Figure 1-1 depicts the interrelationship between the various
components of Kerberos.
When a client logs in to the realm, an authentication request
is sent to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC). A Ticket-Granting
Ticket (TGT) is returned as the result of authentication. When
the client application starts, the TGT is used to request an application
ticket. The application ticket is then sent to the application
server, which verifies the application ticket with the KDC. Normal
communication can then begin.
The Kerberos registry can be manipulated in several ways.
It is initially created via the KRB$CONFIGURE command
procedure. Other tools used to access the Kerberos information
kadmin - Used
for reading or updating the Kerberos registry.
kinit - Creates
credentials for a user.
klist - Displays
the existing credentials for a user.
kdestroy - Deletes
a user’s credentials.
kpasswd - Changes
a user’s Kerberos password.
kdb5_util - Dumps
or loads the Kerberos database for save and restore operations.
Each Kerberos realm will have at least one Kerberos server.
This server, the Key Distribution Center, contains the Authentication
Service, the Ticket-Granting Service, and the master database for
Kerberos. These services are implemented as a single daemon: the
Service |
The authentication service handles user authentication, or
the process of verifying that principals are correctly identified.
It consists of the security server (or servers) in the KDC (or
KDCs), and security clients.
A security client communicates with a security server to request
information and operations. The security server accesses the registry
database to perform queries and updates and to validate user logins.
Service |
Once authenticated, a principal will be granted a TGT and
a ticket session key, which gives the principal the right to use
the ticket. This combination of the ticket and its associated key
is known as your credentials.
A principal’s credentials are stored in a credentials
cache, which is often just a file in the principal’s local directory
The Kerberos Database |
The Kerberos database contains all of the realm’s
Kerberos principals, their passwords, and other administrative information
about each principal.
Each KDC contains its own copy of the Kerberos database.
The master KDC contains the primary copy of the database, which
it propagates at regular intervals to the slave KDCs. All database
changes are made on the master KDC. Slave KDCs provide ticket-granting
services only, with no database administration. This allows clients
to continue to obtain tickets when the master KDC is unavailable.
Kerberos Utility
Programs |
OpenVMS provides three different versions of each of the Kerberos
user interface programs: the original UNIX® style, a DCL version, and
an X Windows version. The DCL interface for the user utilities
(kinit, klist, kdestroy, kpasswd) is invoked
by the DCL command:
The DCL interface for the administrative utility (kadmin)
is invoked by the DCL command:
Either DCL interface can be modified with an /INTERFACE qualifier
to invoke the X Windows version. For example, the command line for
the administrative program is as follows:
DCL help is available within each of the DCL interfaces.
The kadmin program allows for the
maintenance of Kerberos principals, policies, and service key tables (keytabs).
The kinit program explicitly obtains
Kerberos tickets. Similarly, if a user’s Kerberos ticket
expires, kinit is used to obtain a new
The klist program displays the existing
tickets for a principal and various details about those tickets, including
expiration time.
The kdestroy program removes all
of the tickets for a principal. Because Kerberos tickets can be
stolen and because someone who steals a ticket can masquerade as
another principal, Kerberos tickets should be destroyed when you
are away from your computer.
The kpasswd program changes a Kerberos
principal’s password. Passwords should be changed periodically.
The kdb5_util program creates, destroys,
dumps, and loads the Kerberos database. It also allows the creation
of a key stash file, which allows a KDC to authenticate itself to
the database utilities. Unlike the Kerberos utility programs (with
the exception of kadmin), access to kdb5_util is
generally limited to Kerberos administrators.
The kprop program propagates the
master KDC database to slave KDC servers.
The ktutil command invokes a menu from which an administrator
can read, write, or edit entries in a Kerberos V5 keytab or
V4 srvtab file.