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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 3: Kerberos > Chapter 5 GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface)

gss_release_buffer — Free storage associated with a buffer

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C Prototype

OM_uint32 gss_release_buffer(
OM_uint32 * minor_status,
gss_buffer_t buffer );


minor_status (output) 

An implementation-specific status code.

buffer (input/output) 

The storage associated with the buffer will be deleted. The gss_buffer_desc object will not be freed, but its length field will be zeroed.


This routine frees storage associated with a buffer. The storage must have been allocated by a GSSAPI routine. In addition to freeing the associated storage, the routine will zero the length field in the descriptor to which the buffer argument refers. Any buffer object returned by a GSSAPI routine may be passed to gss_release_buffer (even if there is no storage associated with the buffer).

Return Values

This routine returns the following GSS status code:


Successful completion.