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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS > Chapter 1 Installation and Release Notes

Postinstallation Tasks

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After the installation is complete, perform the steps in one of the following sections, depending on the installation method you used.

After Automatic Installation of HP SSL During OpenVMS Installation or Upgrade

  1. If you previously installed HP SSL, the existing file SSL$STARTUP.COM has been renamed SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD. If you made changes to that file, manually incorporate your changes from SSL$STARTUP.COM_OLD into the new SSL$STARTUP.COM that was installed with Version 1.3.

  2. Define the foreign commands that use the OpenSSL utility OPENSSL.EXE, such as openssl, ca, enc, req, and X509, by entering the following command:


  3. Optionally, start the Certificate Tool by entering the following command:


    This menu-driven tool allows you to create and view certificates and certificate requests and to sign certificate requests. For information about the Certificate Tool, see Chapter 3.

NOTE: Beginning in OpenVMS Version 8.3, HP SSL for OpenVMS is automatically started when OpenVMS is started. The HP SSL startup file SSL$STARTUP.COM has been added to the OpenVMS command procedure VMS$LPBEGIN-050_STARTUP.COM. Startup of HP SSL Version 1.3 is required because other OpenVMS components, such as iCAP and Encrypt, are dependent on HP SSL.

After Download and Installation of HP SSL from Web Site

  1. Add the following line to the system startup file, SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, to set up the HP SSL symbols, logical names, and shareable images:


  2. At the DCL command prompt, execute the command that you entered into the system startup file so that you can use HP SSL immediately. If you installed HP SSL to a common system disk in a cluster, execute this command on each node in the cluster.


  3. Define the foreign commands that use the OpenSSL utility OPENSSL.EXE, such as openssl, ca, enc, req, and X509, by entering the following command:


  4. Optionally, start the Certificate Tool by entering the following command: