Internal credentials cache error with gssapi-with-mic
You have tried to use the gssapi-with-mic authentication
method with a forwardable TGT and the GssapiDelegateCredentials client
parameter is set to yes (the default). Authentication fails.
The following message is displayed:
MYHOST> ssh -o"allowedauthentications gssapi-with-mic" -
_MYHOST> -o"GssapiDelegateCredentials yes" smith@sysb
GSSAPI error from server: Miscellaneous failure
Internal credentials cache error
warning: Authentication failed. |
This type of failure causes the following warning in the SSH server
log file:
Mon 12 06:43:13 WARNING: Miscellaneous failure
Internal credentials cache error |
This message is only displayed to the SSH client user if the GssapiSendError server
configuration parameter is set to no.
To correct the problem while using forwardable tickets, set the GssapiDelegateCredentials client
configuration parameter for this session by entering the command as follows:
# ssh -o"allowedauthentications gssapi-with-mic" -
_$ -o"GssapiDelegateCredentials no" smith@sysb |
To continue without change the configuration options and without using
forwardable tickets, enter the kinit again, without the -f option.
This command requesets a nonforwardable ticket.