HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 includes support for an Advanced Developer’s
Kit containing a Kerberos ACME agent. The Kerberos ACME agent is
an addition to the existing Kerberos authentication provided by
the Kerberos utilities. The Kerberos ACME provides functionality
similar to the pam_krb5 utility on UNIX systems
using Kerberos.
To use Kerberos with previous versions of OpenVMS, you needed
to log in twice: once to log in to OpenVMS itself, and once to
obtain Kerberos credentials. These steps worked with separate principal,
or user, names, and with separate passwords.
With the Kerberos ACME agent, you can obtain your Kerberos
credentials as part of the OpenVMS login process. The user authentication
is processed against the Kerberos KDC database instead of against
the OpenVMS User Authorization File (UAF).
After you install and configure Kerberos Version 3.0, perform
the following steps to configure and start the Kerberos ACME agent.
ACME Login from a privileged account. In OpenVMS Version
8.3, ACME Login is provided in an Advanced Developer's Kit. See
the file SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT for information about installation
and set up.
Install the Kerberos
persona extension by entering the following commands:
Reboot the system.
This is required one time only, after you have installed the Kerberos
persona extension.
To start the Kerberos ACME
agent automatically, edit the file SYS$MANAGER:ACME$START.COM to
uncomment the following line:
Edit the file
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to include the following command after
all dependent software is started:
Create an OpenVMS
account with the EXTAUTH flag set.
Create a Kerberos
principal name that exactly matches (including case)
the OpenVMS account name created in step 6. Passwords do not need
to match. For the Kerberos configuration, you can use either DCL
or UNIX-style commands to create the principal.
first example below shows the DCL commands. The second example shows
the UNIX-style commands. Both styles of commands are entered on
an OpenVMS system.
DCL: $ KERBEROS/ADMIN KerberosAdmin> login “SYSTEM/admin” Enter password: Authenticating as principal SYSTEM/admin with password. KerberosAdmin> list principal K/M@NODE1.HP.COM SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/changepw@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/node1@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/history@NODE1.HP.COM krbtgt/NODE1.HP.COM@NODE1.HP.COM KerberosAdmin> create principal “ACMEUSER” Authenticating as principal SYSTEM/admin with password. WARNING: no policy specified for ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM; defaulting to no policy Enter password for principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM”: Re-enter password for principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM”: Principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM” created. KerberosAdmin> list principal Authenticating as principal SYSTEM/admin with password. K/M@NODE1.HP.COM SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/changepw@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/node1@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/history@NODE1.HP.COM krbtgt/NODE1.HP.COM@NODE1.HP.COM UNIX: $ kinit “SYSTEM/admin” Password for SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM: $ kadmin Authenticating as principal SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM with password. Enter password: KADMIN: listprincs K/M@NODE1.HP.COM SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/changepw@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/node1@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/history@NODE1.HP.COM krbtgt/NODE1.HP.COM@NODE1.HP.COM KADMIN: addprinc “ACMEUSER” WARNING: no policy specified for ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM; defaulting to no policy Enter password for principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM”: Re-enter password for principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM”: Principal “ACMEUSER@NODE1.HP.COM” created. KADMIN: listprincs K/M@NODE1.HP.COM SYSTEM/admin@NODE1.HP.COM USER1@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/admin@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/changepw@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/node1@NODE1.HP.COM kadmin/history@NODE1.HP.COM krbtgt/NODE1.HP.COM@NODE1.HP.COM
SET HOST or Telnet
to the system on which you installed the ACME Agent
and the Kerberos persona extension in steps 1 and 2. Enter one
of the following commands:
Enter the username
and password. You must enclose the username in quotes
so that the case of the username is preserved. For example:
Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version 8.3 Username: “ACMEUSER” Password: **** Logon Message from ACME_KRB_DOI ACME Agent ***
The logon message indicates that you successfully obtained
your Kerberos credentials as part of the OpenVMS login process.