage_return     Formfeed        Lowercase
 No Passall             No Wrap         Printall
 No Fallback            No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels              No Bitmapped            No Polled
 Intermediate device: STAR$DUA1:
 Associated queue: LN01$PRINT

The SHOW PRINTER command in this example displays the settings for the printer LPA0.


 Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
     MFG:            HEWLETT-PACKARD;
     MDL:            DESKJET 895C;
     CMD:            MLC,PCL,PML;
     CLASS:          PRINTER;
     DESCRIPTION:    Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 895C;
     SERN:           MX88P2V0VWGO;
     VSTATUS:                $HB0$FC0,ff,DN,IDLE,CUT;

The SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command in this example displays the ID string for the printer LPA0.


 Printer LRA0:, device type LP11, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            No Polled
 %SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command displays this information.

If the attempt to read the ID string should fail (for an unknown reason other than device disconnection), the reference to the ID string appears as:

%SHOW-W-NOIDSTRING, ID String could not be retrieved

 Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
 Serial Number:      MX88P2V0VWGO

The SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command in this example displays the serial number for the printer LPA0.

If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command replaces the reference to the serial number with the following message:

%SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

If the ID string is not supported by the USB printer in question, the reference to the ID string will appear as:

%SHOW-W-NOSERIALNUM, Serial number could not be retrieved

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